Monday, March 26, 2012

Hailey Glassman & Kate Gosselin Are Twitter Buddies

Apparently Hailey Glassman and Kate Gosselin are willing to be friends or at least share recipes with each other despite the fact that Kate's marriage presumably broke up around the same time as Jon Gosselin started having sex with Hailey Glassman. Apparently Hailey liked some dish that she tried while spending the night with Jon at Kate's house and asked Kate for the recipe. Kate gave it to her. At first I thought maybe Kate did not realize who it is that was asking, but it is the daughter of her plastic surgeon. Could be an assistant of Kate. You know the crazy thing? Hailey Glassman somehow manages to have almost 20,000 followers on Twitter. For having sex with Jon Gosselin.


  1. I wAnT To MurDer tHis tYpe of ShIt wRitInG.

  2. It was probably Kate's bodyguard tweeting Hailey. I'm sure he knows that recipe quite well.

  3. I bet they're hoping to get a reality show togeher...

  4. Hmm, I only have 15 followers, but I'm pretty sure I'm at least 85% less obnoxious than the pair.

  5. Surprising since we all know Kate as being angry. Perhaps she's trying for a too little, too late image overhaul.

  6. a lot of people get those fake spam robot followers so they don't feel like they aren't speical.

  7. LOL @ tEmPeStUoUs gRaPe!

  8. WhAt TempTu@us said....

    Shouldn't Kate be watching her kids or cleaning the house instead of tweeting?

  9. this all makes sense. what doesn't is talking about kate gosselin.

  10. Well, if you hadn't reported this, she still would be in the dustbin of short-attention-span history.

  11. I don't understand why these two are relevant enough to be discussed, particularly on this site.

  12. Every time that girl's name comes up, all I can think of is that picture of her passed out and face-planted on a potted plant...

  13. Robin, that's a classic!
