Sunday, February 26, 2012

WTF? Baby Yoga

You would think baby yoga would involve putting your baby into easy yoga positions to introduce them to exercise and stretching. Similar to how my parents introduced me to all you can eat buffets at a young age and the concept of open bars and cash bars and why you only attend weddings that have the former and not the latter. Anyway, this woman obviously did not get the memo that swinging babies is bad for them and her idea of baby yoga is to use babies as an object.


  1. The Russian video is a couple of years old and the baby in it is fake.

  2. I realize the baby in the video is fake, but still, there are so many retards out there with a Marky Mark mentality that would believe it's real and a good idea.

    I can see some fruit loop opening a baby yoga studio, attracting other fucktards in droves.

  3. It’s not fake. The Daily Mail has an article on it..

  4. "The father just recently posted the clip, even though it was 2 years ago." I saw this AGES ago.

    Slow news day?

  5. @Noetje, Using the Daily Mail as a source is a joke. It is like the National Enquirer.

  6. I know the Daily mail isn’t much of a source and if it weren’t for the photo’s I never would have used it. The photo’s look real and are far more up close than the above video.

  7. As for more reliable:

  8. This may be old news, but I've never seen it before. I certainly hope it's fake!

  9. Not fake .. but really old. One of my friend freaked out about this .. geez.. a year or more ago??

    Crazy stuff .. and I would worry about brain damage to the child with all the sloshing as she swings it like a baton!

  10. I had to go back into my mail folder .. but here is a link to an SF Gate story along with the full video.

    Just crazy .. I swear this would cause more harm that good. And what if she lost her grip. Ya .. think this is likely not something that will - or should, imo - gain wide acceptance.

  11. In the clip itself it says Time Magazine has verified it isn't fake.

  12. I had never seen it before. It looks like a doll to me, but I guess some sources say it's a real baby. Who probably should have been taken away from their mother from the looks of it. If it's been a few years since the video was made, and it was a real baby, I'd like to meet the child now.

  13. You can totally tell it's a fake baby made of rubber, but this is incredibly dangerous. Is this a joke? You can dislocate a childs arms, legs or hips, not to mention you could break its neck or drop it on its head. This is sick.

  14. You can totally tell it's a fake baby made of rubber, but this is incredibly dangerous. Is this a joke? You can dislocate a childs arms, legs or hips, not to mention you could break its neck or drop it on its head. This is sick.



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