For the past two years Courtney Love says she has not done any drugs at all and that includes prescription meds and other illegal drugs. Her former assistant begs to differ and everyone I have ever spoke to about Courtney who sees her on a regular basis also says she uses and abuses drugs still. When you look at her or see what she does it is pretty obvious that she abuses drugs. Her assistant came out with the information because she is shopping a tell all book which I think would be fabulous. Courtney is in such denial about everything and needs to be confronted. Everything that happens in her life is a result of someone else. Huh. Kind of sounds like Lindsay Lohan too.
according to TMZ Courtney only copped to still taking Xanax.
ReplyDeleteIronically, the name of the assistant's book is "pass the xanax".
I can't imagine what there is left to learn about Courtney that we don't already know about from Courtney & twitter.
I hope that the assistant is really explicit in details. We could learn a lot if so.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the assistant was sober, so we can get the truthful play by plays behind the Twitter rants.
didn't she offer to counsel Lohan at one time.....if by counsel she meant showing her how to hoover up piles of coke faster - then i could see it.
ReplyDeleteSomebody's pants are on fire!
ReplyDeleteRecently on Fashion Police Joan made a joke about Courtney and Kelly visibly bristled and sulked for quite a few minutes. Guess they became friends swapping pills.
Actually Kelly has directly spoken about that Mango, and said on Fashion Police one night that Courtney was the one that gave either her or Jack pills when they were teenagers, Kelly HATES her now, but I think she is close to Frances. I think she bristles uncomfortable when she is biting her tongue. She used to do the same about Christina Aguilera until she just said fk it and started calling her out.
ReplyDeleteLove is another one who could have had it all. In the 90's, for a quick second she was the It girl. Versace ads and movie deals etc. Guess drugs were more important to her.
ReplyDeleteBasil, you're right. She was on the verge at one time wasn't she? She's been a mess for so long I forgot about when she went to the Oscar's looking pretty good.
ReplyDeleteCourtney always tells a story about how she saved Kelly's life when she overdosed. She says she had already turned blue and all the people around her (the usual bunch of drugged out celebutards) didn't do anything and she was the one who saved her life.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the osbornes accuse her of giving thedrugs...
There's really no telling who is saying the truth, as none of them are trustworthy and reliable.
I am going to sound dark here, but I am really surprised that Courtney is still alive and kicking. She has abused drugs for as long as I can remember. Makes me think that the human body is a wonderful thing, and maybe it's capable of handling a lot of abuse, though I sure don't want to try and test that hypothesis!
ReplyDeleteI know for a fact she has done heroin within the last year but I can't say how I know.
ReplyDelete@basil Courtney was doing coke when she was "clean" in the late 90s. Drug addiction is an illness, once you take drugs the structure of the brain changes. Fact.
ReplyDeleteIf you think about it Courtney's doing great. It's true she hasn't been as sober as she is nowadays (even as a child, when she was given Ritalin and Valium every day). Is she doing drugs? Sure, but not as many as she was doing in the past. Big step forward. She won't ever be totally clean because she needs to take prescription drugs for other reasons.
Addicts fuck up all the time in their recovery. It's the same as dieting. If you are eating 6,000 calories/day your health is at risk. You are told to go down to 1,500. You try but can't. With much effort you go down to 2,000: you are losing weight, your health is better. Who the fuck has the right to tell you you are pathetic for not being able to go down to 1,500? You are doing your best, always better than going back to past habits. That's what you do with celebrities. You never know the whole truth, only bits of it, and you make up a fictional story of what their life and problems are like. And then wonder why "whoever" isn't dead yet. Well, maybe "whoever" isn't dead because "whoever" isn't taking as many drugs as the fictional story you made up suggests.
Have any of you guys read her mother's book?
ReplyDeleteCourtney was born a mess :(
@zeldafitzerald No, but I have read some interviews:
ReplyDelete- Courtney was diagnosed with ADHD at 5 (was given ritalin, which has the same effects of cocaine).
