Apparently there are people with way too much time on their hands and are dissecting The Hunger Games and specifically the weight of Jennifer Lawrence and how she is too heavy to play Katniss. I have read the books several times and I don't recall Katniss ever going to bed hungry after she started hunting. If you have enough food to sell and to give away and have a goat for your own milk and cheese I think you are probably going to be fairly well nourished. Plus, they also fattened the players up after the reaping so when I read reviews that say Jennifer has too much baby fat to play Katniss or even worse that Jennifer is too big boned to even play a leading actress (Hollywood Elsewhere) that really ticks me off. Look, I will go to my grave hating the fact that Tom Cruise and his 5'4" inch height is going to play the 6'5" Jack Reacher, but I'm not sure what people wanted. Did they want Jennifer to lose 20 pounds or something? I think she is the perfect size and I think anything should be done which allows an actress to not always have to be a size zero. In full disclosure, I have to admit that although I am hesitant to ever say anything bad about Jennifer because she has always been good to me and to the site it does not change the point I am trying to make about what I consider to be some really bad arguments reviewers are making.
If there was ever any question as to who his Hunger Games source was...
ReplyDelete"I am hesitant to ever say anything bad about Jennifer because she has always been good to me and to the site"
This is such bullshit!
ReplyDeleteThis chick is very pretty & certainly not too big to be a leading lady, whatever the fuck that even means. No wonder so many girls & women have eating disorders.
ReplyDeleteI think any negative comments about the movie based upon the actors chosen have to be ignored at this point since the overwhelming response was surprise and shock that Rue was played by a black girl. When I read the books I always pictured her being black. It says so IN THE DAMN BOOK! Ok, not black per se but, it says she has "Dark skin". Not "Tan". Not "olive". "DARK". Sorry people, but when describing someone who comes from somewhere in the south east region of the US, that means black.
ReplyDeleteThe number of people who were shocked and outraged and even expressed racist and derogatory remarks because Rue was played by a young black girl is ridiculous and simply proves how short-sighted is the target audience for this series.
Don't get me wrong though. I really like the books. IMO though the movie was Meh at best and I won't be at all surprised if the numbers for it drop significantly this weekend.
This all being said the only person I thought was cast wrong was Haymitch. Shouldn't have been Woody. Doesn't fit. Everyone else was fine, if not excellent choices.
@Cathy I think you're right there. Especially reading some of the interviews out there now with friends of hers about how she is in person. She seems very open and not at all coy about her life. Of course that is assuming the stories are true but since none of them are scandalous in the least I'm willing to believe them.
ReplyDeleteI was HORRIFIED when I read this (In the Daily Mail- lol) Whoever these critics are that decided she is too big, need to be publicly humiliated and kicked out of the industry. It's exactly those criticisms that cause these young actresses to think maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to try a little coke.
ReplyDeleteThis is ridiculous! I can understand the comments that she was too pale for the role (Katniss is supposed to have olive skin), but too big. I always pictured Katniss as big and strong. But more importantly, she was AWESOME! She did a great job.
ReplyDeletePeeta on the other hand- I pictured him much more wirey than the guy who played him.
I agree with the above poster that Haymitch was poorly cast. I don't know if it was Woody or the directing, but they made Haymitch too likeable. Not pathetic and damaged as the Haymitch in the book.
Rue was EXACTLY as I pictured her. EXACTLY. Any anyone who is upset that that she was black is not only ignorant, but cannot read too well either.
But I have to say, I definitely enjoyed the movie!!!
It is a movie based on a book. People are looking way to far into this.
ReplyDeleteIt is a movie based on a book. People are looking way to far into this.
ReplyDeleteThis is so wrong. Okay yeah - in the book she WAS skinny because of all the difficulty in getting food.
ReplyDeleteBut Jennifer Lawrence is a great actress and a fine size (could even be a 4!!) and people need to back the f'ck off. >:(
She is also a great role model for younger women.
People are stupid. Just the fact that people were upset that Cinna and Rue were black show you need to Ingore some people.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen the movie yet, but reviewers calling her fat is total BS. I still remember her red Calvin Klein dress from last year's Academy Awards. She looked absolutely stunning
ReplyDeleteDoes Enty think Armageddon is coming?
ReplyDeleteWhy do people think Jennifer Lawrence is "too big" to play Katniss? Or "too big" in general? The way actresses look today is ABNORMAL and we have just gotten used to that "twiggy" look on screen and think seeing malnourished actresses and models should be the norm. If you look at how actresses used to look in the late 80s to mid 90s, that was a much healthier look than now.
