Monday, February 13, 2012

Your Turn

So, someone in Rhode Island won $336M. That is a huge amount of money. If you won $336M what would you do with it?


  1. start a charitable foundation with half, pay off bills, buy a house somewhere warm and invest the rest

  2. Buy a house, car & pay all my bills then set up a charitable foundation to set up homes free of charge for 6 month to a year for battered women & their children - to get back on their feet.

  3. Pay off my condo, buy a nicer condo, help my mom retire early, quit my job and travel around the world.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'd buy Rhode Island.

    And re-name it Jas-ode Island.

    But I guess I'm narcissistic like that.

    I'd be jealous of these peeps, but statistically, they'll either commit suicide or squander the $$$ in a few years, sogoodluckwiththat ;-O

    This is weirdly bitchy post, sorry lolol

  6. Pay my bills, pay my immediate family's bills, buy a house, adopt a child, give away a lot, travel to the places I've wanted to see. Volunteer for the rest of my days at the local animal shelter.

  7. Quit my job, buy a house in Seattle, buy a flat in London, buy an rv and hit the cribbage trail

  8. For once - not worry how I'm going to pay my bills

  9. LOL Jasmine

    I was thinking about this the other day, the hospital in my tiny town is so run down and out of date, I think I would donate a ton of money getting it repared and updated. Which would also generate some much needed money into the area. Then I would buy a condo at the beach and travel.

  10. I'd help out family and friends, pay everything off, get a car and a driver (I hate to drive), buy a place in the French Quarter, give a bunch to charity, and travel. When I got sick of traveling, I'd come home and work in a gym. That's a fun job.

  11. start a foundation to demand change in the system so HERB is no longer on the table as a scape goat nor still public enemy number 1 (just look at DEA stats for what has the most busts and by a landslide) and force child predators to become law enforcement's new Public Enemy number 1 (as well as human traffickers & child pornographers). So basically, I'd fund the true revolution because we'd need a 360degree flip of the whole goddamn system).

    Good thing I didn't win, huh?

  12. I would give a chunk of it to my parents, buy myself a house, travel a little, and take all the classes I want. That's it.

    Oh and I'd buy myself something embarrassingly expensive.

  13. Since after taxes it will probably be reduced to $200 million, I would give maybe $5 million each to about 10 of my relatives and a few friends**, $10 million to kiss off my boyfriend I currently live with, and go get a house in Brittany or somewhere similar. Somewhere private, with trees & birds, and live all alone with my cats & a maid twice a week.
    Since I don't speak French and LOVE American football, I'd have to have some kind of satellite t.v. setup. That, the internet, a cat on my lap, and birds singing outside is ALL I NEED.

    **I should say that I would love to set up annuities for the folks under 50, so they'd be set for life without blowing it all right away.

  14. And maybe I'd finally have me a baby. That's a good idea, Nichole. Inseminated though, I am DONE with relationships for a while.

  15. Buy an island. Have tons of plastic surgery. Shop in Paris. See if any of Elizabeth Taylor's jewelry is still for sale. Hire some 20-year-old underwear model to bring me my sweet tea. Can you buy the entire internet? Because I would try. Finance a movie about my imaginary life.

    I can't lie. I would live high on the hog. And wouldn't apologize once for it.

  16. Quit my job so I could focus on improving my health. Heck, I've been wishing I could just win enough money to cover a year off so I could do this, as I really need it. Move to DC so I could spend all my time researching the Civil War & writing a book & screenplay. Give my husband the freedom to do what he wants to do in life. Take care of our family & friends. Start a few charities on a few causes that mean a lot to us.

  17. First thing, hire a financial team.
    Second, go shopping.
    Third, make sure that family is taken care of and that my grand niece's waste of skin sperm donor won't be able to touch anything I set up for her.
    Fourth, DISNEY WORLD.
    Fifth, enjoy life knowing I can do and see everything I've ever imagined and I can expose the grandkids to the world outside of KC.

  18. Ditto Cindy's answer. But make that "houseS" plural!

    My charities would help kids worldwide and be one of ongoing trusts or whatever.

  19. Pay off my bills, my mom's bills, my sister's bills and give my worthless brother and sister $100 each and legally disown both. Maybe throw in a restraining order, too.

    Then I'd set my mother up anywhere she wanted to live and start a college fund for my (good) sister's future kids. Then set up a trust for no-kill shelters in Mississippi and Massachusetts. Then I'd put the rest in savings or what have you and live off the interest with Jon Hamm and Jean Dujardin as my poolboys.

