Monday, March 12, 2012

Emmanuelle Beart Comes Out Against Plastic Surgery

Until this weekend Emmanuelle Beart had never confirmed she has had plastic surgery. She told Le Monde though that she has and that her face has been damaged beyond repair because there were some botched surgeries she has about ten years ago when she first went under the knife. I remember her in Mission Impossible and some other movies and she looked so normal and nice and beautiful but she says she was not satisfied so went under the knife and now cannot fix the damage that has been done and is telling women that going under the knife can cause permanent damage.


  1. Poor girl. She was so pretty. I can not imagine why she didn't feel "satisfied" Not to pick on her family, I don't know them. But as a mother, my biggest fear is that I will fail in making my daughters understand that no matter what, they are unique and lovely. I told the eldest and now tell the two little girls that the important part of beauty resides inside you. I hope they understand. It may help them when they get older.

  2. @BigMama - Kathleen Turner said her mother told her, "don't pat yourself on the back for something you didn't earn" in regards to her beauty.

    I tell that to my son. Having a son is much different than having a daughter but I hope he takes that to heart for himself and for the future women he dates.

  3. that is just so sad. she was so naturally beautiful and now looks like alot of actresses in h-wood.

  4. in fact she yet talked about her badly-plastic-surgeon mouth in the french magazine Premiere several years ago:she said she was insecure about her physic at this time (she was also Dior's face)and she disliked her "new" mouth but it was irreversible and since the doctor was forbidden to work

  5. She made a mess of a nice face...and never ever touch the lips....

  6. That's so sad. She was stunning. Good for her for being open and wanting to warn other women though.

  7. @Ms Cool - that is awesome!

  8. Anonymous8:22 AM

    That's so sad. She was beautiful in that quintessential french woman, effortless beauty.

    Annabella, I disagree with the word actresses but she does look like all the reality "stars" in Hollywood, especially the "Real Housewives."

  9. There's a great, and really sad, documentary called "Miss Representation" about the sick view of what is "beautiful" and "desirable" in Western societies right now and the horrible effect that it is having on both girls and boys. I can't imagine how scary and anger-inducing it would have been if I had kids.

  10. Well, one thing she CAN fix is her hair color. Get OVER the uni-color platinum, girls! The brown looked 1000x better.

  11. This piece is really sad. Beart was beautiful and natural, and would have aged well. See how surgery can eff you up! Just shows even the most independent minds can be worn down by the constant pressure to desperately look youthful. In the end, surgery folk look just that- butchered.

    @Ms Cool- fantastic quote (thanks Kathleen T!). A reminder to us all- just be grateful and make the most of what nature gave us :)

  12. I really wish the gov't would outlaw cosmetic surgery. It should only be done in correction like a cleft palet etc...

    These "Dr.s" are mongers and are just selling a dream so they can pay for their lavish lifestyle. They don't care about the people.

  13. The funny thing is that she's had several surgeries over the years.
    She had her lips fixed at least twice. That was the second operation that went wrong.
    And at least ten years ago, she also got a boob job.

  14. @timebob - not all plastic surgeons are mongers. I went to one for a cyst on my jaw (talk about lovely) and while I was there asked her about a tummy tuck. Trust me, I am not a thin woman by any means. She told me to up my excercise regime and talk to my regular doctor before trying to consider such a move. I was tickled. I liked that she felt I could do it on my own, but after 2 C-sections in 2 years, I was feeling insecure. What can I say, I have my own demons but I work hard to keep them from my daughters.

  15. Big mama is right timebob, many surgeons refuse to surgery or tell u to exercise ect. But when they can take a teen with sticking out ears, or no chin or huge nose and render them what society deems acceptable, its really a gift.
    Good for this woman for coming out with her story. She was beautiful and should hv left herself alone.

  16. That's Lindsay Lohan in about 3 years.

  17. she should come out against hair dye too.

  18. Quack quack quack quack

  19. Can't really win.. there's another post here today where people are commenting that Bobbi Kristina should have got her teeth fixed and that she's too 'funny looking' to make it. Plastic surgery does improve the look of many actresses - the real key is doing it well and knowing when and when not to do it and when to stop, I guess. Anyway, good for Beart for speaking out about it. She seems like someone who did not really need to do much of it, if at all, in the first place.

  20. I've always had the perception that European actresses didn't feel as much pressure to get plastic surgery. I guess I was wrong.

    Anyway, it's good that she has been so honest about her ordeal. It's too bad more American actresses can't be so honest (Melanie Griffith, for example...)

  21. The contrast in those pictures is striking, but were not looking at a fair comparison. In the before picture, she was glowing from a tan and she was also much younger.

    I'm so glad she's speaking out about this. There are so many Doctors that should not be performing certain procedures, and there are certain procedures that should almost never be done because the risk of looking weird or disfigured is too great.

    I worked with a couple different Plastic Surgeon's. The first guy did a ton of bad eye jobs. Tips: do not ever have you'd eyes done using a laser! It causes too much swelling due to the heat from the laser. Do not go by the fancy office or where the doctor went to school. Ask to meet several patients, 2 weeks post op, 2 months most op, 6 months post op, etc. Do not just go by pictures. They will not give you a realistic timeline on healing. I met a lot of patients who'd done their "research" but yet, they still ended up at our office. This doctor was really great at certain medical procedures, but not the more lucrative, cosmetic ones. People almost, always complained about difficulty closing their eyes, frequent tearing due to dry eyes, etc. I had to leave, because it was heartbreaking listening to their legitimate complaints, while the doctor acted like it was the first time he'd them.
    Fortunately, I did go on to work for another Plastic Surgeon who did really great eyes, without all the complications. However, he sometimes other procedures he pulled a little too much or removed too much skin.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. she used to look like Alexis Bledel from Gilmore Girls in the first photo. Shame. She looks more like Megan Fox in the after (but a blonde Megan Fox)...

  24. I guess what I was trying to say is these Beverly Hills Doctors preying on the insecurities of actresses and doing procedures that have nothing to do with enhancing their looks. Just lining their own pockets. Did Heidi Spencer really need 30 procedures done in one day? Me thinks not.

    There should be tougher regulations on Plastic Surgeons when it come to for profit, elective surgeries. This way the good Drs can do their work and the bad ones get weeded out faster.

  25. she was gourgeous. sad.

  26. I'm sorry Timebob - didn't mean to sound like I was jumping on you. I agree with what you are saying.

  27. Why did she mess with perfection? She was the most gorgeous thing ever in "Manon of the Spring", a wonderful movie.

  28. She's still a person...

  29. Still looks pretty good to me. But would have looked better with out messing with that fantastic face.

  30. I used to get my lips done regularly (fillers) & thought I looked fantastic... Now I look back on photos of me at the time & I just look stupid.

  31. Check her out in the 80s movie, "Date with an Angel." She was breathtakingly beautiful. Stunning.
