Friday, February 10, 2012

Your Turn

Coco posted a photo of herself completely naked in bed with her toddler nephew. First of all is this a photo you would share with the world, and second, when is it not appropriate to be naked as an adult with a child? The kid is a toddler but I am wondering why an aunt needs to be naked with him? And then post it? Doe she shower with him to? Is family nudity always ok? Are we too prudish as a society?


  1. I thought he was barely a year old? He was born on an episOde of their show last year

  2. Posting it was a little weird, I also dunno that I would be naked with a niece or nephew. It seems like its a little different when its your own child. They literally grew inside you. But there was obviously no ill intent and it was obviously what she thought was a tender moment, sharing it tho is again, a little weird.

  3. If the kid is old enough to say, "Ew" then put your shit away.

  4. I don't think there is anything wrong with being naked in front of your small child - I think the issue here is the fact that she often poses nude for her fans for the purpose of titillating them - a kid has no business in such a picture. I haven't seen the picture yet, though.

  5. We are the opposite of a prudish society. A few friends and I were talking about this the other day. Remember when Roseanne had that episode where a woman kissed her and there was a public outcry about it? The Catholic League was upset, parents were concerned...and
    now we've got Teen Mom and Jersey Shore. Amazing how far society has come in less than 20 years.

  6. The only wrong is posting it unless it was the Mother who took the picture and wanted it posted.

  7. I see nothing wrong with it. It seems to be her thing. I know some people whose families run around the house naked and it's no big deal. Some people are very comfortable with nudity and don't sexualize it because it's completely natural to them. To each his/her own.

  8. You’re being too prude.. A few years ago I took a bath with my then 3 yr old niece. She insisted on joining me when I was looking forward to some alone time in the tub. Why would it be so awful to be naked around a child. If they no longer want to see you naked they’ll let you know.

  9. dealing with this now. My kids gonna be 3 and we're pretty free around the house. I try to recall my earliest memories, and aside from a few standouts, it's all pretty hazy before 5. Maybe 4 is a cutoff point for me, cuz as a kid it's probably just gross. My wife thinks it's more ok to watch a movie with violence around him, than one with sex. As I'm usually the one getting jumped and beat on, I have a different view. This kid's like a 2y/o Bam Margera.

  10. Sue Ellen, it seems like people only freak out if it's anything relating to homosexuality (side eyes The Situation), but have no problem with Teen Mom or Jersey Shore or (just putting it out there) extreme graphic violence.

  11. Society is totally prudish. Look at the superbowl with Janet...IT'S JUST A NIPPLE...every single person on the planet has nipples. It's just a body. We all have the same parts, just different shapes and sizes. It's not innapproprate, the kid doesn't even know better.

  12. I'm a prude, but I am also adult enough to realize that I am. Having said that, would we have the same reaction if Coco was a male doing this?

  13. Coco seems very sweet to me, so I doubt that it was anything but Auntie's pride and joy type of thing.

    I do think the Mom should have had some say in the picture being posted.

  14. He's a child, and I don't really see a problem with her being naked around him. I *do* think it's weird that she would post the pic, but in regards to her being naked around her nephew...don't really see an issue.

  15. Well, I guess I am Prudy McPruderson because there's no way in hell I would be naked in front of children that weren't mine. And I am an aunty to 10 nieces and nephews.

    Yeah, if this were an uncle naked with a niece, wouldn't everyone on here be singing a different tune?

    There's no need to be naked with other people's children.

  16. I have no problem with the nudity -- it's your business, not mine. But to post a picture to Twitter naked with a child? No. The child has no say,who knows if the mother did, and I just think that's all kinds of wrong. That's a *private* moment. Why the hell did she want to post it anyway?

    I don't get it.

  17. I would find it totally weird for my kids' aunts / uncles to be laying around naked with them. Then again, I thought it was weird when my mother-in-law let my son run around her yard naked. I mean, how hard is it to put on a swimsuit? And showering together? Unless it's a situation when it's a necessity, which would be rare, then no.

