Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dame Edna Retiring

After an almost 60 year career, Barry Humphries/aka Dame Edna is retiring. Barry is 78 years old and is embarking on one last worldwide tour which will take two years. After that, there will be no more Edna or anyone else. In 2000, Barry won a Tony award for his portrayal of Edna and the show Dame Edna The Royal Tour. Can you imagine that he has managed to play the same character for this long. Amazing.


  1. I had the privlege of seeing Dame Edna live a few years ago.
    Absolutely amazing.

  2. That has got to be the longest running drag ever.

  3. Dame Edna, was, hands down, the best show I have ever seen live.

  4. Aww so sad to hear this. As a fellow aussie, I grew up with Dame Edna - she is as ingrained in our culture as vegemite is. Barry Humphries is amazing and I wish him all the best on his retirement. Cheers mate!

  5. Love Dame Edna. THis is seriously sad news. An end of an era.

  6. Dame Edna is the best bitch ever!

  7. Dame Edna is one of my favorites.
    Have a happy retirement Dame Edna!

  8. I have always loved Dame Edna. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  9. All the gladioli in the world have lost their will to live!

  10. I saw her about 13 years ag =o and even before she entered on stage - there was a voice over preview - my stomach hurt from laughing so much.

  11. Too bad he is retiring the character. But at least there are decades of specials and tv shows to watch again.

  12. I love Dame Edna and Barry Humphries. I hope his tour goes well.

  13. Congratulations on a glorious career. I am amazed that anyone could perform for 57 years.
