Friday, March 30, 2012

Four For Friday

As always on Friday, I like to take the time to point out that I have a Twitter which you can click on over there --------------> somewhere and follow me. I have blind items and reveals on there that I don't have on the site. Oh, and every Saturday morning I dig out a blind item from the archives and reveal it. I think you will enjoy the one I will reveal tomorrow.

Today, I thought I would go for a traditional Four For Friday since it has been a few weeks since I have done one.

#1 - When this Academy Award winning actor who rarely does television was single everyone used to love to go to his house to party. It turns out that our actor always feared getting recognized going for rub and tugs so hired two full-time women who lived in his guest house and were always on call. They were there for about two years and he even gave them health insurance.

#2 - This B- list television actress is on a new network hit, but a couple of years ago she almost died because of her eating disorder. At one point she was down to 75 pounds and bed ridden.

#3 - Two brothers from a celebrity family. Huge name recognition. Back in the day they were a-holes. Heck, even now to some degree they are. Anyway, the two brothers used to enjoy getting into fights whenever they had the chance. Their favorite target? Gay men. Kind of surprising when you think about what they preach now.

#4 - Which Mad Men actress buys and returns thousands of dollars worth of merchandise each week just so she gets attention from the staffs at stores. She loves when they swarm all over her.


  1. 3) Baldwins
    4) January Jones

  2. #3 The Wahlbergs
    #4 January Jones

  3. #3 The Wilson Brothers (Owen and Luke)

    #4 January Jones

    I can;t think of the name of the actress I am thinking of! Dammit. It is on the tip of my fingers!

  4. 1. I'm inclined to guess Warren Beatty, but he doesn't have an acting Oscar.

    2. I want to say Eliza Coupe, but she's been steadily working.

    3. The Wahlbergs

    4. January Jones... but I can imagine Christina Hendricks pulling this. There is nothing mean involved; it's just a love of attention.

  5. #1 - No idea.
    # 2 - My first thought was SMG because she disappeared for a few years but "a couple years ago" she would have been pregnant. Leslie Bibb from GCB?
    #3 - The Owen brothers.
    #4 Christina Hendricks.

  6. #2 That's horrible.

    #3 I thought of the Wahlbergs, but what is it they're preaching?

    #4 Does JJ have time to go shopping with a new baby? I dunno... Christina?

  7. Emily van camp for the eating disorder? Used to be in brothers and sisters and is now on revenge?

  8. 1. They really weren't fucking Matt Damon.

    2. ???

    3. Two of the Baldwins

    4. Elisabeth Moss (Just because I don't think January Jones is capable of enjoying anything)

  9. @8daysaweek, Leslie Bibb is an interesing guess. Her work was somewhat sporadic for the past few years.

  10. For #2 I'm thinking Kat Denning. She usta be a little slip of a girl, and now clearly appears to have completely given up on trying to fit into the Hollywood mold. And she's on a hit sitcom and I'd call her B-, at least for the time being.

  11. 1 -- Jack Nicholson

  12. #2- Whitney from the show Whitney? (shes so skinny)

    #4- Not Hendricks, she's lovely. for realz.

  13. #1-Kevin Costner
    #3-Baldwin brothers
    #4-January Jones

  14. 2) Kristen Chenowith. Collapsed after the Emmys

  15. 2) Katharine McPhee? She's admitted to having ED struggles, but perhaps it was far worse than she let on?

    And I have no clue for the others. Too many possibilities...

  16. I like Elizabeth Moss for #4. Can't see the other two doing that.

  17. @Paz, hi. You're right, she's crazy thin. Does B- apply? (Glad to hear Christina is a good one.)

  18. #2 - Zooey Deschenule or whatever her name is? The "new" stuck out for me.

  19. #3 gives us a huge hint, "when you think about what they preach now". So, what brothers are talking about tolerance? I'm assuming that they're not very young or it wouldn't say "back in the day".

  20. Em, isn't Stephen Baldwin "born again"?

  21. For #3 - Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez?

  22. Forgot to add...

    Kristen Chenowith collapsed?! When?!!!!

  23. Kristen Chenowith collapsed in 1999 after she won her Emmy.
    She blamed a migraine
    She was so scary thin.

  24. I don't think that #2 could be anyone from GCB, as the ratings for that show have been far from stellar, so it wouldn't be considered a hit. My first thought was Rachel Bilson, but I don't think enty counts the cw as an official network.

    Also not sure that #3 could be any of the Baldwin brothers. Aren't they all still known to be a-holes, not just "to some degree?"

  25. #2 - could it be Coke Mom?

