Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Goose Wins


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Team Goose.

  2. Geese can be vicious. I remember some barnyard geese near a pond when I was a kid. They were intimidating. They do chase you. He should have just ran inside instead of trying to take it on--it had a friend waiting in the wings. *ahem*

  3. Goddamn goose. Those little fuckers are always hanging around the Fenway waiting for a little kid to fuck with.

    On second thought...Team D-bag Goose!

  4. That goose is kind of a jerk *L*.

  5. Geese always win, in my experience.

    @ von, nice pun dahling. ;)

  6. Two words for that bird, PA-TE'

  7. My campus is overrun with geese. They shut down doors if geese are nesting nearby and hand out Geese Awareness pamphlets. Pretty sure that guy did everything wrong.

  8. As much as I hate them, one day I saw a bunch of geese crossing the street.

    Single file.

    At the crosswalk.

    With the light.

    Cutest damn thing I've ever seen.

  9. That goose is a bully. The goose totally instigated the fight. It's like the stupid pigeons that hang out on my balcony. Birds can be so mean. Team Man.

  10. I don't think the man should have started beating the goose after it flew at him the first time. He should have just walked away.

  11. The guy was a total asshole. Team goose, all the way.

  12. When I was younger we had a pet goose...I named it the Terminator, lol. It was a mean bastard.

  13. Vicki: I saw you mention the Fenway--you wouldn't be in the greater Boston area, would you? We should try to get all the metro Boston CDANers together some time!

    And yes, geese are noisy, bullying SOBs who shit ALL over the damn place--a friend of mine lived in an apartment complex once that had so many of them around that he nearly broke his leg slipping on goose shit while trying to get across the lawn...

  14. Geese are assholes.

  15. I love geese just because they're fearless pricks. They used to pick fights with my 75 pound boxer.

  16. There are a bunch of geese in my neighborhood. You don't realize how big they are until you piss one off. (I was trying to photograph some babies and Papa took offense, lol.)

  17. When I was younger and playing at a park, I had one chase me up on top of my mom's car. I was scared to death. They are MEAN.

    I think swatting at the goose didn't help. Why didn't he just walk away? Especially since the geese had a band of other goose thugs waiting in the wings.

  18. Goose, nothing - swans are 10 times worse! We had a pair that would hang out on the pond at the barn where I had my horse, and they would walk into the barn and take on us, the horses and our 100+ pound barn dog...

  19. Geese suck but turkeys are worse!

    I'm in Boston too!

  20. The goose is loose!



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