- At 7 Courtney was taking Valium on a daily basis (because she was uncontrolable).
- At 9 a doctor diagnosed schizophrenia (Courtney complains he was totally wrong).
Do you have more info on Courtney's mental problems? I know her shrink told her recently about a new disorder and she wasn't happy.
Tired of reading drugs ruined her life. Her life was ruined from day one and drugs are a colateral damage. People claiming she doesn't need the prescriptions? Who the fuck are you to say Courtney can't suffer from depression and anxiety? Did you see her medical records to claim she's just a druggie paying for prescriptions she doesn't need? Courtney only sleeps 3 hours/day and she's taking sleeping pills (Sonata). Without the pills she doesn't sleep, at all. If you don't sleep you die. I can't believe some people are so stupid they think she (and other drug addicts) are still pathetic addicts for taking pills. It's better to die from insomnia than taking the chance of getting addicted to the pills that save your life, right?
You cannot die from insomnia. Unless Courtney has fatal familial insomnia, which I doubt, she can't die from insomnia. She could, however, die from an accident caused by human error. If she was tired and fell asleep driving, etc.
ReplyDeletePill addiction is still an addiction. It's just as easy to overdose on prescription drugs as it is from street drugs. Both have effects that the user craves. I am not saying whether or not she still uses anything, because I have no way of knowing.
insomnia can kill you, as you say. And that's the last step. Meanwhile your brain messes up (e.g. your limbs can be paralysed, you can't talk, can't think). Benzos are addictive as hell, but if you need them you have to take them. Courtney has been sleeping 2/3 hours for over 20 years (with pills). She's taking Sonata though, which isn't a benzo and is less effective than benzos. Kudos to her for not demanding benzos.
ReplyDeleteAnd here's my point: Courtney was born with a mental illness. In order to treat the illness she has to take pills for the rest of her life. If she doesn't take the pills her mental illness makes her life impossible. If she takes pills she can become a drug addict. Who the fuck are we to judge her for taking the pills she needs and be a druggie? She also suffers from depression. When she doesn't take the pills she threatens to commit suicide. What is better, to let her commit suicide because the pills are addictive?
Not everything is black or white. You'd never hear me say prescription drugs are better than illegal drugs. Prescription drugs are legal for one reason: people need them. Who the fuck are we to make fun of a person who is going to act crazy no matter what because:
- w/out pills = you're mental illness says hi
- with pills = you're a crazy drug addict
Hey Courtney glad to see u sticking up for urself! Hope u r well!
ReplyDeleteLOL @ netta. :)
ReplyDeleteI am not judging anyone for anything. My point is that an addiction is an addiction, plain and simple. I was referring to addicts using prescription drugs for the sole purpose of abusing them.
She put some great music out in the '90's but has been a waste of space since then. The woman has talent but are we ever going to see it again? Sadly and most probably, no.
ReplyDelete@EleanorRigby And all I say is that you jump to conclusions without knowledge. You say Courtney has been abusing drugs for as long as you can remember. What is "abusing" to you? Do you have inside info of how many drugs she takes? Do you know how many pills she has to take? Do you know if she's doing more than she needs? You don't know anything.
ReplyDeleteBut you know she was born with a mental illness and she needs pills for the rest of her life.
Definitions of abuse: use for a bad purpose, improper use of something.
Is it a bad purpose to treat a mental illness? Do you have evidence she's doing an improper use of her medication? If a doctor says you need 20 pills/day, yes, too many pills. But you're not "abusing" them.
Taking Prozac for depression is not the same as taking Vicodin (as an example) for the "high", if let's say, someone was prescribed it for an injury that is no longer there.
ReplyDeleteI am not judging Courtney, because truthfully, I don't give her much thought. My "alive and kicking" comment was insensitive, I will grant you that.