    #4 - Has to be January. But I could see Elizabeth Moss as well. Zou Bizou Bizou.

  26. #2 Ginnefer Goodwin or the other Jennifer on once upon a time?

  27. #1 ?
    #2 Calista Flockhart
    #3 Bridges Brothers
    #4 January JOnes

  28. Is Samaire Armstrong working? That is who I was thinking of. She dropped out of a show a few years back... The one with Peter Krause. Dirty Family Money, or something like that.

  29. Hey @EmEyeKay nice to see a normal blind huh?

    I think Whitney is B- for the combination of her appearances on Chelsea Lately & new hit sitcom. I think the shows hilarious, but I spend the whole time staring how skinny she is.

    As for Hendricks, when she's not on the red carpet - she makes an effort to blend in and not get recognized. You would walk right past her on the streets of nyc.

  30. Kristen Chenoweth is a GREAT guess for #2

  31. @Vicki - I didn't know that, I hope that's working for him.

    Wasn't Alec recently accused of gaybashing? I think he called a barista a name. So, I can't go with the Baldwins.

    @Paz, yup, just what I need today. I won't feel slimy afterwards :) I tried Whitney but gave up, not a fan - but like you, always found myself staring at how thin she is.

  32. I see Elizabeth Moss as #4 more than the other ones. She is recently divorced, who wouldn't want the extra attention?

  33. #2 Zooey Deschanel - she has food allergies, does gluten free, and still chooses to go vegetarian. I cant imagine having your food choices cut down so drastically by having to avoid things you are allergic to and then doing gluten free and vegetarianism on top of it, unless you are pretty much terrified to eat.

  34. @Princess - I forgot about that. I remember reading an interview with her where she talked about how she used to be a vegan but had to give that up because the diet was "too limiting." Totally my guess as well.

  35. #1 - ?

    #2 - I don't think it can be Zooey, she's worked steadily for the past couple of years and before that as well. And when she wasn't starring in things, she was on tour with her band - something a bit strenuous if you have an eating disorder. She's never been down to 75 pounds. Plus, she does movies too.

    I think it may be Katharine McPhee, whose work has been sporadic until Smash and has discussed eating disorders in the past.

    #3 - isn't it kind of weird that they don't mentioned these brothers are actors? Just celebrity family. What about Brody Jenner and his brother who used to have a reality show? Huge name recognition: the Kardashian family? But I don't read any preachy-type stuff about gay marriage/tolerance coming from them. Stephen Baldwin's been on tv lately not supporting gay marriage from what I can tell...

    #4 - January Jones

  36. just looked up a pic of zooey from 6 years ago.
    Could be her...check this pic:

    If it is her, she really got her body back on track - good for her!

  37. These are hard today, other than 4. For # 3 all I've got is not the Baldwins, Bridges, or Wahlbergs. I feel like the Wahlbergs are more likely to don disguises and do this kind of thing still.

  38. I'm not buying the Zooey Deschanel for #2. She has worked far too consistently over the past years for this to be her and she pretty much looks the same always in every film. I would not even call her scary skinny.

    This has to be someone who is scary skinny or has looked scary skinny (Kristen Chenowith)

    Or someone who literally dropped off the map for a while (I'm looking at you Debra Messing)

  39. I watched Zooey in "Big Trouble" recently. She was so cute in that movie - kind of skinny. But not unhealthy skinny. Normal skinny. I don't think she ever had weight issues.

  40. #2. Beth Behrs from Two Broke Girls
    #4 January Jones.

    Would love to know #1! Hilarious!

  41. Paz, I remember her stint on Weeds, but I didn't think she was too thin. Was she great on that or what? The perfect psycho GF. Lucky Andy... ;)

  42. Whitney had worked pretty steadily last few years, and has always been about the same skinny via her pics online. Feeling the kristin chenowith guess...more research for me!

  43. 1 - Ben Affleck
    2 - Ben and Casey Affleck
    Now if only they worked for 2 and 4...

  44. i feel like #2 could be any actress these days!
    #4 can't be January Jones...she gets so much attention already, as does Christina. I'm going to say Elisabeth Moss.

  45. @EmEyeKay

    check this picture:

  46. @Mark - awhile back, somebody awesome on CDAN said (commenting on a blind) "there's gotta be some Affleck in there somewhere!" I LAUGHED and said I would write that down, but I didn't, now I've forgotten who said it!

  47. celebrity brothers:


  49. I was thinking the Zooey could be correct for #2 as well but it only says "television" I would tihnk if it was Zooey it would say "Television and Film" actress because she has been in plenty of films.