ReplyDeleteIt is so refreshing to see a healthy looking actress for a change. We women need to start telling Hollywood where to get off when they try to tell us that women are only attractive when they are starving themselves. That is not attactive.
As I stated in a comment for the Beckham post, Jennifer Lawrence is very thin. I'm sure she's a size 2 at the most. Of course a size 2 looks bigger than it really is when she's being compared to size 0 and 00. She is just really, really fit. She looks like she actually does eating healthy and work out as opposed to the norm in Hollywood which is cigarettes, coffee, and maybe a little cocaine when that doesn't get you in a size 00. Sadly, she'll probably freak about these criticisms and by this time next year, she'll be a walking lollipop like every other young actress.
ReplyDeleteI find some of the comments about the cast of Hunger Games unbelievable, people see what they want too see. Now I finally understand why our kids test so badly, if you don't agree with what you read just block it out...
ReplyDeleteSad really sad, living in a big city I find people more open minded, and I'm staying put I can't imagine living with such bigoted and racist people.
this is so nuts! jennifer lawrence is so slim i can't even imagine anyone saying this. she didn't strike me as "big" at all even for hollywood. in fact during one scene (i think when shes wearing her girl on fire jumpsuit and it showed off her tiny waist) i turned to my sister and said wow she's so slim. katniss would have to be tough and strong, having her played by some malnourished scrawny actress would not fly!
ReplyDeleteI thought it was great that she was relatively normal sized compared to a lot of actresses.
ReplyDeleteFor people who thought she had a little too much meat on her bones, who cares? She made a fantastic Katniss.
Ugh. It's comments like these that tick me off. Jennifer is the PERFECT size. She works as Katniss. I love the fact she has curves and some muscles.
ReplyDeletealso the controversy about rue is disgusting. i always pictured rue and thresh as black. but even if they werent described as darkskinned in the book (which they are!!), who the F CARES if theyre played by black/asian/purple/whatever actors! both the actors did a great job in the roles, especially rue.
ReplyDeleteOh, I meant to add this to my comment above, I read the books, too, and Rue and Thresh and Cinna are clearly described as black. I was puzzled by the general surprise and outrage by this, too. If people read the books and didn't pick up on that it makes me wonder how much of the books they were able to comprehend. Those books have some pretty complicated and thoughtful themes.
ReplyDeletehunter said...
ReplyDeleteShe is also a great role model for younger women.
There's the problem. She's a great role model because she's healthy and not a coke addicted mess of a waif.
She is gorgeous and I read all the books and don't see what the fuss is. I can't wait to see the movie.
ReplyDeleteBlack white purple blah blah blah. Too skinny, too fat blah blah blah. Some people need to look in the mirror and address their own insecurities in order to stop this madness.
ReplyDeleteGuess what?! We're HUMAN. Among many other commonalities, we are all human.
And as if these idiots didn't have anything else to criticize about this movie ...kind of a reach
What's funny is the Director and Producers did this wonderful adapation and their interpretation of the Hunger Games so people could be entertained and see their movie come to life. I read all 3 books and thought they did a decent job with the limited time. Who are we to be cutting down and bashing this movie. I'd like the haters to do a better job directing and producing their version of the film. Once you've filmed your own HG movie the way you wanted it to be...then we'll critique you and you can bash other peoples creativity all you want, and we'll still respect your opinion.
ReplyDeleteUntil then...sit your @ss down. you're lucky someone even did an adaption and brought a great book to life. Jennifer Lawrence did a fantastic job. Great casting.
It's sad that this isn't considered skinny anymore.
ReplyDeleteIt's not just this movie, I remember her giving interviews when she was in X-Men First Class and she was saying they told her she was too big and she needed to lose 20lbs - what?? I am so tired of hearing people say Jennifer Lawrence is fat, she's what? A size 4, if that! Girl is healthy, gorgeous, and sexy as hell!
ReplyDelete@Lurky Loo- Agreed. I'm so sick of all these grossly, abnormally skinny actresses. In the picture posted, Jennifer looks VERY thin, but not too, too skinny, but close. She has definitely lost several inches since Winters Bone. If through training, she naturally lost the weight, then great, but I prefer the way she looked with a little more baby fat on her face. To the critiques: even a very skinny 16 yr old, might still have a full face due to that youthful facial padding older women sometimes have to pay for.
ReplyDeleteThis just makes me so angry!
ReplyDeleteThanks Vicki - yup that was my point.
ReplyDeleteI do like the idea of purple people though...
So let me get this straight: Suzanne Collins included several non-white characters in her book, the movie adaptation faithfully follows her lead and put those characters onscreen, and some dumb f*** who failed 2nd grade reading comprehension is mad because in their infinite stupidity, they can't possibly picture a true representation of a multi-cultural world?