  18. If it sends PedoBear into monkey-spank, then it's wrong.

    I don't have children. I'm never naked with them. I prefer they never be naked with me.

    And stop making me think about my parents being naked. Ick! It's going to take a lot of vodka to wash that thought away. Better be glad it's Friday!!

  19. I retry much helped raise my nephews from the time they were born and just like a parent I threw them in the shower with me and changed in front of them. But there's an age where that stops. I also understand that some people don't have that type of a relationship with a niece/nephew and may not understand so posting a photo like that is probably shouldn't be done (unless of course you want people to talk about you)

  20. @Vicki

    Totally understand your point about homophobia, but we also talked about the "Like a Prayer" video and how there was an uproar about that, too. Imagine if Teen Mom was on a Bill Curtis A&E special 20 years ago. The balcklash would be HUGE! Now it's part of pop culture. A little mental, imo.

  21. Oops *pretty much*

  22. OMG, Sue Ellen, I totally remember when I was seven a lady at church said Madonna was a devil worshiper because she kissed a black guy in that video. I see your point.

  23. I was a kid too and I was totally confused about what the problem was? I think there was a Pepsi commercial with her around that time that was also banned. It's crazy when you think about it.

  24. @Susan-great point!

    I think the photograph is offensive because it is out there for the world to see and the child has no say.

    The child will have to deal with knowing this was on the Internet when he IS old enough to know about it and feel uncomfortable about it.

  25. What Maja and MadLyb said.

    And I just want to chime in that I was a massage therapist for several years and learned a few things about Human Behavior.

    Men, more than women, DID get inappropriate with several of us, Ive even had a man pull me down to the massage table while I was massaging him. I would say 1 male in 20 has done something to make some of the fellow CMT's at my work uncomfortable or downright icked out.


    Because I think we teach people, especially boys, that nudity, sex, and touch has negative connotations around it from an early age.

    In our industry, we've learned that because men have really come to associate touching and close contact with sex, this can be where their mind takes massage.

    If we allowed children of both sexes to see nudity and freedom of expression as the natural state it is, with zero connotations/emotions placed upon it, think about how many less rapes or assualts or just plain old hang ups there'd be later in life!

    The taboo and stigma attachted to nudity is archaic and a residue of our religious society from long ago. Time to put it to rest.

  26. Sue Ellen, I grew up in Mississippi. The fact that I wasn't burned at the stake for liking the song is a miracle. The commercial was banned because of the burning crosses....officially.

  27. If she didn't make a career out of showing her ass in pics, I'd say we were being too prudish. However, this woman flaunts her "assets" whenever and wherever she can. In a very uncouth manner to boot. This is not a non-surgically enhanced woman laying with her child.

    Anyway, what's wrong with being prudes?

  28. Ewww. You mean Coco, Ice-T's wife? Yech.
    I don't know what the difference is though: It's not like when she's dressed there is much left to the imagination anyway.

  29. Vicki, wow. What a culture shock that is for me. The first time I went to Georgia my mind was blown. (I know it's not Mississippi, but it's the South)

  30. I don't think it was banned here I forgot to mention.

  31. I think it was more yanked after public outrage by the burning crosses.

    Yeah, sometimes I wonder why Mississippi was ever let back in the Union.

  32. When my son was young,we were naked all the time. I don't know why we're all so anxious about nudity. I wanted him to be comfortable in his body, yes I think we're all effed about body images.

    I lived far away from nieces and nephews as babies, but I think if I was babysitting and we took a nap, I'd feel free.

    I don't have a problem with this picture, there's nothing really showing that isn't seen in the way so many dress. Me? I wouldn't do it, it's a bit tacky.

  33. my only trouble(and again) is that it was posted but i have no trouble with to be naked with a baby(until a certain age for the kid)

  34. The picture I saw over at TMZ looked like a baby, not a toddler. All I could think was, unless Coco's got some milk in there, that baby's gonna be pissed when he wakes up!