    I like the Kristin Chenoweth guess. I don't think she has done any film work. She has the same issues though as the Zooey. I would think if it was Kristin then the blind would mention "Television and Broadway."

  50. I like the Leslie Bibb guess for #2. I remember watching her on Popular and thinking it was so obvious she had an eating disorder.

  51. I don't understand what #1 even means. What does going to massage parlors and having parties have anything to do with having FT ladies on staff as a cover??

    HUH? Someone translate, please.

  52. If Zooey Deschanel (luv her!) does gluten-free because of allergies (gluten intolerance or celiac disease?) then she probably would have had a time when her body lost weight of its own accord. People I know who have celiac disease certainly lost lots of weight before they were finally diagnosed and then had to stick to gluten-free, which cuts out a lot of the crap food and additives that most people ingest that put weight on them.

  53. Oh wait...I just got it. Ew.

  54. 1. Affleck makes sense.
    2. Coke Mom. Although Kristin Chenowith is a great guess.
    3. The Wahlbergs - hasn't Mark gone super religious? And there was the story of Donnie helping someone out on set...
    4. January Jones

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I don't think #2 is Leslie Bibb; she's done enough movies to not be described as a B- TV actress, and she's also 5'9''-5'10''. At 75 lbs, she'd probably not be bed ridden, but dead.

  57. true food allergies are very rare, much much more rare than you would imagine, given that everyone and their mom has a self diagnosed "allergy". Some people may honestly think that they have one because they may have had an experience where an unrelated response to an environmental factor or onset of illness occurred in close proximity to a time that they ate a particular food. There are definitely people that have food allergies, but they are few and far between. I believe that the number is somewhere around 2 percent for adults, more like 5 for children.

    The fact that many women with ED issues use the excuse of food allergies, intolerances, or a vegan/vegetarian diet as ways of masking their illness from others is pretty well documented, as well. And some people who suffer from ED may look to be at an average weight, in some instances may also appear to be quite overweight. Bulimics are a good example of this.

  58. I like the Kristin C guess too.

    I don't understand how a hand job is *that* appealing as to have people on the payroll for it.

    Also, too bad for those of us who don't "twitter". :(

  59. @Uberbaldy... Chenoweth has been in a few films. You Again, Four Christmases, Stranger than Fiction, Running with Scissors...

  60. @uberbaldy I was actually thinking that too...however if Enty had said "television and Broadway" it wouldnt be a blind item. There really are no other television and Broadway B actors/actresses out there (Leah Michelle, Emmy Rossum).....the pickings are slim

    GCB isnt a hit but it's going to get renewed.

  61. 3. Wahlbergs Mark was arrested for beating up a guy, blinding him. Scum

  62. #1 - Jgeorge Clooney!!!!!!
    (Jack Nicholson / nick cage)?
    #2 - McPhee / Emily van Camp?
    #3 - sheen/estevez
    #4 - abby spencer?

  63. CLOOOOOOONEY!!!!!!!

  64. I can't get behind the Cheno guess.

    1. She's barely 4'11", so 75 pounds wouldn't be the same for her as it would for someone, say, 5'8". She'd look thin, but not skeletal-thin. What IS the healthy weight for something that height, anyway...90-95 pounds?

    2. ED CAN occur at any age, but it's kind of rare that a woman in her 40s just up and develops one.

    3. GCB isn't a hit. I'm a huge fan of Kristin's, but even I haven't found the time to watch it yet, and it doesn't sound from the ratings that many people are.

    4. KC's been consistently working in the last few years, and I don't recall her being out of the public eye long enough to be bedridden.

    I'm sticking with the Kat McPhee guess.

    And I also think #4 is Elisabeth Moss.

  65. @Laura, you don't have to be on Twitter to read what Enty is saying. Just google "entylawyer" and "twitter" and you can follow along.

  66. Kristen Johnston is 6' ... 75 lbs on her is not possible. Granted she has dropped a LOT of weight since her 3rd Rock days.

  67. Kristen, ha ha. Right.

    Paz, the pic - yes, she does look pretty thin. To argue though, wasn't "a couple of years ago" when she married dude from Death Cab? She was a happy camper.

    Argh, I have to go. Have fun!

  68. I think #2 might be Julie Bowen from Modern Family....she's super skinny!! But not sure what she was doing before MF hit it big.

  69. Why are people saying the Bridges for the asshole brothers? I've never heard a bad thing about Jeff.

    I never knew that about Mark Wahlberg, SCUM.