ReplyDeleteWhere is Darwinism when we need it?
Not to mention that Katniss is an ATHLETE! Katniss would have muscle on one's body from WORKING to get food for her family. She shoots, she carries game through the woods, she climbs trees! She isn't a WAIF.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention she and Hutcherson are actually FROM Kentucky, and parts of Kentucky would definitely be in District 12. Lawrence is awesome. Anyone who disagrees can suck it.
If I saw JL's non famous twin out somewhere, I'd certainly want to talk to her. If I saw the non famous twin of most Hollywood actresses, I'd wonder what was wrong with them medically. She's real pretty in a natural way, and hopefully doesn't feel pressured to lose any more weight. By all accounts she seems real cool too - and why shouldn't she, she isn't all "Hollywood" yet. Hopefully in 10 years we'll be able to still say the same about her, and not be reading coke or whoring blinds about her here, or have her giving us diet and bowel advice from her pretentious website.
ReplyDeleteThe ONLY reason I think she is "too big" is that Katniss is supposed to be from a place where food is rationed and scarce. Yes, she hunts, but she is still HUNGRY. Hungry people do NOT look as well fed as she does. They give her plenty of food to strengthen her for the games, but she should have been pretty skinny at the beginning of the movie.
ReplyDeleteMany actors have gained/lost weight for roles. It would have been nice to see Jennifer look more realistic at the beginning (I have only seen stills, will not see this movie, I read the books).
I think that is the point people who say she is "too big" are trying to make. I see no problem with it.
I've been reading the comments about that online, and read the original articles blasting her about her weight, I think she is gorgeous, fit & absolutely should not be criticized for being healthy. I loved her as Katniss & believe she played the role very well.
ReplyDeleteThis is so out of bounds! Jennifer Lawrence is gorgeous -- I would kill to have a body like hers! Plus, given the role, if they had some waiflike Olsen twin wannabe playing the part, she'd be dead in two seconds. Katniss has to be strong to do what she does!
ReplyDeleteIt's because of things like this that we have so many girls with eating disorders. People who bitch about a girl not being a size 00 need to be slapped around. And if you want to bitch about someone's body type, why don't we discuss how Josh Hutcherson only comes up to boob-level on Jennifer?
Also, I am having to contain my rage at those booties. Ugly, ugly, ugly. Cute dress, though.
JL is an amazing actress who brought a beautiful protrayal of Katniss to the screen! She was superb in Winter's Bone as well and I see great things coming from her in the future, unlike so many young actresses out there right now who do not have the talent nor the motivation to excel.
ReplyDeleteKatniss could never have been some little waif. There is no way she would have scored an 11, arrow to the pig or not, if she was a little anorexic looking pixie.
oh great. another actress who will lose 20 pounds because everyone says she should, trade her beautiful, ripe, and youthful looks to become Skeletor, and then be criticized for being bone thin. what in thee hell is wrong with people?
ReplyDeleteI remember Suzanne Collins saying of Jennifer that she couldn't imagine anyone else in the role after seeing her audition (you know...the thing they do before casting to see if you can act). When people were bitching that she was too blonde, the people involved with the film had to remind America that there is this thing called hair dye.
ReplyDeleteCollins also loved Josh Hutcherson and thought he WAS Peeta. She went on to say that if he had had purple skin and wings, she would have asked Gary Ross to work around it.
I appreciate that these two especially were choosen for talent - not necessarily physical appearance. There are going to be 2-3 more of these movies. I don't want to have to watch bad but skinny/tall actors playing these roles.
And seriously, Jennifer Lawrence is smokin' hot. If I could look like her, I would do it in a second!
Jennifer Lawrence is not fat in the slightest. She has a very athletic figure, and if you actually look at photos of her, you can see she has very little body fat. She's very muscular with an hourglass figure, with a rounder face. Because she's young. And younger girls aren't supposed to have hollowed out cheeks and look like they're in their 30's.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I thought Jennifer was the perfect Katniss. Firstly, Katniss spends her days being very active. You can't spend your life hiking in the woods and hauling game home without building any muscle, you know? Secondly, Jennifer is a phenomenal actress and she did an amazing job capturing Katniss' complexity. I think very few actresses could have done as good of a job, to be honest.
I saw Jennifer Lawrence in person on Jimmy Fallon last week and posing for photos before appearing on Letterman. I'm a size 4, and there's no way she'd fit my clothes. She's beautiful, and I envy her curves. I think she's one of the most talented young actresses on the big screen and can't wait to see her in The Silver Linings Playbook. Give her the right roles and she'll be a big star. She's young, and will WIN an Academy Award in the future!
