Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jennifer Lawrence Is The Right Size For Katniss

Apparently there are people with way too much time on their hands and are dissecting The Hunger Games and specifically the weight of Jennifer Lawrence and how she is too heavy to play Katniss. I have read the books several times and I don't recall Katniss ever going to bed hungry after she started hunting. If you have enough food to sell and to give away and have a goat for your own milk and cheese I think you are probably going to be fairly well nourished. Plus, they also fattened the players up after the reaping so when I read reviews that say Jennifer has too much baby fat to play Katniss or even worse that Jennifer is too big boned to even play a leading actress (Hollywood Elsewhere) that really ticks me off. Look, I will go to my grave hating the fact that Tom Cruise and his 5'4" inch height is going to play the 6'5" Jack Reacher, but I'm not sure what people wanted. Did they want Jennifer to lose 20 pounds or something? I think she is the perfect size and I think anything should be done which allows an actress to not always have to be a size zero. In full disclosure, I have to admit that although I am hesitant to ever say anything bad about Jennifer because she has always been good to me and to the site it does not change the point I am trying to make about what I consider to be some really bad arguments reviewers are making.


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