Friday, February 24, 2012

Your Turn

If you were a plastic surgeon would you perform surgery on your adopted daughters to give them larger breasts? Do you think surgeons should treat their families? If you are a doctor you would probably prescribe your family medicine if they got sick so how is this different? Is it right for a dad to be working on his daughter's breasts? Creepy?


  1. What? No.
    The only thing I'd do is make housecalls.

  2. Is there some kind of story behind this that I missed?

  3. I thought it was unethical for a Dr. to perform surgery on family, unless it was some type of emergency.

    A boob job? Weird.

  4. Only if they were over 21. Wouldn't serious surgery on a family member be a conflict of interest or something?

  5. No way, it's a conflict to work on your own family..

  6. I think it's ok for a doctor to treat family members when they're sick - but this is different. Getting bigger breasts is a cosmetic thing, and it implies sexuality. So no, a dad should not perform this surgery on his daughter. Paying for another surgeon to do it - ok.

  7. I have seen family members of MD's get referrals and discounted services in the past.

  8. If I were a good plastic surgeon, I'd want to treat my own family. Lots of bad plastic surgery out there.

    OT, on Monday I had surgery (not plastic) - my surgeon looked JUST LIKE Jason Segal. Seriously. When I shook his hand, I looked around the room for cameras, wondering if I'd been Punk'd or something. And no, they hadn't doped me up yet. He said he gets that a lot.

  9. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I thought doctors, as a rule, didn't treat family members. Oh, I guess the occasional antibiotic, but for something more serious, or surgery, don't they refer to another doctor, who does it out of professional courtesy?

    But no, he should not do his daughters' boob jobs. Ugh.

  10. It's the STEP-dad. Make that pedo-STEP-dad. Daughters are adopted. What kind of idiot lets that type of guy adopt their kids?!?!!? Wait......I know. (Cue Emily Latella) Never mind.

  11. I thought it was wierd when I thought he was their bio father, now i think it is creepy.

  12. No, it's more than creepy. I thought doctors offered each other professional courtesy in terms of charges.

    And Del Riser - this will be on 20/20 tonight.

  13. Very unethical for an MD to treat his own family (except in an emergency, of course). I think Syko is right - I wouldn't have a problem with the occasional antibiotic.

    Professional courtesy ABOUNDS in healthcare - I'm a retired R.T. (x-ray) I can't tell you how many times I was asked to do x-rays on an MD's family member without going through the system. Of course, it worked both ways - quite a few times when I needed an antibiotic or something like that, I'd just go to an MD I worked with and they'd write a script (or listen to my chest, or look in my ears, stuff like that).

  14. I would hope, instead of surgery, a father would tell his daughter she is beautiful the way she is and help her gain confidence in herself. Changing the outside does not help repair the insecurities on the inside.

    Slightly related- in Ontario, Canada, if a doctor treats his spouse (when it's not an emergency), he/she could lose your license.

    There was a trial where a chiropractor starting dating his patient, and continued to charge her insurance even though he was no longer treating her. After they broke up, she reported him for unethical practices. The result from all this bruh-ha resulted in both colleges of physician and dentists from banning doctors from treating their spouses.

  15. Sorry, but that's gross. Dad or step-dad shouldn't be looking at daughter / step-daughter's body without bathing suit amount or more clothing. The breast surgeon needs to examine, touch, etc. That's totally inappropriate and wrong. If the dad were a gyno, should he give her a pap, too?! Sick. My dad's a surgeon, and the most he ever did for me was put a bandage on my knee when I scraped it and give a prescription for antibiotics when I had strep and/or an ear infection. Anything else, I was referred OUT.

  16. I don't think a doctor should be treating his or her family either. Give advice, sure, but not prescribe drugs and certainly not perform surgery. And putting fake boobs on your daughter (adoptive or otherwise)? CREEPY.

  17. I agree someone else should've done it, but I'm not so sure it's as creepy as everyone thinks. When *most* doctors are looking and cutting into boobs (and anything else) for surgery he isn't seeing them as sexual, but his job to fix.
    Then again.........who knows

  18. @surfer, Thanks for the head's up!

  19. he is making his once beautiful mixed daughter look like a white plastic southern californian.

    and he should get arrested. its illegal for a father to touch his daughter's breasts, whether they agree to it or not. its a sexual assault. that he did that for purposes of making them bigger via surgery shouldn't matter. I hear docs are also not supposed to operate on family members.

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  22. Didn't Rhona Mitra's dad do all her work(breasts,nose,cheeks, etc)? Weird to me. Although weird to me, it kind of makes sense. A family member could be more trusted to do exactly what you want to do. Plus a father probably wouldn't go overboard on the implants. UNless he is quite weird.

  23. It's illegal in some states to prescribe medicine for an immediate family member. It is considered unethical in all states. My husband will not fill any prescriptions that a doctor writes for a family member. In very, very small towns it is acceptable to fill antibotics and stuff like that for a family member if their isn't another doctor readily available, but that is a very rare case. Most doctors work in practices with other doctors who could write the prescription for their family member with out breaking any ethic's rules.

  24. Ooops. Above that should be "if there isn't another doctor . . ."

  25. I always wondered how people who did explicit sex scenes in movies could have their family watch them in it. Now I have something else to think about.

  26. god mothers husband who is a m.d. would prescribe for his own family. when he was over my godmother guess what? he was over medicating her until she freakin realized it and divorced his arse!

  27. NO! ughh...give them a good plastic surgeon who isn't you.

    I work in a hospital system. I have a HUGE problem with doctors treating family members. We have a doctor who has a junkie for a sister and he helps supply her habit. He doesn't want her getting street drugs so...he "helps her out". UGHH pisses me off!!

  28. You guys are looking at this very weirdly.

    It's a bit difficult to get excited about OMG!BOOBS when you're pretty much looking at cut skin and blood and ducts and glands and mounds of fat all over the place. And then there's the post-surgical examination with the bruising and implant in a weird place, and all the igor stitch marks.

    Seriously, if a doctor gets off on THAT, he's got WAY bigger problems that all of this mess is happening to his daughter's OMG!BOOBS.

    That being said, probably not a good idea for family members to perform surgery on each other, if not for "sexual" reason (and HOW can you consider that sexual - have you ever SEEN this surgery - it's gross!) - but because surgery requires an objective viewpoint and a cool head.

    Annabelle - I don't know anywhere where it's illegal for a father to touch his daughter's breasts - creepy or not.



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