Monday, March 12, 2012

Glee's Heather Morris Is Latest To Have Cell Phone Hacked - Naked Photos Released To Internet

Perhaps celebrities may want to take this time to go to their phones right now and move any naked photos off their phones. If not, you could end up like this week's celebrity cell phone hacking victim, Heather Morris from Glee. In her set she has photos from her Britney Spears episode on Glee to more risque photos like her baring all and bent over for the cameras. Unlike the victims last week, Heather does not really have a lot of room for deniability because her face can clearly be seen in many of the shots which also feature her naked or doing other things that one does not really associate with the family friendly nature of Glee. To see the entire 21 photo collection, you can click here (NSFW).


  1. BFD. These photos aren't meant for the public. Except Olivia Munn. Totally convinced that bitch will do anything to get noticed.

  2. That sucks. She seems like a nice girl, and I really don't think she's one of the ones who pretended to be hacked for the publicity. :(

  3. When will girls learn not to take any photos you don't want seen publicly? Even if you're not a celebrity, you don't know who your boyfriend is showing it to-- now or when they become your ex

  4. You know it wasn't done for publicity....she is doing duck face with no makeup on. Clearly it was for Facebook.

  5. I don't get it at all.

  6. at this point, I don't believe that anyone's phones are hacked and photos released. phone hacking is just the new sex tape. ie a strategic way to boost one's media profile.

    was it a coincidence that Christina Hendricks' phone was 'hacked' a few weeks before madmen was to begin again? the timing seems a bit too perfect.

  7. She should be more embarrased for making a duckface than being naked. Who convinced girls that duckface was sexy?

  8. Does she have a big tattoo on her lower back/butt? Did anyone else notice that?

  9. these women really, really love their bodies.

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Good Lord, these self-taken pictures are driving me crazy. And the ducklips don't help. And someone said she has a lower back tattoo? No words..........

  11. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I'm with Seachica. If you don't take the pictures, they can't be you or anyone else.

    And the duck lips need to stop. Duck lips are not natural and not attractive. STOP!

  12. Am I the only person on the face of the earth who has never taken naked pictures of myself and/or sent filthy texts to people? I've never even considered doing those things. What the hell is wrong with these trashy people? And I agree with everyone else who is calling bullshit on the "poor me, I've been hacked" stories. These vain, shallow, self-obsessed (and yet still somehow insecure) half-wits are having them leaked for the attention. And even if they aren't leaking them, I still don't feel too sorry for them. We live in a digital age! You don't put crap like that on ANY device if you don't want to take the chance on it being put out there for all of creation to see it.

  13. All these chicks and their "stolen" cell phone pics should just cut it out and go pose for Playboy, at least you can get a nice paycheck as opposed to just showing your stuff for free.

  14. @Annabella- I agree. Aren't the Glee current cast getting pushed on, to be replaced with younger fodder soon? Leaked nudies have become route one to rebranding yourself for casting agents.

    @MontanaMarriott - maybe they should. But there's more press in being coy, isn't it? lol. All fake, either way.

    We should all acknowledge the one good thing about these pics - she has a healthy body! Poor thing will prob soon become an emaciated mess once her Glee stint ends :(

  15. You can see all the pics here

  16. I'm confused. If they want to have sexy pics of themselves all over the internet, then just pose for a sexy mag or something. Why do these actresses act all innocent, like "OMG...I was hacked and all 25 of my 1/2 naked pics are now all over the internet." Who takes 25 sexy pics with a cell phone? Just use a regular camera if getting hacked is a problem...or call Hugh Heffner.

  17. AFter studying those photos very intently, I have to say that they look like some really crappy Photoshop work.

    The labia in that one pic look like they cut & pastes in by someone on day one of PhotoShop class at some community college.

  18. She was probably taking these to show off her new tits for someone.

  19. Has anyone EVER looked sexy or cool talking a cell phone photo of themselves?

  20. Has anyone EVER looked sexy or cool talking a cell phone photo of themselves?

  21. How can cell phone photos be "hacked"? I can see if you lose your phone, but did Heather lose her phone?

  22. I don't know who this is, but, all-in-all, these are pretty pedestrian photos. Yeah, not something I would want my daughter to do, but not exactly Pam-and-Tommy Lee stuff.

  23. God help me for thinking this, that just a shadow, or does the carpet not match the drapes?

    And yes, seconding the idea that people should just stop taking naughty pictures w/their cell phones--there's nothing wrong w/a little friendly exhibitionism, but don't do it on a device that can be hacked! (I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were taken for a boyfriend, and Christina Hendricks' snaps looked as if they might have been taken for her husband, but you'd think that by now everyone would have moved their pictures onto their iPad or something, wouldn't you?

  24. These look like they were all for that LDR she was in until a few monhs ago - maybe someone was a little bitter?
