Four For Friday
As always on Friday, I like to take the time to point out that I have a Twitter which you can click on over there --------------> somewhere and follow me. I have blind items and reveals on there that I don't have on the site. Oh, and every Saturday morning I dig out a blind item from the archives and reveal it. I think you will enjoy the one I will reveal tomorrow.
Today, I thought I would go for a traditional Four For Friday since it has been a few weeks since I have done one.
#1 - When this Academy Award winning actor who rarely does television was single everyone used to love to go to his house to party. It turns out that our actor always feared getting recognized going for rub and tugs so hired two full-time women who lived in his guest house and were always on call. They were there for about two years and he even gave them health insurance.
#2 - This B- list television actress is on a new network hit, but a couple of years ago she almost died because of her eating disorder. At one point she was down to 75 pounds and bed ridden.
#3 - Two brothers from a celebrity family. Huge name recognition. Back in the day they were a-holes. Heck, even now to some degree they are. Anyway, the two brothers used to enjoy getting into fights whenever they had the chance. Their favorite target? Gay men. Kind of surprising when you think about what they preach now.
#4 - Which Mad Men actress buys and returns thousands of dollars worth of merchandise each week just so she gets attention from the staffs at stores. She loves when they swarm all over her.