Dennis Rodman Is Sick And Broke
I'm not sure what kind of sickness Dennis Rodman has, but his attorney wants everyone to know that former NBA player; Madonna lover; and former husband of Carmen Electra is sick and he is broke and cannot possibly pay the almost $1M in back child support he owes. Dennis has had real issues with drinking and made $200K for his drinking problem by appearing on Celebrity Rehab. Is that the sickness or is it the compulsion to take every penny he earns and spend it on drinking and women and pretending he is still making millions of dollars a year? Dennis actually faces jail time of up to 20 days because of the missed payments. Supposedly Dennis has only earned $8000 this year. I would think his NBA pension would be more than that. How much are these club appearances paying him now? Obviously he is not making the kind of money he did when the agreement was signed, but it looks like he has not really made any payments or attempted to pay anything in a very long time.