  20. Hire a tax attorney and then hide. I would only let immediate family and friends know my number and location. I would become a distant memory to people.

  21. Quit my job and go home and take a nap. Geesh, am I tired right now.

  22. I'd invest it so that I wouldn't be without money for the rest of my life; pay off my siblings' and mother's mortgages; hook up my son with a great education; and buy the home I lost back. Then I'd go back to school for my Master's.

  23. Split it evenly & give to my immediate family.
    Pay off my bills and buy a nice apartment in NYC.
    Invest the rest for my kids.

  24. Split it evenly & give to my immediate family.
    Pay off my bills and buy a nice apartment in NYC.
    Invest the rest for my kids.

  25. nichole, ditto I want a baby and cannot afford it. So I would get a financial team, hire adoption attorney adopt sibling group and invest and be a stay at home mom. Maybe go to school and get a master's, because i would take the 26 year pay out. not the cash option.

  26. 15% to St Jude's, 15% to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children, pay off Mother's house, pay off my house, go on a mad shopping spree for the local food banks, then passports and iPads for the husband and kids to hit up Europe until we get sick of it. :)

  27. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Buy black roses to send to my boss tommorrow to match her soul, pay off my house and car and get.rid of my emotionally abusive, very cruel SO, and get,liposuction,so.for one day...thats all i FUCKING ASK..FOR,ONE DAY TO BE PRETTY AND HAPPY... Then leave all the mine to an animal off.a.bridge

  28. Hide, the Lottery releases the names of winners, at least they do in New York....

  29. First, I'd quit my job. Make sure my parents were set for life. Make sure everyone in my family who I care about was set for life, especially the elderly. Make sure all my friends were taken care of. Definitely put a great deal of money towards the homeless and another for abused children. Since I'm now not working, I'd be able to spend time at these shelters. I would also spend some time working for free doing a job I loved, such as a special events coordinator...which is what I used to do before the economy crashed.

  30. I get you, Kimberly. Just one day to be FREE.

  31. Not do anything at first and not tell anyone. Wait a week and put the ticket away in a safe location after I've signed my name to it. Wait until the initial hullaballoo blows over.

    I'd find an accountant, an estate planner, and a tax attorney and discuss setting up a blind trust establishing myself as the sole beneficiary.

    I'd wait until someone else wins a similar lotto jackpot and actually announces themselves as the winner, then collect my winnings using the blind trust as the front. I have a year to collect, so in way time would be on my side.

    After that, I'd pay off the bills for my family and the $75,000+ college loan for a close friend who helped out my parents at a time when I couldn't. I'd also offer a blank check to cover any legal bills for my sister currently in the process of divorcing her alcoholic/gambling addict husband, therby allowing her the option to adopt a scorched earth policy towards the bastard if necessary.

    After that, I'd probably buy a nice house, give away a large portion of the money to charities anonymously, and take up a personal interest/hobby as an alternative to a desk job, which'd keep myself from becoming bored with the money itself.

    That's what I'd do.

    My advice to the person in Rhode Island who won this jackpot: time is your friend. Use it to take serious stock as to who your real friends are. Some of them will definitely change and likely blunt whatever happiness and security that this jackpot will otherwise provide for you.

  32. Give a hell of a lot to my friends & family then quickly change my name & move far, far away.

  33. Build a jail in L.A. For celebs to serve their time instead of receiving special treatment due to overcrowding.

  34. Pay off the house, give it to my daughter so she can leave Texas. Trust fund for grandkids. Give enough to our son so he would have a nest egg, but not enough to live on.

    My Mom and brother have money. But I would treat for the cruise, trip, whatever this time.

    Buy a house where my husband could fish or golf every day if he wanted to.

    Fund all the animal charities I love to my hearts content. Huge endowment to the area shelter for abused women,(they take their animals too!)

    Invest most of it, I'm an easy keeper. Oh, buy lots more books.

  35. Pay off Enty to reveal the Blinds!

  36. Quit my job and move to New Zealand.. I don’t even have to think about it.

  37. pay off my mortgage and bills ($100K). Buy a nice new car ($30K). Pay off my parents house, sister's house and brother's houses (if applicable). Pay my son's college.

    Then invest the rest in something that gathers a small interest and live off the interest. I'd still work. I'd see how much money I have every year and I'd travel as my money permits.

    When I die, I'd leave half to my son and donate the other half to my church adn other charities I'm affiliated with.