Just because a prescription comes from a doctor does not mean that the user will not abuse it. I am only talking about painkillers and the like. If someone needs Valtrex to treat the symptoms of the gift that keeps on giving, it is obviously not the same situation. In any case, we all know that you can find a Dr. Feelgood wherever, especially if you have a recognizable name. So just because a prescription comes from a doctor does not always mean that taking pills (painkillers where a Tylenol would suffice, for example) is in the best interest of the patient. I am not speculating on what Courtney takes daily, just prescription drug abuse.
And you are still speculating on prescription drug abuse without knowledge. That's what I'm trying to explain.
ReplyDeleteThere's this myth of doctors prescribing whatever they are asked by abusive junkies. Where are they? Can you give a list with just 1% of US fraudulent doctors? The truth is there aren't as many Dr.Feelgood as you claim. And the truth is people who become addicted to painkillers after a surgery can't find a doctor who prescribes painkillers for the rest of their lives. These addicts end up in rehab and move on, or end up buying prescriptions from dealers.
Then there's the majority of prescription addicts. They are addicted because they can't give up the drugs, some abuse them and some don't. If they are abusing the drugs is a minimal abuse, since the doctor knows how many pills they need.
Because it's trendy to think prescription drug addiction is the disease of this century you jump into conclusions whenever prescription drugs are brought up. Seven years ago the trend was "spot the meth face". Doctors can't spot a meth face, but the uneducated population can.
I'm not talking about celebrities, I'm talking about neighbours, friends, co-workers, ect. who have to live with the nightmare that is needing pills for the rest of their lives and being judged by strangers who don't know anything.
Let's talk about celebrities. Heath Ledger didn't have the rep of doing drugs and he died of a legal drug overdose. He sure was abusing and nobody noticed. On the other hand you have people like Courtney: a person who was born with a mental illness and needs to take pills for the rest of her life. Anytime she acts weird the uneducated population think she's abusing drugs. How many think she's acting weird because she's actually not taking drugs? I bet only a few. Mentally ill people act crazy when:
ReplyDelete-they are in a period of abstinence because they are about to get their treatment changed;
-they are reacting bad to new treatment;
-the treatment is not working anymore.
Next time Courtney acts weird everybody will say she's high and you know it. It's more plausible she's just not taking the pills she needs. Drug addicts don't have the episodes Courtney has shown in the past and continues to show from time to time, but mentally ill people changing their treatment do have these episodes.
Conclusion? You (people) are hating and making fun of a person who is mentally ill because you can't tell the difference between how a mentally ill person acts in a period of abstinence and how a drug addict acts under the influence of drugs. You are shocked when a person who is actually abusing drugs dies because the abuser wasn't showing what your uneducated self thinks are signs of drug addiction. We live in a nice world ha?
So what's your explanation for all the crack, which she has copped to using? Bet she didn't have a prescription for that.
ReplyDelete@Brenda Love Why don't you read a book on the subject? Everything published out there explains mental illness and (legal/illegal) drug addiction. You don't even need a high IQ to guess the relation between both. Read again the first paragraph of my first comment. The answer is there.
ReplyDeleteIt speaks volumes that's all you can say. If you are interested give me your email and I'll send you updated data with everything I said plus really interesting new info I avoided because this is a gossip blog, not the journal of mental dicorders.
yeah, exactly what S said... i agree
ReplyDeleteWow, all harshness aside, there are a lot of people taking a lot of benzos because they are dependent on the drug for emotional regulation. Benzos are among the most abused drugs in America, and they are addictive not only because they are habit-forming but because a person's ability to cope with stress diinishes after using the drug for a long period of time. Stimulant addicts (meth and coke and Adderal) often have an unstoppable appetite for benzo drugs, and because Xanax is more socially acceptable as a drug of abuse than meth or crack, lots of crackheads and meth freaks end up living on Xanax after they "clean up." I wouldn't be surprised if Love were taking Xanax constantly.