  70. It is the Wahlbergs...remember, Jonathan Knight is gay...

  71. @lori Never heard, at the least have never seen since maybe I heard of them and forgot, any of those so that explains it. lol

    Also I think AKM has a good point. KC is pretty short. However I know a girl who is about 5'3 and shes' about 105. She's skinny but not super skinny so I'm wondering if even at 4'11 if 75 would still be pretty bad. I did have 1 friend who was that height but she was always a bit heavier and she had emotional issues and her weight would vary, A LOT. Even in her slimmest though I don't think she was less then 100 and she was pretty skinny. She was also at least an E cup and her weight losses never affected her bust so . . .You know what I'm a guy and have no idea so I'm just going to enjoy the hole I've dug for myself and end my comment here.

  72. #1 - Jeremy Renner
    #2 - Whitney Cummings
    #3 - The Sklar Brothers (Jason and Randy)
    #4 - Talia Balsam

  73. #3 - How could I forget? I don't think this is even blind, because haven't the Wahlbergs talked about this in interviews? Back when they were kids in Boston, right? Mark even did time for assaulting black kids and a Vietnamese man! So, yeah...them.

  74. @msgirl - I think only one person mentioned the Bridges, and that was only to come up with the names of pairs of celeb brothers. I've also always heard that Beau and Jeff are just about the nicest, most down-to-earth guys in Hollywood. Well, Jeff is eccentric as all get out, from what I've also heard, and aren't there rumours that he likes his booze? But other than that, I've heard he's very kind to fans and enjoys doing a lot of charity work under the radar.

  75. Kristen Chenowith has been in a bunch of movies.

    I'm 5'3" and weighed about 85 pounds when I was in my 20s. I was thin, for sure, but no one said I looked like I had an eating disorder. I have a small frame and very little hip definition. I guess it depends on body type.

  76. Laura, you don't have to google anything. Just go to and read his page. It's not like facebook, you don't have to join anything. It's like a website, there for all the world to see.

  77. I think #1 is definitely Kevin Costner. He's known for loving rub & tugs, plus he's an Oscar winner (the blind says Oscar-winning actor - although he won it for directing, he is an actor - this could be Enty's way of fudging it a bit).

    I like the Wahlbergs for #3 - they grew up rough and tumble, and got into lots of scraps.

    #4 strikes me as January Jones - we always see her alone.

    Not touching #2.

  78. #2 - Whitney Cummings
    final answer

  79. #2 is not Zooey Deschanel. Two years ago she was on tour with She & Him. Saw them in Chicago and she looked fabulous. She's also been working pretty steadily for the last few years. Getting down to 75 lbs is not something that happens and you recover in a couple weeks. It would've been noticeable.

    I think this is someone shorter. 75 lbs is dangerously low for anyone especially if they're over 5' tall.

    I believe this could be Chenoweth. Though 95 lbs is not underweight, a 20 lb reduction is a LOT for someone that short. A few pounds makes a huge difference on a petite frame.

  80. #3 is Alec Baldwin and Steven Baldwin. Alec bashes gays but hates women and some (well Ted c.) accuse him of being in the closet and Steven is an evangelical Christian so surprising considering what they preach.

  81. could #2 be Nicole Ritchie on Fashion Star? she'd be a lock for 75 pounds and bed-ridden. Definitely has the name recognition but don't know if doing the tv show with Paris Hilton makes her a "television actress"

  82. Anonymous1:48 PM

    #1: Matt Damon?
    #2: Ashley Judd?
    #3: Mark and Donnie Wahlberg
    #4: Elisabeth Moss

  83. #2 My first guess was Christina Ricci. She is scary thin and has talked openly about eating disorders. Pan Am isn't much of a hit though, and she has done film in the past.

  84. Zooey is not even vegetarian anymore. I read her interview in last months Allure and she said it just wasn't for her. She eats veggies, fruits and lean meats mainly. Plus, she's worked steadily and always looked healthy.

    Can't be Emily Van Camp either. She was on Brothers and Sisters for years and always looked a healthy weight.


  86. Also as a guess for # 2, Jayma Mays from glee... Soooooo tiny. At 5'4, 75 lbs would definitely be bed-ridden.

  87. Cant be Julie Bowen. Modern Family is not a new hit show..its been on for 3 years.

    Chenoweth FTW

  88. #2 Claire Danes? Sarah Wayne Callies from the Walking Dead?

  89. 1: Kevin Costner makes sense. Hardly a bad BI. Not completely licit, but who cares. They at least have the where with all to take care of them.

    2: Bowen might work, but when I see new, I am thinking a show that started in the past year. MF is on its 3rd season. Mcfee works.

    I would say it can't be Zooey. I think her connection to music and film is stronger than TV. I don't know the rules, but is she on the B- list?

