Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bobbi Kristina Is Kind Of Dating Her Brother

Bobbi Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon are not related. That being said, Nick lived with Whitney Houston since he was 12 years old and she considered him her son. He is 22 now. That means he was living with Bobbi Kristina from the time she was 9. Now the pair are supposedly romantic. Does that seem weird to you or is that ok? Nick confirmed it in a Tweet and said they had grown closer. Considering they were making out and groping each other at a Target yesterday, then yes, that would be closer.


  1. I have absolutely no problem with this. I knew my next door neighbor since I was born. Our families were super close. We ended up dating in High School. Big deal. They must genuinely love and care for each other, and they're not related.

  2. it happens they are both grieving and people tend to cling to each other. Whitney took him in and I haven't heard he is an opportunist. If he can help her stay off drugs then more power to them.

  3. Doesn't gross or skeeve me out. They are just like any close friends that grew up together - sometimes they become more than just friends.

  4. I feel the same way. If he is a positive influence then its cool. Since they have known each other so long its probably comforting.

  5. as long as she isn't dating RayJ then I say "whatever floats your boat"

  6. Why are you all assuming he isn't into drugs? If he lived in that house with Whitney and Bobbi C, he pretty much *had* to be involved in it somehow. Let's hope not, but I just don't see it.

  7. Yeah I agree, not as weird or skeevy as it sounds.

    As for the drugs, that whole group is heavily saturated at this point and frankly I don't think anyone can be blamed for anyone else's problems.

  8. All I see is her dad in that face.

  9. Whitney must not have considered him to be much of a son since she didn't leave him anything in her will. That also makes me wonder what his intentions are now. Cue the wedding bells.

  10. Totally agree with Jennifer H. They were not dating before Whitney's death and now that Bobbi gets everything, they are romantic? I smell something fishy here. Also, if she grew up in the same house as him as brother and sister for all those years, I do find it creepy.

  11. I guess I am the only one where it sounds really gross to me on paper. Your neighbor isn't the same as someone you live with. What if Whitney had adopted him on paper or he was a foster brother? Is that different because it is official? Just curious. That said, I'm no Whitney Wiki, but I've never heard of him mentioned in the last ten years so I don't really know that how close they would have been before she died or if they were raised together. I mean how close is she even to any of her other siblings from Bobby?

  12. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I think she's probably just grasping at any remnants of her mother she can find. The kid probably needs therapy, she's going through a really bad time in her life.

  13. RenoBlondee said...

    Why are you all assuming he isn't into drugs?
    Lol I was reading this guys tweets a few days ago and one was "time for a blunt" - he doesn't even hide his drug use.

  14. Why do people think he is with her for the money? Everyone will assume that no matter who she dates whether it's today or 5 years from now. People will always pre judge any relationship she has.

  15. Where is her Grandma? I can imagine how her life is going to turn out. She is already a drug addict. She has lost her mother, has an absentee father, grew up in a dysfunctional family, has addiction genes, and probably put so much pressure on herself growing up being Whitney Houston's daughter and not really being able to sing. It's so very sad.

  16. She may as well go with him, the garbage has probably already started to descend on her.

  17. @JenH: I think he might be using her in order to keep a roof over his head and much, much more down the line. It's possible he might really like her, but i think money is the primary motive.

    I don't doubt he's into drugs given the company he's grown up with.

  18. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

  19. I think in situations like this, a lot depends on how the people define their relationship. Bobbi Kristina has referred to him (even recently) as her brother. So yes, I find this icky.

  20. Anonymous9:31 AM

    @Rose, "I'm no Whitney Wiki." That's a good line, I'm stealing that.

    If they grew up in the same house, yeah, I find that kind of skeevy.

    This might sound cold but I don't understand why we're talking about her or supposed to care. Her mom was famous for something. If she's just famous for her mom and tabloids and blogs keep talking about her, we're going to get another shitty reality show and her pointlessness will be shoved down our throats. Unless she's good at something, I don't know, I'm no Bobbi Kristina Wiki.

  21. Lol, go for it Anita.

  22. Whitney may have taken him in, and technically it is possible BK spent alot of time with him over the years, but it's not as if they are living in a 3 bedroom house with a shared bathroom. At times, they just lived in the same building, and that is not the same thing as growing up together.

  23. Please get this kids teeth fixed!!!!

  24. MyMamasChild, thinking he is with her for the money is an obvious potential motive. It's money. Does that assumption really have to be explained?

    Also, if BK's judgment is anything like her parent's...

  25. I never liked Bobby Kristina, not when she was pulling a knife on her mother, not when she was selling herself to Oprah, never. Not once. There is something wrong and dead about her eyes, and the prognosis isn't good for her.

  26. Anonymous12:52 PM

    They're not related, there aren't any weird issues with age, let them be. It's natural for two non-related young people to have an attraction with each other, especially considering the tragedy they've both just endured.

  27. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Lol I was reading this guys tweets a few days ago and one was "time for a blunt" - he doesn't even hide his drug use....

    @Princess, weed doesn't count.

  28. Totally inappropriate and gross. In order to have a healthy relationship you need to have boundaries. This is breaking them. She is young, likely addicted to something, and grieving. This combination does not lead her to be in any place to make great decisions about who to be with.

    When you are in your teens, you should be dating to see what YOU want out of a relationship/person. You are still discovering what is important to you. It could be damaging to future relationships if you are at all in a coupling that could be semi-incestuous.

  29. Who the fuck would give custody of a 12 yr old boy to Whitney Houston? More importantly, who the fuck would give the 2002 Whitney custody of ANYTHING?

    I assume the unfortunate looking Bobbi is just too lazy to go find a man. A friend had a relative(that is far as I am going...) that did some personal work for Whitney back in the day. Said Bobbi was the rudest, vile mouthed child ever. Oddly enough, they said that Whitney wasn't so bad. Just stoned. Bobby Brown was actually decent to the help. But usually stoned.

  30. Gross, maybe, but I bet they've been "romantic" for years.

  31. maybe the shared grief brought her closer to him ... and maybe the $20 mill inheritance brought him closer to her