  38. gold plate my humble home, donate millions to charity, fund a foundation in my parent's name. Give houses to my favorite people who know they will never scrape together enough for a down payment and I agree with ChasingHeaven - pay off Enty - July 4th and New Year's Day are too far apart and the best and dirtiest are never revealed!! Plus all the dirt on Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt just to shut the tabloids up.

  39. I'm from RI and am slightly "bitter, party of one" that I did not win! Sigh.

    Anyway, I already have my offshore tax shelter selected for when the day arrives. I will pay off any bills my parents have, buy them a condo with a maid, and new cars with drivers for them. Me, pay off my bills and embark on my shopping tour of Europe with my faithful companion, my beloved dog, beside me. Then we will go visit His Holiness the Dalai Lama. When we come back, SuperPuppy and I will launch our business, buy a house, and give to our favorite charities.

  40. Surrender US citizenship ASAP.

  41. I feel you, Kimberly. Just.One.Damn.Day.

  42. Hire a (hopefully) reputable financial planner and not let my family know anything until we had a plan. Oh, and I'd roll around my floor on a pile of money for a few minutes. ;)

  43. Invest 65% is the first thing I'd do, after that I'd give 3 million to my parents to pay off their debt and retire; pay off my sister and brother-in-law's debt, buy them a house, and set up a college fund for their kid(s). After that I'd take my remaining millions and move someone else to get a fresh (modest) start and spend my time getting back to nature. To be clear, I'd move because I wouldn't want to have to deal with running into people I knew 10 years ago laying on their sob story about how they've hit rock bottom.

    Oh, and 2 million would go to Planned Parenthood.

  44. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Be charitable. Help my kids. Education funds for the grandkids. Maybe a small house somewhere so I don't have to pay rent any more. Don't need a car, I already have a car that's only 10 years old, I'm good there. Travel. I'd love to see it all.

  45. #1 would be buy a big piece of land and build and animal sanctuary like that Dogtown one, but it would be for all animals. I'd also have a nice big beautiful house and all the toys out there! I'd also have to buy the Louis Vuitton bag that I've always. Take the family and close friends on holidays and shop shop shop!!! Aside from my parents I don't think I would give out money to other family and friends, but I would totally help them with bills and there would be lots of nights out on me!

  46. I certainly wouldn't be handing out a ton of money to "friends" and family. I would pay off one friend's student loan and make sure her son has a 529 for college. It would be much more rewarding for me to buy a bag of blow pops and hand them out to assholes who show up at my door out of the blue. "What have you done for me lately? SUCK IT!"

  47. After reading all of these comments, I would need to do one more thing -- I would pay for first class flights for all the CDAN readers to have a weekend in the best hotel in Vegas -- pay a detective to kidnap Enty and bring him to us then pay him to reveal all (especially MV and Coke Mom)-- What happens in Vegas.....

  48. I would buy an island. They're not that expensive, only a couple hundred thousand for a small one. It would be a peaceful place, with no crime. All the animals would be allowed to live peacefully - humans too. I would catch up on my sleep. I would visit every art museum, or every anything museum, I've ever wanted to see. And I would eat wonderful food. I would cook wonderful food! I would visit everyone and have everyone visit me - including all of you!

  49. pay off my debt
    buy mum a house
    build multiple schools for the arts
    fund an orphanage
    invest in real estate!
    and save the rest!

  50. I just re-read the comments and I feel really bad for the people who said that they would like to be pretty and happy for one day. Those two things are not mutually exclusive and I hope you don't equate them as such.

  51. Amen Sue Ellen!

    I would like to add though, I would hire a personal trainer. Good health is priceless.

  52. --give 1/4 away to family and friends (with a big chunk to my still-beloved ex)
    --give 1/4 away to various charities (and NPR)
    --spend 1/4 on a flat in London (as my European base) and a waterfront house in the Seattle area
    --invest 1/4 for my future use
    --travel, travel, travel

  53. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Life is much easier.for.the.pretty though

  54. After the IRS took their 50%, I'd keep maybe $5 million and invest it all and live off the interest. The rest I divide up among the charities I already support.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. First, pay my bills and my husbands. Than get our dream house the way both of us want it. Get the best to furnish it. Get good cars for the both of us (nothing fancy). Than give my mom, brother and sisters money so they can help their family. After that find how to invest some of the money and than take a trip to Italy and Puerto Rico. After that live quietly and peacefully (if possible).

