Friday, March 23, 2012

If A Car Travels At 80 Miles Per Hour, Than How Far Does It Go In One Hour?

So, how long do you think this guy slept on the couch for posting this video?


  1. Why is she making this so hard. Jesus. The answer is in the question!!!!

  2. A co-worker sen this to me yesterday. Funny! I love how she's thinking about the tire pressure, she's way over-thinking it!

  3. I don't want to live on this planet anymore :(

  4. She's super dumb but he's a total dick.

  5. Is she drunk????

  6. Let's hope she doesn't plan to home-school her children.

  7. Wow. I don't think he's necessarily mean-spirited, just showing an example of what he deals with every day.

  8. Wow, that was painful.

  9. "Just cut that in half!" - funny.

  10. She is so dumb, and he is a dick... but I can't fathom being with anyone that stupid. I sorta can't blame him.

  11. If my SO did something this stupid, I'd share it with the world, too. It is kind of a dick move, but who would believe him without proof?

  12. I saw this last week. Yea obvi she's a genious. @Robert ITA

  13. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I think he's a giant asshole, really. He's the one that married this woman, and then he posts a four and a half minute video on the internet publicly embarassing and ridiculing her? Really, really not cool. Isn't "protecting" part of marriage vows?

  14. While she is stupid, how smart can her husband be for taping this AND uploading it on YouTube? My vote is that he is even stupider. We'll be seeing them in divorce court before the year is out...

  15. That was painful to watch. I had to turn it off after 2:45 because she wasn't getting any of the concepts. I thought the boyfriend was going to come off as a jerk but it seemed more good natured playfulness. If he really does have a problem with her smarts he shouldn't be with her. Lord knows I couldn't be.

  16. I'd love to know what is written on the windows! I made out an HE.. Help or Hell perhaps?!?

    In her defense, if the last thing on my mind is how far you travel at 80mph, I might think it was a trick question and over analyze the heck out of it - probably not, but this is just sad - the kind of video you share w/your circle of friends - after you clued her in - but not to the whole world!

  17. Is he driving?

    Agreed with Hunter.

  18. Anonymous12:49 PM

    He was driving, while taking the video.

  19. Still not as stupid as the chick on Survivor Wednesday who worried about catching appendicitis.

  20. I have got to say .. haven't seen the video yet .. but when I read the headline .. I totally froze and was like .. Oh my god! What is the answer???!!!!!???!!!!!!! But that is because I am terrified of numbers .. the faint hint of Math just causes me to freeze up like those folks in "Awakenings."

    When I calmed down .. about 5 seconds later .. I did realize that a car doing 80 MPH will go 80 miles in a hour. But numbers are just like a "deer in the headlights" situation for me. [Seriously .. like a tight chest, my neck tenses, I would bet money my eyes get really wide and my nostrils flare. Terror!]

    But .. sounds like this is not the case with this gal .. so .. off to see how bad it gets.

  21. Ah! I think I see the problem .. all that running jostled her little brain. ; )

  22. Hi @Danielle I saw it too
    on Dlisted days ago. Great cute couple

  23. she is so incredibly dense. i hope they dont have kids.

  24. No person should ridicule their mate in public, and to post it on YouTube is just mean.

    I try to catch Leno if I know he is going to have a Jay Walking segment. Although I admit it is painful to watch. Many say they are college grads or of all things teachers and they can't answer the simplest question.

    The dumbing down of America is apparently very close to complete.

  25. @Wil: me too! Words simply cannot express how much I loathe math. Thank God for least that way I know my grades are usually correct :) (I double-check all the figures as I put them in and sometimes I still make mistakes, though *headdesk*)

  26. I think a lot of women are operating under the erroneous assumption that being stupid and vapid is sexy. So they don't effing use their brains, ever. Too much Kardashians/Home Shopping Network/Jersey Shore. GAWD. Very disturbing. And yes, he is a dick too... ;)

  27. What snakeoiler said. What a prick!

  28. I'm not sure I understand the point of the guy? He knew she was going to get it wrong, or he wouldn't have asked her on tape....but who looks worse? The moron, or the guy who married the obvious moron just for her looks?

  29. How does documenting her stupidity make him a dick? She obviously had no problem with her filming her.



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