Friday, March 23, 2012

Hit And Run Victim Wants $100K From Lindsay

Mark Geragos is the lawyer for the guy who claims to have been hit by Lindsay Lohan. According to TMZ, Geragos also says there is video which shows Lindsay hitting the man, then trying to get out of the drivers seat and stumbling and bumbling over to the passenger seat while the passenger switches to the driver's seat. You would think there would be pictures of that considering how many paps were there and not just one lone video. The man wants $100K before next week or he will talk to the police. This is a shakedown. Do I think Lindsay hit the guy? Probably. Do I think she hurt him? No. Too many people saw it and if the guy had been injured that badly we would have known at the time.


  1. For once, FOR ONCE!, I am on Lindsay's side on this one.

    Not fair.

  2. Isn't this illegal?

  3. If it isn't illegal, it outta be. I think the man is scum! I don't think he had to go to a hospital? How about a GP?

  4. This does kind of seem like a shakedown, but I find it hard to believe that Mark Geragos would take this case if there was nothing there.

    There is video of Lindsay's car being stopped a short while later, where the "passenger" gets out of the driver's side. TMZ had the video of it pretty quickly.

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    That does seem a little pricey.

  6. Definitely on Lindsay's side. The guy is nothing but an extortionist.

  7. Well...if the courts aren't going to punish her for her bad behavior, her victims might as well.

  8. So true the courts don't hold her responsible so i am gussing the people have every right too

  9. If she hit him -- and I don't think that's in dispute -- she can either settle or have him file charges, which in themselves violate her probation. But she never actually has to pay for any of her actions so she's not going to give him any money.

    BTW, I find it disgusting that Lindsay's people told TMZ an insurance company contacted them saying they were investigating this guy for fraud -- but it's not his first name and it's not his last name. There is zero corroboration on that. I mean zero. TMZ just prints it verboten and conceivably just slimes the guy all over the place. The guy might well have another suit.

  10. I have to agree, I'm a little on Lindsay's side on this one. If you threaten to make something public unless you get paid off, that's extortion, or possibly blackmail. Both of which are illegal.

  11. Yup, Team Lindsay. NEVER thought I'd say that.

  12. This borders on extortion, doesn't it? While I think the guy is a shameless opportunist, it couldn't happen to a more deserving person. No sympathy for Lilo here. She's done the same and worse. Karma is a bastard!

  13. There was another girl there that claimed the guy didn't get hit. Also, TMZ first reported that the guy was fine, but once he found out it was Lindsay Lohan he was all about going to the hospital and making her pay (literally).

    Remember the scene in Friday when the crackhead is in the store and he falls down and is like, "MY NECK! MY BACK! MY NECK AND MY BACK!"? It's a little like this.

  14. I'm surprised more paps aren't run over on a daily basis. They climb over, under, front, back, or on top of vehicles trying to get their money shot.

    And I thought Mark Geragos stooped low with Scott Peterson? Ugh, he's right down there with Gloria Allred.

  15. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Okay, I have been reading this blog from literally the second week, and have never felt overwhelmingly compelled to comment until now . . .

    This is a TOTALLY normal thing for lawyers to do. It sounds like it was just a demand letter. "Dear so-and-so, you committed this tortious act upon me, for which I believe I have the following claims: x, y, z. In the interest of avoiding litigation, I'm willing to settle any and all claims for the amount of $x. If I do not hear from you by [14 days out], I will pursue any and all legal action."

    In fact, I wrote one of these letters yesterday. I don't think it's bad at all.

  16. I dont see where this guy supposedly would be in the wrong? She hit him with her car, pay now or mess up your probation some more, pay some more legal fees, stall your career even more cus of this criminal case.. I know what i would have chosen if i were in her shoes (thank the gods that i'm not), i would pay that man and be rid of that damn probation.

    This is where Lindsays hubris will become apparant. She will never admit that she did something wrong and that will be her downfall.

    "Be adequite"

  17. I hurt my foot earlier this week from tripping down a couple of stairs. Got right up and I was totally fine. The next day I couldn't stand on my foot and wound up in the ER. Couldn't tell you exactly how it happened, but I can't give you x-rays that show the injuries. The night before I stated I was completely fine.

    Not saying that's what is going on here, but this kind of thing happens all the ime. I find it hard to believe his lawyer would have agreed to take the case without medical evidence, but who knows.

  18. I know what he's doing is wrong, and I'd be angry if it were anyone else, but in this case, it doesn't bother me. Lindsay is a piece of shit who has basically gotten off with a hand slap for multiple egregious incidents while driving. Maybe if she's forced to part with some of her dear sweet cash, she'll finally feel some consequences.

  19. @whocaresnow12 is absolutely right. It is quite common to experience delayed symptoms from traumatic injuries. It has happened to me personally, and I can tell you from 16 years in healthcare, people report to medical attention every day for symptoms from accidents that occurred anywhere from 12 hours to weeks previously.

    And by the way, just because TMZ (TMZ!) said the guy appeared okay immediately after this happened, does that mean it's true? Did TMZ get a medical license I don't know about?

  20. Hell, I can show you a photo of me running a marathon and at mile 20 something popped in my foot. I stopped, had it tapped up and about an hour later crossed the finish line. 2 days later I was at my doctor's office.....I broke some tiny bone in my foot.

    Crap like this happens more often than not....l.also, dude has servalince video of LILO hitting him, driving a few feet, stopping, then changing seats. I'm telling you, if she didnt think she did anything wrong, or wasn't holding coke or pills, she would have stayed in the drivers seat.

    Something smells and it rhymes "schminsey schmohan"

    Oh, and I do think he guy I out to make a buck, but I'm pretty sure he's got something on her.

  21. I dont feel bad for her. This is just karma from when she ran over that guy in the past. If she hit me with her car and then drove the fuck off i would get a lawyer too!

  22. Why the hell does this girl still have a drivers license??!!

    Fercripesakes, no wonder she doesn't pull herself together. She never ends up having to truly deal with the consequences of her choices.

  23. This guy isn't a pap, he is a manager at the club she was at. I'm not bothered by the way that it looks a bit like extortion. I am constantly outraged that Lindsay gets away with drunk driving, kidnapping, drug possession, probation violation and so on. This was her second car accident in a week so if she gets in trouble for this whether it happened or not I'll be happy. Most likely, any pain he had wasn't immediate and that can be quite normal. It's also illegal to try and pin the crime on the passenger but I bet nothing will come of that.

    I am much more for concerned for all the murder victims out there since she keeps driving while drinking and/or drugs. This guy is the least what can happen. Just because she is a joke in the acting community now doesn't mean the legal community should treat her one.



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