  57. The estimate for the cash payout was 193.4 million. Which I would have taken.

    I would have split it with my long term girlfriend. Not to would result in a huge power imbalance in the relationship. I would have given 10% to the church and another 10% to Catholic charities. After taxes and initial charitable contributions I estimate I would be left with $50 Million.

    A new car. Rent a larger apartment. Renovate my condo in preparation for selling it.

    I would try to continue working for at least the next 6 months to a year. The idea would be to take the time to make a financial plan and adapt to it.

  58. Pretty + happy = NOT THE SAME THING.
    I would buy back my home, flip it, (just to stick it to Wells Fargo) pay off my and my sister's student loans, pay off both my parent's homes, and quit my job, or at least take a loooong leave of absence (I like my job) and lay in the sun, on a beach, buzzed, with nary a care in the world.
    @Daveb - you can do that WITHOUT 336 million, ya know ;)

  59. Pay for my daughter's boarding school. Have you got any idea how much that costs?

  60. 1. Quit job.
    2. Buy home, new car, vacay home. Pay off debts (I barely have any, and my car is 15 yrs old).
    3. Pay off mortgages/buy homes for parents/siblings. Pay off debts of parents/siblings.
    4. Donate to the charities I support.
    5. Set up trust funds for my niece and nephew.
    6. Invest the rest/live off the interest.

  61. Pay off the debts of my family, Build another home for my brother and sister, buy myself an old farm. Travel the world, help the local pet charity I support (also adopt a few more dogs since I'd have the farmhouse), and help the local food bank because the people who need it has almost tripled. I would RELAX instead of constantly being worried about what's going to break next in my house.

  62. Start up a charitable foundation, give away a lot to friends & family, pay off my debt, buy a new car, buy a house (or 2), invest it, maybe start my own business

  63. Buy an island and spend the rest of my days away from the plague of humanity.

  64. I have ways said to my friends that if I came into money, if anyone asked for some it would be the last time I spoke to them. I have a few friends I can think of who I could stay friends with, however, I think realistically you have to plan for a loss of friends and family. I too would take the time to plan for the windfall. What I would do with it. If I can keep it quiet I would stay in the same house, however, we have no garage, so realistically we would probably move and buy a slightly bigger block of land with a nice house. I would be tempted to adopt, my husband and I are older now, so I would worry about being fair on the children. Buy an apartment in New York, travel, study for fun, hire a housekeeper, buy my dad as many properties as he wants, pay off all debts. Jeff wants to help out some friends. We are in our 40's, the friends who need help have made bad life decisions and I feel it would be squandered, but it is his choice. Take a group of friends on a holiday to Tuscany, hire a big villa, cleaners, cooks, tour guides and have multiple cars at our disposal.

  65. #1 Buy can of gasoline and pack of matches and burn Blanc Debris Manor
    #2 Let the Opster quit job to build a proper manor on the country property
    #3 Give Crazy Teri some money so she can live her crazy life with a little bit of comfort since life has always screwed her in the ass
    #4 Pay off mother and sisters home and buy mama them new teefs. (Seriously my mom needs some teeth)
    #5 Buy a special bed for mom.
    #6 Help out other sister financially
    #7 Invest a large portion to live off in my golden years
    #8 Give to the Blue Mountain Playhouse (for the youth) and to other charities such as KCSM and Planned Parenthood.
    #9 Yeah, I gotta get the man a new truck and I will buy myself and fancy schmancy car
    #10 Continue to work because I'd become a raging alcoholic otherwise.
    #11 Go into rehab.

    I think I am done.

  66. ^a fancy schmancy car

  67. Animal charities would get at least half - humane societies and WWF, for sure. Any money I could throw at no-kill shelters, I would. Also pay for underprivileged kids to go to school, and save enough to do art for the rest of my life and not starve, woot!

  68. Do all the stuff Comma Chaser said, initially, to set myself up & not get screwed over.

    Pay off our debt, my parents, my sisters' fam & the in laws.
    Invest some. Buy a condo in NYC, on the Battery in Charleston & maybe one out in CA.
    Donate, mostly to animal rescue groups, esp. my local ones.
    Travel, some for fun + volunteer trips.

    LOVED Layna's wish to buy the whole Internet ;)

  69. @feraltart

    Unless you and your SO are in poor health you are certainly young enough to adopt. If you have doubts about that consider an older child.

  70. First thing is that I didn't tell anybody. Ummm, I mean I wouldn't tell anybody.



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