ReplyDeleteJennifer Lawrence is a knockout and is perfection from head to toe. The critics are fucking stupid.
ReplyDeleteI saw the movie yesterday. I had not read the books. I thought Jennifer was perfect as Katniss. Hamitch played by Woody was a damaged person, the drinking, not caring. It was well done, and Jennifer is not an iota too big or too small.
ReplyDeleteYes! I am commenting for the first time just to say THANK YOU for voicing what I've thought since I first heard of Cruise for Reacher. REALLY? Did anyone attached to that project even read a book? I'll be skipping it - prefer my own mental image.
ReplyDelete(Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!)
@ uberbaldy - You took the word right out of my mouth. I loved the books and the movie was good but I am so hurt at the overt racism. As a black woman, I cant tell you how hurt I am really am. Rue was awesome.
ReplyDeleteLike Layna Day said above: Where is Darwinism when we need it?
As for Jennifer Lawrence as Tali above said, Katnis was athletic. NO size 0 actress would have pulled that off.
I thought Haymitch was perfectly cast. Woody Harrelson couldn't have been a better choice. When I found out he was cast, I was so happy. I wasn't quite sure about Josh and Jennifer at first, but I thought they did a fantabulous job.
ReplyDeleteJennifer has a rockin body. Gorgeous. Not one ounce of fat on the girl.
As for Rue...when i read the books, I thought of a little black girl, so I'm confused as to why everyone is surprised. In True Blood, Tara is a white girl in all the books, but portrayed as a black woman in the TV series. It's the director's/producers creativity and how they want to portray the series. readers just need to get over it.
I am so angry with all the racist posts on twitter and what not. And also pissed that the idiotic reviewers are going to make a gorgeous and thin/fit girl think she needs to lose weight to maintain the awesome momentum her career has going for it. People are stupid and cruel. She was fabulous and I can't imagine anyone else doing nearly as good of a job.
ReplyDeleteFunny how no one picks on Liam Hemsworth for being so beefy, or says he looks too well-fed to be from District 12.
ReplyDeleteLoved the book and the movie, I felt it was just right! Jennifer is an awesome actress and real, unlike these other bobbleheads on the ciggie and coke diet. Hollywood needs to change the Standards!
ReplyDeleteJennifer has a perfect body for a woman IMO. She is just fierce as all hell. Loved her Katniss. She's an amazing young woman.
ReplyDelete@ Samantha - FANTASTIC POINT!!!!
ReplyDelete@Samantha That's a great point. Once THG comes out on DVD I'd like to take another look at the reaping scene and see how many people come close to Liam's body type. My guess, no one.
ReplyDeleteGetting back to JL though. Take a look at her photo shoot video for Rolling Stone. Egotastic has it on their site. OMGSOHOTWANTOTOUCHTHEHEINY!
and as a guy I really appreciate that sheer top. There's something about her face I font like that much but that video shows how skinny she is and, again I'm a guy don't get too hateful at me haha, how perfect her breasts look. I'm going to be dreaming of her tonight guaranteed now.
Jennifer's perfect, some people are never happy and just like to run their mouths.
ReplyDeleteTom Cruise as Jack Reacher makes me want to never read a Reacher book again. Ri-dic-u-o-lus.
These are probably the same idiots who believe anorexic Angelina makes a realistic action star. Hollywood is messed up.
ReplyDeleteSince I've never failed to scream my displeasure at the casting of Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher before, I might as well say it again.
ReplyDeleteA moral and physically small, small, man playing a 6'6" 240-50 pound hero of a man is just the worst casting in the history of movies.
I hate to say it but the blame lies with Lee Child the author himself. I went to his website to complain, or ask why, and he is thrilled with the casting. His
thought is that you get the biggest star you can get. Well, he failed miserably. And I doubt the pun was intended.
Lee Child is also a part time actor, maybe he can't afford to piss off Tommy girl.
For those of us who love Jack this is a travesty.
I think the perfect actor to play Jack Reacher is John Corbett. He IS 6'5" and 50 years old, oh yeah and ruggedly handsome!
ReplyDeleteI know there have been plenty of comments here, but I just wanted to add my two cents worth.
ReplyDeleteI find it funny that all of this "news" is being generated by paying attention to the tweets of the book's target audience of pre-teens and teenagers. Is everyone just now realizing that demographic is highly critical, un-realistic and catty? Seriously?
Jennifer is perfect for her role, as are all of the other stars. In fact, I would consider Jennifer a little on the skinny side. If you look at women who are professional athletes (as a real-life Katniss most certainly would be), you would see women in a range of sizes. Most of them would be thicker and more muscular than Jennifer, because they need the power of a well-fueled and conditioned body to accomplish their goals.
