Friday, March 23, 2012

Elizabeth Taylor Died One Year Ago

It is hard to believe it has already been a year since Elizabeth Taylor passed away. All that is left are a bunch of her jewels which were auctioned and scattered around the world; trashy books still to come out; and, of course, the ultimate degradation of her memory, Lindsay Lohan portraying Elizabeth Taylor in a movie. Seriously? I really find this disturbing. It is not that Lindsay cannot play the drug addict part well because she can, but there was something about Elizabeth that made her rise above everyone else and some sort of "it" quality that made kings want to give up their kingdoms for her and men to leave their wives and to sell everything they owned to give her the perfect gift. Lindsay has trouble getting guys to give her extra sauce for dipping her McNuggets.


  1. "Lindsay has trouble getting guys to give her extra sauce for dipping her McNuggets."


  2. Yeah, Liz had that Helen of Troy quality, but she never moved me. Though she is a step up from Blowhan.

  3. Blohan has that already gravely voice, now enhanced by cigarettes and crack pipes. Can you imagine her imitating Liz Taylor's trans Atlantic accident? Yikes!

  4. Enty, thankyou!. That is an amazing picture of her

  5. @hunter said exactly what I came to say. :^]

    Ugg, I dislike her a lot.

  6. hahaha Enty is on the money on that one!

    I still have yet to see Lifetime put out a statement Lindsay has the role.

    If they do give her the role it will be sad to see her over filler botox duck face trying to fill the shoes of an icon.

  7. I would rather see Megan Fox play Elizabeth Taylor.

  8. I am hoping Lindsay is unavailable to play Elizabeth.....I am sure Liz is rolling in her grave at the thought....

  9. I am hoping Lindsay is unavailable to play Elizabeth.....I am sure Liz is rolling in her grave at the thought....


    But true La Liz will always go down in history as one of the best!

  11. I think Elizabeth Taylor would take Lindsay under her wing...Like she did Michael Jackson. She was always for the underdog...Just saying...

    PS I do not think Lindsay can portray her well but you never know...

  12. With her new lips, I can see Megan Fox pulling off a Liz portrayal - but that's about as sad and lame as LL playing her.

    I've always loved that photo - the dress! And look at her figure! No wonder everyone was in love with her.

  13. I'm sorry but LiLo and Liz names should never ever ever be within the same sentence, topic of discussion or associated in anyway. They are miles apart in looks, appeal and overall character. Please STOP and for the love of God DO NOT let LiLo play her in any movie, commercial or for a Halloween party.

  14. So how and why did she let herself become an obese lump?

  15. Anonymous9:12 AM

    LOL Enty, you're something else with that line.
    RIP Liz T.

    PS: I don't have trouble getting sauce for my mcnuggets...

  16. I'm gonna bet Lohan never plays ET in a movie. She isn't even close to type. Maybe the old ET - they wouldn't even need makeup, but certainly not Liz before the age of 60. I think Lifetime is letting it go for now to see what kind of buzz it generates.

    ET was so spectacularly beautiful that this part would be hard to cast, physically, so they'd need a really good actress. Lohan ain't even close to being that good.

  17. I remember when Sherilyn Fenn played her. I don't remember if her acting was any good in that or not because it's been years since I've seen it, but she sure had the look.

  18. @figgy: Because she was also HUMAN and had a bad back so she was immobile when she got older.

    And LMAO on the McNuggets comment, Enty!!!!!

  19. @AKM sherilyn fenn did a fine job, but the look was definitely spot on.

    bottom line: elizabeth taylor is a star. ms. lohan is not.

  20. That's OK,Enty! Liz will surely rise from the dead to bitch-slap those idiots at Lifetime for making that stupid trashy little squirrel play someone fit to be queen.

  21. She was an icon. I think it is a travesty her jewels were not sent on a museum tour. Why would her heirs sell them? I just don't understand the lack of sentiment.

  22. She WAS one of the last Hollywood icons.
