Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dr. Drew Takes Some Shots At Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan can't find a real acting job. Oh sure, there is the whole portraying Elizabeth Taylor thing for Lifetime, but lets not forget all the other movies Lindsay was supposedly attached to over the past year. Linda Lovelace? Gone. What about that mob movie about John Gotti with John Travolta? Gone. SNL? Well, she showed up, but was probably the worst acting this side of a CSI episode. So, the gig on Glee is something at least, although she will be playing herself so not much of a stretch. Dr. Drew told Life & Style that Lindsay is not taking her sobriety seriously and that, "The sad thing is that when she is finally ready to take her sobriety seriously and get clean, then it will be too late for her and her career will be completely over. That will be sad for her." Wait, wait, wait. Career? I think she should be a mortician. Working at the mortuary seems to be the only thing she has been good at and showed up for on a consistent basis. I could not decide if there were drugs there she liked or if she was hoping some rich person would come in with jewelry attached to their body she could "borrow," or what made her want to be there all the time. I think that in the next year, if she does not get a job, you will find her going the Tara Reid route and working the Mediterranean yacht crowd for rent money.


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