Thursday, March 01, 2012

Jessica Chastain Is Actually 52 Or Betty White

Apparently Jessica Chastain is actually 30, like Catherine Zeta Jones is not entitled to AARP discounts at Denny's. Celebitchy did some research and discovered that Jessica will not discuss her age but that they found an article from a San Francisco newspaper back in 1998 when she was just starting out and doing theatre that she was 21 then. Hmm, carry the one, yep that would make her at least 35 now if she was not already trying to make herself younger then. You know she probably hates being "30" and if she is really 35, the next thing you know she is going to be competing against Meryl Streep for roles and Joan Rivers and Betty White are going to have her over for pot brownies and botox.

The photo above is from her yearbook photo supplied by Mandisa from Idol (they went to school together) where she was a senior in 1995. I guess she could have skipped 7 grades.


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