Hugh Grants says he and the mother of his child jointly came up with a name (Tabitha)for their baby and that Hugh says that he has seen his daughter and likes her very much. He says that having a baby has not changed him but that he thinks he is a better man. Umm, so yeah, it changed him. He also said that he will not be giving his child any money or establishing a trust fund for his daughter because it will just ruin her life if she has money. He told The Guardian, "My other worry is about - and as I say, there are few things in life I believe in 100 per cent - but another one is not giving your children money. I see nothing but f***-ups among my trust-fund friends. It's like 99 per cent f***-ups. So I would not want to do that to my children, no."
He's right about the money, but I can't tell if he's doing that because he really believes that, or because he's a prick.
ReplyDeleteHe is one of those guys that just floats through life and never looks back at the things he has left behind, he just seems so bemused by it all.
ReplyDelete@Cathy: Exactly what I am wondering. I do agree, to a point, but yeah.... is his motivation pure??
ReplyDeleteI'm not a big supporter of trust fund children either. Of course, I guess that's easy to say since I don't have one. Ha ha.
ReplyDeleteI doubt his motivation is pure. He has seen his daughter and likes her very much?
ReplyDeleteWhat an assclown. He just doesn't want to part ways with a big chunk of cash. I hope that he does contribute to her life, though.
Pay for things, Hugh. Don't be a total dick.
and then there are the fathers that do nothing at all, and you look at their grave wondering if they even loved you.
ReplyDeleteI like the Warren Buffet way give the kids a first class education through college including living expenses so they don't have to get a job and can just focus on the school.
ReplyDeleteThen after graduation you are on your own to make something of yourself. You don't see any of the Buffet kids living useless lives like a Paris Hilton or dead like Casey Johnson.
I'm with Timebob. I sincerely hope (and imagine) that Grant will pay all of Tabitha's expenses, including "public" school and university, etc., but expect her to work eventually and be a contributing member of society. His family is pretty wealthy, and his parents did the same with their kids. Trust fund kids are almost always complete wastes of space. Just look at those York daughters!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm with timebob too - good call.
ReplyDelete@BrendaLove Well we love you so that is 1 person x 1000+. But I know how you feel. {hug}
ReplyDeleteMy father feels the same way as Hugh. He swears he's leaving nothing to my brother or myself.
ReplyDeleteSign on with timebob.
ReplyDeletetimebo for the win! Exactly what I was thinking as I read Enty's post.
ReplyDeleteWho has a newborn and says "I like them very much"? That is just so odd and detached. Like it's someone he just met to work on a movie with.
ReplyDeleteAgree with the school and I will assume he is paying maintenance for her needs, so long as she is healthy, if she isn't he better cough up a trust fund.
ReplyDeleteI agree with @ timebob, it's the best way to go.
ReplyDeleteI totally see what Hugh Grant is talking about.
ReplyDeleteI think one of the reasons each new generation seems more and more whiny and useless at times is because some parents have this mentality that their kids shouldnt suffer through the things they did. While this can be seen as chock full of good intentions, what people forget is they are successful in life BECAUSE of those character building experiences.
While I also see Timbob's point about providing a free education to the kid, I would hesitate to say they should get that without working some job. I mean, working and juggling school teaches you so many things: multi tasking and budgeting and really appreciating the times you have to study and learn.
Plus, gradutating in your early 20s and having NO job experience whatsoever, I dont care what type of degree you have, you're ill equipped to handle life.
Now if Grant is doing this to simply horde his money and not provide anything for his child, that's a whole other story...
ReplyDeleteI know he's a Brit....but thats cold even for an aloof Brit.
ReplyDeleteHe is supporting her I'm guessing, I mean why else have a famous person's child when you're not in a relationship except for the money....
And we'll see what happens in the future
If he makes certain that the child is well taken care of, I see no problem with his stance on trust fund babies. I knew one...ONE...that broke the stereotype, but for the most part, he's dead on.
ReplyDeleteHugh Grant cracks jokes pretty much every time he opens his mouth, so I'm guessing his comment about "liking" his daughter was him being ironic.
ReplyDeleteIn all fairness, that was not the whole quote.....
ReplyDelete"Lots of people warned me … [that] the baby period is not that exciting. But I am excited, actually. I thought, well, I’ll bluff through — but very little bluffing has been required,” the actor, 51, tells The Guardian of Tabitha, his baby girl with Tinglan Hong.
“I like my daughter very much. Fantastic. Has she changed my life? I’m not sure. Not yet. Not massively, no. But I’m absolutely thrilled to have had her, I really am. And I feel a better person.”
Although the two are not together, Grant remains protective of Hong. “She is a good person, a nice person; funny, clever, great mother,” he says. “And she’s been very badly treated by the media.”....
Another vote for Timebob from me too.
ReplyDeletehaha thanks all, I see your point @Jasmine but when you getting a first class education that usually opens the doors for highly sought after intern jobs. You can totally work and go to school. But when you have the luxury of school paid for you have the option of exploring other careers, hobbies or volunteer work. There is also the ability to go to school abroad and seeing other cultures.
ReplyDeleteLook at Mia Farrows son Ronan Farrow he is a Rhodes Scholar and has done so much good in the world without a reality show or shoe line.
@Katja....gettin' all teary-eyed...thanks!
ReplyDelete"He likes his daughter very much."
ReplyDeleteHugh, I know we're British, but even by my standards that's overly polite. A little bit of enthusiasm for your baby girl would go a long way in getting you some PR points. Come on now, you're an actor, it can't be that hard right?
And as for not giving your daughter any money? Are you saying you won't spoil her financially or you won't support her financially? Big difference. If you want my advice Hugh, and I know you don't but I'll give it anyway, be a parent - teach your daughter some values and give her a sense of responsibility, that way you won't have to worry she'll fritter away your fortune. Well that's the theory anyway....
I think fuck-ups are more likely to come from crappy parenting than money. I think fuck-ups simply get more press.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he doesn't want to put a big chunk of cash in trust because Hong would somehow have access to it, or hustle it out of the kid when she turns 25 or something? So long as he's paying decent child support, tuition, med and life insurance, travel expenses, that's fine.
ReplyDeleteDoes he ever use the word "love"? He sounds like he's talking about a new hermit crab, not a human being he helped to create. A-hole.
ReplyDeleteWhen he talks about not giving her money, I doubt he's referring to basic necessities and school. He probably just means he won't give her some ridiculous allowance & buy her a $100k car.
ReplyDeleteWhat a twat. He is talking about his child like he's talking about a puppy. Bohomoth wrote a pretty good article on this too.