How desperate are you to get married that you need to have a bridal shower while your husband to be is still married to his ex-wife? The whole Tiki Barber/Traci Lynn Johnson things has been a mess from day one and has been the downfall of Tiki. In case you are not up to speed on this mess, let me give you a recap. Tiki was married to a woman for 11 years. He got her pregnant with twins. Prior to her getting pregnant he started having sex with a college student. During his wife's pregnancy with twins he walked out on their marriage so he could keep having sex with a college student. He lost his job and people hate him but he is still getting married to the student who is now 24. Tiki's ex is making his life miserable as she should. Traci wants to get married and is having a bridal shower and wants to get married the day after the divorce is final.
Klassy with a K.
ReplyDeleteThat's a bummer... I always liked Tiki and Ronde, but it sounds like Tiki is having a full-on mid-life crisis. The wife to be should watch her back!
ReplyDeletePeople are just plain crazy. This week on one of magazine shows they talked about women who plan their weddings, buy the gown, have the reception planned the only thing missing is the groom...
ReplyDeletemaybe they think by getting married it will erase the fact that what they did was beyond tacky and seedy.
ReplyDeleteBut wasn't Tiki hated in the NFL also. He just seems like an all around asshole.
And what he did to his wife you can be sure he will do to his "trophy wife" in a few years.
YUCK! The whole thing is just yucky for lack of a more sophisticated word to use haha Sometimes I wonder if people that do these horrible backstabbing things ever feel bad about it? Because sometimes it never seems like it, i just don't get it!
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend everyone!
I always hated Tiki. He quit playing for his wife, knocks her up, and dates this one. Then he wants back in as a player. I'm so glad that his wish was not granted.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for this girl. She will wake up one day and realize that she hurt people by being with this fucktard.
Karma is a harsh mistress...they'll both get theirs!
ReplyDeleteI read about this somewhere else but I thought it was a baby shower. If true, a little more understandable. I used to like Tiki but now I hope Karma gets both of these cheap tricks.
ReplyDeleteDon't know who these people are but dang is it tacky!
ReplyDeleteFrom the NY Post:
ReplyDeleteThe affair is particularly stunning in light of Barber's long-standing disdain for his philandering father.
"I don't give a [bleep] that the relationship didn't work," he said of his parents' split in a 2004 Post interview. "Not only did he abandon her, I felt like he abandoned us for a lot of our lives. I have a hard time forgiving that."
I give these two about 2 years. Either she'll get bored with a whiny has-been, or he'll realize what a mess he made over some coed, blame her, and when the wife and kids hate him he'll move on to the next bimbo.
I would think Traci thinks shes been engaged for 10 years, so its no big deal. And, you know, " wife" was other woman, lol
ReplyDeleteTHIS is why I refuse to date anybody more than 8 (and even that's pushing it) years older than me.
ReplyDeleteAs I've gotten older (29) and have older female friends, Ive come to understand how hard it is for women who are in their 30s and 40s....men really do begin to date younger and younger...I dated a 35 yr old who worked at google once and I remember telling my friend who was 37 and single and she just looked sorta betrayed, lol.
Long story short, while I AM NOT blaming it all on this little 24 yr old girl, I will say that if she was a real woman about it,she would never allow herself to be doing this shit with a grown ass man in his mid30s. That man belongs with a mid30s woman, NOT a baby girl like her. PERIOD.
These two have both come into my job and they were nice but because of how this came about, I don't think they can be nice enough for the general public to like them, if you understand what I mean. Tiki has been with his wife since college and they already had two sons together before she got pregnant with the twins. He quit football then talked a bunch of junk about his former team while working for NBC. Then he starts up with the NBC intern and NBC dropped him. He couldn't come out of retirement because no team wanted him and TV doesn't want him. I hope that for both of their sakes this is a "true love" situation (although I suspect it's not) because I don't see it getting better for either one of them at this point.
ReplyDeleteTiki Barber gave up on his team before he actually quit football. Then he quit.
ReplyDeleteThen he talked smack about everybody in the NFL while he was proving he couldn't analyze the game for NBC.
Then he decided he wanted to play again. Big shock when no team wanted him.
He was disdainful of his unfaithful father, yet couldn't be faithful to his own wife.
Yes, he's a fine man and will be a fine husband for Traci Lynn. I hope she knows that if he cheated on his first long-term wife with her, he will cheat on her with some other, newer girl.
No, I have never been a Tiki fan.
Tacky. The whole affair is sooo cliche. I liked him on the Today show but after I found out about his "girlfriend" I thought he was the most hypocritical man.
ReplyDeleteThey are both disgusting.
ReplyDeleteMISCH, people joke about that on Pinterest. Women pin their dream wedding, and everything is in place...except there's no man in their life.
ReplyDeleteFrankly you'd think Tiki's wife would be happy to let go of this loser except for the fact that her kids will be spending the weekend with this gold digging beeyotch. And I'll bet she's gonna be a "great" stepmom too.
ReplyDeletetruly disgusting.
Not sure it's fair to criticize her for a wedding shower. Who throws their own wedding shower?
ReplyDeleteBarber, on the other hand, is a jerk.
ReplyDelete"I will say that if she was a real woman about it,she would never allow herself to be doing this shit with a grown ass man in his mid30s. That man belongs with a mid30s woman, NOT a baby girl like her. PERIOD."
Female fertility remains roughly constant through the 20s, declines steadily through the 30s, drops off a cliff after 40. Men are hard-wired to be aware of this. It's a biological imperative. Stamping your foot and pouting about it won't change this.
If a woman want a good man to keep for a long time, she needs to get him BEFORE she turns 30. If she is 37, she's blown all her best chances already. May not be fair, but it's the way it is. What absolutely stands not a chance in hell of happening is trying to force men to behave differently: take away the young-woman option, we'll just sit tight with the beer and video games instead. And you'll still be alone.
ANY man or woman who puts their hands on another’s husband or wife is nothing but a slimy, worthless, Ho, and that’s it, PERIOD!