Alicia Silverstone And The Food Chewing
I was going to not write about this. I told myself all day yesterday and early this morning that I would not get involved in this story or writing about it. I also told myself that I would limit myself to four drinks last night. Well, today is another day. Alicia Silverstone says she chews up food and then spits it in the mouth of her almost one year old son. Has anyone hear heard of a blender? Food processor? A knife to make really small pieces? Why on earth would I want my mom to chew my food for me first and then spit it in my mouth? If I am that kid, I am going to hate eating for the rest of my life and have an aversion to birds that will make Tippi Hedren even shudder. Does Alicia chew food for her husband? Is she available for hire? Is the only way that food actually passes her lips? Why again did she name her child after an improperly spelled primary color?