  35. That is WRONG WRONG WRONG.

  36. Sometimes you aren't the one making the decision. I have had my friend's children walk in on me when I have been on the toilet and in the shower. One time I was full frontal in the shower washing my hair, no time to turn around and I didn't want to act freaked out and stress the child. He says to me 'they're your nipples', I respond 'yes they are'. With that he got bored and left the bathroom - I was staying overnight at her place. I think non-reaction is the best reaction. Children don't sexualise these things, adults do.

  37. I raise my nephews. Under no circumstances have they ever seen me naked. Just creepy.

  38. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I don't have an opinion about this but wanted to say I immediately thought of Ice-T for the blind about the grammy-winning reality star who always talks about how much he loves his wife. Nobody mentioned him which surprised me.

  39. I have no problem being naked around my 2-yr-old. I sometimes take baths with him, I change in front of him and we leave the bathroom door open so he can learn by example how to use the potty. I imagine that will change as he gets older - for now, though, it's just a natural part of our family life. I would not do this with other people's children, however.

  40. I wish my parents had been free spirits....maybe I would be also.

  41. Not from a naked house/ family. Never naked in front of children who aren't your own. Prudish? Decent? Mmmmm?

  42. @Vicki - I grew up in Alabama (late 80's & all of the 90's) and it IS like a different world down there sometimes. We definitely lived in a VERY religiously driven city & everyone that wasn't the "ideal" white person was seen as a devil worshiper.

    My initial thought on this post was "Ew" but I haven't seen the photo and I'm finding it harder and harder to try and put myself in someone else's shoes to figure out their actions.

  43. ^^ I meant to add also, I wonder how differently I'd think about things like this had I NOT been taught so much close-mindedness? I know better now, but still.

  44. I grew up in the 60's, my sister is 10 yrs. older and at 21 had her first baby. My nephew was only allowed to be babysat by family so my sister and I were with him alot. We took him everywhere with us the park, the Library, swimming, bike rides, I mean we did everything with him. The nakeness, I must say didn't happen much unless we took a bath and he needed one, too. We changed in front of him because we were responable for him and didn't let him out of our sight. My second nephew came 2 yrs. later again, only family allowed to babysit. The 2 of them went every where with us. We by then thought nothing about changing in front of them. Kids like to be naked as babies and toddlers. My own daughter who is now 27 use to go in the back yard, fenced, remove all her clothes and go in the dog pool. My granddaughter who is 2 and lives with her and I loves to be naked and will run thru the house and jump on my bed. I change in front of her. Her mother has showered and bathed with her. My parents taught us there is nothing wrong with the naked body. They did also teach us about "WEIRD" people and how to avoid them.

  45. The nudity isn't a problem with me. We often ran around in various states of undress when my daughter was little, and it wasn't a big deal. I wouldn't have been comfortable being naked in front of my nieces or nephews, but I wasn't that much of a part of their lives when they were all that young. However, I can't see where publicizing a naked picture -- whether the subject matter is considered sexual or not -- is anything other than being an attention whore. Nudity doesn't have to be sexual, but it also shouldn't be exposed to the general public.

  46. I saw the photo, and he's definitely a baby who wouldn't even understand that she's naked. A little different, maybe weird, but I wouldn't call it inappropriate. Naked IS natural; it looks like they were just both napping, and a lot of us sleep naked. No big thing.

  47. If this was naked uncle with a child, there would be huge outcry.

  48. The nudity itself is not the is the public posting that screams look at me that is a bit disturbing.

  49. if you think the Prude isn't alive and kicking try reading the comments under the Obama B/C debate on CNN.


    Females are being used as fkn pawns in this election and it's downright disgusting.

  50. I was naked in front of my kids till they started being shy being naked in front of me.
    But never naked in front of relative's kids.

