Judging by the rings on their fingers, Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell got married and did not bother to tell the tabloids which they really do not like. They like to get told these things because otherwise they have to do actual reporting which means they have to make an actual effort and not have the "news" brought to them. Evan tweeted that a photo says a thousand words so some of the tabloids checked Los Angeles County and no marriage licenses were taken out in either name. Umm, really? That is all you checked? Vegas? How about San Francisco? Make an effort. I don' t really care whether the couple is married or not, I just can't believe how E!, basically admitted they are too lazy to really check. I have always seen Evan wanting some huge $1M wedding but that was when she was going to marry the 56 year old Marilyn Manson. OK, he is not and was not that old but when you are his age dating someone 14 or whatever she was, it seems worse.