I'm not sure what kind of sickness Dennis Rodman has, but his attorney wants everyone to know that former NBA player; Madonna lover; and former husband of Carmen Electra is sick and he is broke and cannot possibly pay the almost $1M in back child support he owes. Dennis has had real issues with drinking and made $200K for his drinking problem by appearing on Celebrity Rehab. Is that the sickness or is it the compulsion to take every penny he earns and spend it on drinking and women and pretending he is still making millions of dollars a year? Dennis actually faces jail time of up to 20 days because of the missed payments. Supposedly Dennis has only earned $8000 this year. I would think his NBA pension would be more than that. How much are these club appearances paying him now? Obviously he is not making the kind of money he did when the agreement was signed, but it looks like he has not really made any payments or attempted to pay anything in a very long time.
I'm admiring his lady friend's white tank top, huge knockers, short skirt, classy leg tattoo and cheap white sandals. She's stylish.
ReplyDeleteHow come the little boy's clothes don't fit? There's no way those shoes fit his feet.
As for the story, I don't care. Bad on you to piss all your money away.
And yet another story about an athlete who squandered their fortune away. Will they ever learn?!?!
ReplyDeleteRodman wouldn't have a big pension. He didn't get the big contracts that would generate large sums for his retirement.
ReplyDeleteAny guesses as to his illness? Cirrhosis of the liver? Hep C?
According to what I read in the LA Times, Rodman cashed his NBA pension early, at considerable loss, to cover back taxes to the IRS.
ReplyDeleteNow, Rodman still must be a big draw, so I don't buy his indigence. He just hosted a club opening a few weeks ago in Vegas. He could make money off the autograph circuit too. I don't know about LA but people in Chicago still love him.
anita_mark you can make fun of the mother of rodman's children as I'm sure it makes you feel superior. I'm sure you are better looking, better dressed, smarter and that your life is just peachy.
ReplyDeleteyou might have a little compassion. dennis rodman is a very bad alcoholic. his wife and children are suffering immensely for it. and while some might say the wife knew what she was getting into, the children are innocent.
How did I miss him getting married and having kids?
ReplyDeleteHe was a real mess on Celebrity Apprentice.
@Annabella, I am better looking and better dressed. Smarter? Probably. Does it make me feel superior? No but that wasn't my intention. I'm on a gossip site and I was being snarky. Perhaps you can be made site moderator and ensure nothing snide is ever said again.
ReplyDeleteMissed him getting married, having kids, AND appearing on CA. Dang.
ReplyDeleteIt's mind-boggling to think about OWING 800K in child support, let alone receiving support that could add up to that much!
I don't know anyone in Chicago that loves Dennis Rodman, is this a joke? Everyone admires Jordan, yes, Rodman? Hell no.
ReplyDeleteRodman has to pay 50k a month in child support. 50k!!! It may not be a popular thing to say but the child support payments celebrities get hit with are absolutely ridiculous. Why does it take more than what the average American makes PER YEAR to raise a CHILD on a monthly basis?
ReplyDeleteI see nothing wrong with what anita_mark said. It would be one thing if she were papped out while grocery shopping, to critique her outfit and appearance, but she's standing on a red carpet here. Isn't the whole point of a red carpet to have people look at you?
ReplyDeleteAnother celebrity who has drank, smoked, snorted and screwed their money away. The only ones who will suffer are the kids-because you know that their mothers probally put very little if any of the 50K a month they were getting away for their future.
ReplyDelete@ anita_mark -- I am ALSO better looking, better dressed and (almost certainly) smarter than this woman.
ReplyDeleteI do feel sorry for her though (her and her polka-dot shorts w/ the red zipper).
** I'm sexy and I know it...**
ReplyDeleteNo one needs $50k a month for child support. What the heck is she spending it on?
ReplyDeleteIf the courts awarded $50K a month it was only because they were presented evidence that Rodman was making $150-$200K a month.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Hunter! Thanks for making me chuckle!
ReplyDeleteWho the hell cares what she wears. If she's okay with it so be it. Look at what HE's wearing. WTF is that butterfly scarf sarong?!?
ReplyDeleteAgree with DaveB, that is the kind of money he would be bringing home if he lived with his children, why shouldn't the child support reflect that. Don't punish the kids finacally because the dad is not there.
ReplyDelete@anita_mark and hunter-I am cracking up over here. I'm not sure if it gets any better than your description of what she is wearing.
ReplyDeleteSometimes people need to lighten up. I'm not sure how Dennis Rodman being an alcoholic and his son's shoes being too big are related..... Could someone please enlighten me? Were the shoes purchased while dad was drunk???? The world may never know....
i heard he has a house in virginia
ReplyDeleteSnark. That's what most of us come here for. If you don't think the comments on this site are funny, then get. As a famous local artist here named Dr. Bob says, Be Nice or Leave.
ReplyDeleteHis butterfly sarong is fabulous, by the way. I love it when Dennis rocks the lady frocks.
If I were the ex-wife I'd pop him in the Federal Pen like I did my ex for 2 years non-payment. UIFSA Federal Law - he would scramble and come up with the money fast.
ReplyDeleteAnita- that was funny!
ReplyDeleteChris said "Rodman has to pay 50k a month in child support. 50k!!! It may not be a popular thing to say but the child support payments celebrities get hit with are absolutely ridiculous. Why does it take more than what the average American makes PER YEAR to raise a CHILD on a monthly basis?"
What his ass needs to do is swallow his pride or whatever and go back to the courts and have them adjust his income to the sorry-ass 8k or whatever he is making now, so at least the current child support he owes wont drown him while he's concentrating on the back support.
Though I dont feel THAT sorry for him. I mean, accruing 800k in back support means for the past long while he hasnt done squat to pay her anything.
LOL I thought it was Britney with Rodman. "When did that happen!?"
ReplyDeleteWell the wife(?) can't go out dressed normal while he's dressed like Dennis Rodman - she'll look like Marilyn from the Munsters.
ReplyDeleteAnd sometimes with kids you're just happy to get them out of the house with clothes on.
If you're getting $50K/month in child support and not squirreling a good part of it away, you're as irresponsible as he it. Why would you think that gravy train would run forever?
This is probably the most normal outfit I've ever seen Dennis Rodman in, hence I didn't bother commenting on his butterfly sarong.
ReplyDeleteCome on now. Most of us come on here for some witty snark & gossip. If I wanted "kumbaya" I'd log onto one of the yoga/zen sites. This is a "Snark Zone".
ReplyDelete@AnitaMark- That description was hilarious!!! Lol.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't noticed the sarong, but yeah, it's not surprising, given it's weirdo Rodman.
It sucks when deadbeat dads don't pay and the mom
has to struggle.