  51. Is this a photo I would share with the world? No
    When is it not appropriate to be naked as an adult with a child? When it gets awkward for either of you
    The kid is a toddler but I am wondering why an aunt needs to be naked with him? Being naked isn't a crime, it isn't "sick" and if you're not comfortable with it, don't do it. I used to have baths with my nieces and nephews (when they were little obvs), they are fine (there are no photos).
    And then post it? See above
    Doe [sic] she shower with him to [sic]? See above
    Is family nudity always ok? No, of course not. Sometimes it is though. Some families are not worried about nudity - my parents often walked around with no clothes on and so did we. We used to swim in the pool with our cousins naked. We are all fine and no one committed incest. Also, Enty, get someone to proofread your sentences.
    Are we too prudish as a society? Yes and no. I shouldn't comment on the US as I don't live there and I haven't been there and I wouldn't want to form an opinion based on...7th Heaven or something. But in Australia, certain things are seen as scandalous when they are not. Google Bill Henson who took photographs of me as a teenager and was later accused of child pornography (not because of my photos, I'm quite old). I think the photo(s) are art and I am proud that I am included in Australian art history. Hypocrisy is always breathtaking but none more so when it comes to porn.

    We're a confusing kind of society. I'm happy that people are more aware of incest, paedophilia and child pornography but not at the expense of a happy, free and innocent childhood.

  52. I thought the picture was sweet. And why not post it? She's not shy about her nudity, and imo, there wasn't anything sexual about the picture. It looked very natural to me.

  53. I tried to be more relaxed about nudity when my daughter was young so she wouldn't have the same body hang-ups as me, but when she called my boobs 'cucumbers', it was over.

    I'm back to getting nude around her now to let her know how shit goes south when you're over 40..Payback baby!

  54. The issue isn't being naked around the kid so much as POSTING A PHOTO OF IT ON THE INTERNET FOR ETERNITY! He has no say in this, and I'm sure he'll just be so thrilled when he's 16 to be in a photo with his attention-seeking, naked aunt.

    If it was just Coco, then the intent would be obvious, but throw in a baby and voila! Instant family innocence! (sarcasm) She's using this kid in her constant bid for more attention. Not right.

  55. I agree with Sue Ellen-- society hardly seems prudish to me. Sue Ellen's namesake certainly wasn't! ;)

  56. It is a little weird was 1 a.m., she sleeps in the nude & her sister took the picture, so I'm ok with it.

  57. I wouldn't post the picture, but this happening does not strike me as odd at all. In our family (meaning the grandparents, my husband's sisters and everyone's kids) all live in one house. My husband and I and our 4 year old have our own place. Anyway, my son sleeps over there once a week and almost all the adults sleep nude or in their underwear. The kids (my 4 year old is the oldest) will wake up and climb into Nanny's bed or Aunty's bed without thinking twice about who is wearing what. My son still follows me into the bathroom or will come in there to talk to me while I'm having a bath. They're just bodies.

    That said, posting pictures like that on the internet is just WEIRD. She's in it for the attention, and using a child that way is not cool, IMO

  58. Just wanted to add, I haven't actually SEEN the photo, so I'm starting to second guess myself. If she's covered, (sheets, blanket, whatever) and the child isn't naked, then I don't really think there is a problem. I might not post it, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily inappropriate. She does strike me as the type to do something like this just for attention, though.

  59. Theinternetbully - i stopped reading as soon as i read your post because my 5 year old has been like that since he could walk! Unfortunately he beats up on me too. :)

    I am the opposite of your wife, i am cool with sexual content, to some degree) but not violence. I am still trying to figure out how he knows what a gun is nd to go bang bang, i assume preschool? I had to have "the gun" talk with him at 4.

    We are pretty nude around here. Kids running into showers in the am, baths in the pm. My 2 kids, 1 girl, 1 boy, bathe together and share a room. We say vagina and penis as opposed to silly terms. My kids refused bibs at about 1 so they take their shirts off at dinner and sometimes their pants :) we are fun like that.

    The rule with my best friends kids was I had to stop changing with them in the room as soon as they noticed, same rule applies to my kids. When they notice then stop the nudity or have a talk or whatever.

    I think our society is super prude in some ways and not in others. Ultimately it depends on the person.