    3: The Sheen/Estevez is way off base. The BI says that both preach gay tolerance. The wording seems to say there are only two brothers not a gang like the Baldwins. Wahlbergs seem to make more sense.

    4: January Jones is the obvious jump, but her image is already in line with this type of action. Aren't BI's to reveal something surprising?

    Elizabeth Moss might work too, although I just assume she is a CoS automaton.

  90. 1. Matt Damon. Those looking to work Affleck into the blind can do so by presuming that Ben probably visited Matt often to get a rub and tug.

    2. Don't know, and I'm too lazy to look through all the new network hit rosters and make a list of all the actresses. But I will say that I am pretty sure it is not Kat McPhee. Two years ago she had released an album named Unbroken and was doing promo for it...even if we stretch the time a bit and say it was three years ago, that would have been when Kat was recording the album and released the first single for it. So she couldn't have been bed-ridden at the time. Also, she was bulimic and bulimics typically don't lose weight, they only maintain or slightly gain weight.

    3. Torn between the Wahlbergs and the Baldwins. Leaning toward the Baldwins, even though I don't think anyone ever stopped assuming they were huge assholes.

    4. Saying JJ feels so predictable but this does seem to fit her the most. I'll throw out Elisabeth Moss as a second guess. I don't think this is Christina Hendricks.

  91. @Nutty & @FS
    Those two options don't work, Laura is talking about the reveals.
    They are not visible for non-twitter users. I think you have to "follow" Entylawyer to be able to see them, not just the daily/public tweets.

  92. #2 Nicole Richie
    #3 Wahlbergs

  93. Anonymous3:32 PM

    1. Ben Affleck
    2. ?? Like the Kat Dennings guess.
    3. Wahlbergs
    4. Elisabeth Moss

  94. I think it just might be ole Nicole Ritchie for #2

  95. All tweets are public unless you lock your account. You can choose to make some tweets public and some private.

  96. My guess for #2 is Kristin Chenoweth or Christina Ricci because they are tiny. I am tiny, too, went thru terrible stress during a divorce, was 89 pounds and a size 10 in kids'. Most people taller than 5' probably couldn't get as low as 75 lbs. without dying! Has to be someone very petite if they are still alive!
    The others- probably Wahlbergs for the doucey brothers, and "rub & tug" makes me giggle.

  97. "Zooey is not even vegetarian anymore."

    Those Top Chef contestants must want to punch her in the face now after the hoops she mad them jump through!

  98. Completely off topic, but possibly of interest to those who have followed this site for a long time:

    Leelee Sobieski as a dominatrix -

  99. @emEyeKay here's the link you mentioned.

    No way it's Kristen Johnston, just finished reading her book seems her lowest weight would be about 125. Super low for 6'.

    Whitney had another good interview on Howard Stern. She has had a rough go of it over the last two years but she has been working non-stop. Her turn for bedrest may be forthcoming. I wish her well. She is a great talent. I love when she's on Howard.



  102. Julie Bowden has a heat condition and has had a pacemaker since her early teens. She a health nut and runs ... A lot. Don't see her having an eating disorder.

    I can seem to read ED as eating disorder my brain always reads it as Erectile Dysfunction ... Makes for some interesting reading...

  103. 1 - Kevin Costner. I think he would be enough of a gentleman to offer healthcare in this mad scheme. How do you get THAT job? Can you imagine how much fun HE had during the interview process?!? Reminds me of "suck my nipples" comment from awhile back.

    2 - Christina Ricci. Know its not that big of a show but even now she seems one meal away from bobble head topple syndrome. BTW - I think she's super cute and glad she's working again.

    3 - The Wally Wahlbergs!

    4 - Still the only person in the universe not watching Mad Men. *sads*

  104. So funny dia papaya! (Kevin Costner comment) Are the comments better than usual or am I in a super good mood?

  105. Everyone can see all of Enty's posts on twitter, his account is public. You do not have to join twitter, nor do you have to follow him. I have just checked on IE and Google Chrome, two browsers that I do not use to sign in to my twitter account.

    This is the full, exact link:!/entylawyer

  106. Nobody has guessed Nicole Richie? Is "Fashion Superstar" a "hit"?

  107. Ah, just now saw the other Nicole guesses. So many comments!

  108. #2 - portia de rossi

  109. i 100% think claire danes. she was totally out of the spotlight forever, and is the new star of homeland.
    check this pic from 2008

  110. I think it's Calista Flockhart is the guess for the super skinny one. She was dangerously thin during that show and there was a lot of press about it where she denied it.

  111. #2 is Elisha Cuthbert

  112. #2 I like Debra Messing on Smash (new hit show)