I just think these Mean Girls and their opinions are getting entirely too much press.
Jennifer is beautiful. Case closed.
ReplyDeleteWell, if Katniss is supposed to be very lean and muscular, then Jennifer Lawrence doesn't fit that mold. She's perfectly normal for Hollywood, doesn't seem emaciated, although we would probably find her very thin if we met her IRL.
ReplyDeleteBut there is precedent for an actor losing lots of weight to play a starving part: Tom Hanks in that castaway movie (what was the name?). He lost lots and lots of weight to play the "after" role following a hiatus in shooting.
The problem with her being really thin, sinuous, and muscular, is that we wouldn't be able to tell her playing the role apart from a bunch of young actresses who look like that all the time. Unhealthily thin? Remember what Nicole Richie looked like a few years back? And there are others.
i know this is long+rambling and sorry. im a longtime reader since the timmy/shimmy days and used to be a regular b4 work took me away. i wanted to throw my 2 pence into the fray and share some stunning conclusions here if i may?
ReplyDeleteforget the weight issues, racism, and critics or faux scandals.
the real S-H-O-C-K-E-R room rocker here is that enty has just *admitted* that jennifer lawrence is:
1. his friend
2. his source (for the HG on-set blind and likely others) and
3. that jennifer omfg lawrence has helped this site (which must mean she also *READS THIS CDAN SITE*). so odds are she may also post comments! uuhhh-wowzz!
sorry lemme compose meself. if you read this jennifer please know that although i'm a proud young black woman and totally hetero i think u r amazingly beuatiful and sexy. add 2 that your acting genius and u are gonna have a crazy hot career girl! sorry for interrupting but to all u other CDAN readers & commenters (esp. all the newer ones calling us names and mocking us?) if someone like jennifer is involved on this site - and possibly commentating - it makes me feel a lot more vindicated for believing that SOME OTHER UNNAMED BIG SHOT ACTORS (even those A-list superhero types) may actually indeed be the ones lurking-reading-posting here!
i find it funny that uber-hipsters dominating other foums and blogs and comments on other sites all call us dumb, gullible, and "housewives" (gasp! slur!) for beleiving a big A-list star may comment or read this site or any gossip site. why is that so impossible when even tina fey has admitted that? i imagine they also tweet, post 2 fb, and youtube too. its apparent they all know how to take sex photos and send those 2 non? so why not comment or defend a friend or expose dirt on a celeb site? like j.lawrence seems to be doing last week.
using an anon name makes more sense than outright admission so they still have plausable deniability thru a spokesmen. i think enty knows who these celebs are and allows them 2 post their revealations. if not why wouldnt he delete it?
no matter what, i luv it + luv the celebs and peeps brave enough 2 rat out the creepies. so thank u jennifer for wallowing in the dirt with us little people <3 and vindicating those of us who choose to believe that some a-listers = normal people just like us...but with way better hair! :-->
Jennifer Lawrence is my new girl crush.. I will be following her career and seeing her in the House at the End of the Street
ReplyDeleteI covet her figure. She's so womanly, I wish I had curves like her. I think she's perfect as Katniss.
ReplyDeleteit's just an excuse to call a gorgeous woman fat. It's fucking ridiculous and sickening. I am so sick of fat shaming!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading this site for a long time and I just felt compelled to comment for the first time.
ReplyDeletePeople who call Jennifer Lawrence too heavy should be ashamed of themselves. I'm shocked daily by how most HW women look. It's simply not healthy to be that skinny. Jennifer, granted, looks slim, but to me she looks healthy slim. She is a beautiful women. I'm sick and tired of how women are scrutinised over their weight.
I can't believe reviewers are actually saying this!? I am not totally surprised if its commenters. Let's be real...the majority of people that comment on the Internet (not here, persay) are morons (I.e. people complaining that Rue & Cinna were black).
ReplyDeleteJennifer Lawrence can actually act, so maybe they could have found a "thinner" (really???) actress, but then her emaciated frame couldn't have held up a bow or Kicked ass in the games, amiright?
Jennifer is the rights size for ANYTHING, especially me!
ReplyDeleteI for one was ecstatic to see a more normal-sized woman in a leading role.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes - Rue looks exactly how I pictured her.
Snakeoiler, the name of that Tom Hanks castaway movie was ... Cast Away.
ReplyDeleteLast comment got koed. The comments regarding weight (not here but online) have been disgusting.
ReplyDeleteNot surprised JL has given Enty good tidbits in the past. Do I need to say anymore than X-Men?