Friday, February 03, 2012

Would You Let Your 16 Year Old Daughter Wear This?

It is hard to fathom in my mind that Mick Jagger has a granddaughter who is almost 20. When you are dating women younger than your grandchildren do you have some kind of issue? At what point do you start to move up in age? It is one thing to date people as young as your children, but your grandchildren? I did not realize that Assisi Jackson was 19. To think about Jade Jagger having a 20 year old is kind of shocking. Anyway, the picture above is Jade's other daughter Amba and Mick's 16 year old granddaughter. I say when you are 18 years old you can go out and wear whatever you want and I won't say a word. I just think about when I was 16 and trying to squeeze into my size 44 jeans. Oh yeah, I was on the big side even then, I don't think I ever would have seen an outfit like this except at a pajama party. The thing is Amba was dressing like this when she was 14 or 15, so maybe it is the norm when you are celebrity offspring. Am I being too uptight? I do have a headache so maybe that is it. Would you let your 16 year old wear this? Of course, the picture below is when she was 10 (she is on the far left). Who allows their daughter to go for cleavage at 10? Did I also mention she is living with her boyfriend on their own too?


  1. no, no, no. But I love the purple shoes!

  2. Who the hell has cleavage at 10yo???

    No, my daughter would not be wearing this at 16yo. Nor would she be living with her BF. No, no, no.

  3. They are Jaggers so they think they are all rock n rollers I guess.

    Self exploit all you want, nobody cares. She isn't exactly a beauty either.

  4. Not a hot chance in China.
    I guess the famous and elite roll differently.

  5. "I say when you are 18 years old you can go out and wear whatever you want and I won't say a word."

    Oh, PLEASE. Of course you will.

  6. And she is living with her 17 year old boyfriend in London while her mother is on some island selling jewelry

  7. To answer the question, HELL TO THE NO!! That bottom pic is when she is 10? How freaking sick!! I also find it shocking that Jade Jagger has a 20 year old because I thought all of her child/ren would be at least in their 30s by now or much older.

  8. This girl needs to see what happened to Jamie Lynn Spears. Who didn't dress like a trashy whore, by the way. I meant living with her boyfriend.

  9. This is what happens when a mother or father tries to be friend to their kid(s) rather than a parent.

    They are like mini Geldof girls. There's a pic on of the 15 year old next to Jade, smoking what looks like either a joint or a hand-rolled cigarette.

  10. It is still too young, hell, I freak out over my 20 year old doing stuff and wearing racy clothing...but still, I could have sworn legal adult age in England is 16 or 17. As for the clevage at There is NO excuse for that.

  11. If you are a celeb and you're not going to be a good parent....shouldn't you at least TRY to keep up appearances?

  12. NO, NO and NO.

    OT - one of the men in my company is dating a woman younger than his daughter. It totally skeeves me out - the thought of being in bed with someone my son's age - yuck.

  13. Mick & Bianca were forever ago, I looked it up, 40 years. Why wouldn't Mick have a 20 year old grand daughter...

  14. No.
    Not cause her tits are about to fall out but it's just an ugly outfit.

  15. For the life of me I will never understand why these young girls think that clothes like that are sexy, just because they are revealing. A 50 year old meth mouthed prostitute ( I'm talking to you, Demi) has more taste in clothing than that.

    This girls problem isn't dressing too sexy, this girls problem is having no taste.

    That and the fact that her grandfather is Mick Jagger. Clebrity kids never have a chance.

  16. the first outfit looks like shrunken satin pajamas...not cute. I think it's ridiculous for a girl of her age to live with her boyfriend and beyond ridic for a 10 year old to dress like that. ughhhh!

  17. Anonymous9:17 AM

    She's 10 in that picture? What 10 year old has a purse?

  18. My question is what do these teens have to look forward to after living an adult life so early? I see local teens here going out to restaurants (not fast food) and while I think it is much better than partying, I can't imagine what they will do when they hit 30. What will a night out be when they've been there/done that for 15 years?

  19. Oh Oooops! In my earlier post I was confusing Jade with Bianca. I was thinking there was no way Bianca could have a 20 year old but I said Jade instead. I was thinking correctly, just got the names wrong :)

  20. 16 year olds are often finished with school and working adult jobs at 16 in England. You can stop after your O levels or go on to college and get your A levels before going on to University.

    I had friends in school with me in London that were Freshman at 16 because they had completed the equivalent of a highschool diploma already. If you are an adult, your an adult. It doesn't matter that the "adult" age is different than ours.

  21. When I was 16 my mom said I dressed like a slut. There wasn't much she could do about it except complain and tell me what kind of first impression I was giving people. She didn't ground me or take away my driving privileges. She was a single mother and needed me to be more independent. She relied on me being able to drive myself. I was working part-time and making my own money, so the clothes I bought were my choice. I think as a parent you pick your battles. Teens dress like shit. It's just the way it is.

  22. Can't stop myself from typing:

    Boobs Like Jagger.

  23. And people wonder why there are perverts in this world!!!

    NO!!! I would never let my 15 year old daughter wear this in a million years! But these are Jaggers so I guess the rules of good taste and common sense go out the window.

    Oh...and my 6 year old carries a purse...everywhere she goes...she often uses my old designer purses too...quite the stylish tot...of course, her purse is filled with lip gloss, fake nailpolish, lots of glitter and of course, lots of TOYS!!! LOL!!!

  24. Rotflmao @EmEyekay. Twice you've made my day.

  25. No, because it's fug as hell, that top outfit. FUG.

    And "Amba"?? Why am I hearing Boston Rob saying "Amber"...?

  26. I am in my mid-20's and my mother would kill me if I wore a top like that-lol. Don't think she would have let me in my teens.

  27. Not only is the outfit shabby looking but WTF is with her hair? I swear people do not have mirrors..

  28. LMAO RQ!!! I was thinking the same thing!!

  29. What RQ said...I wouldn't let my daughter wear this because it's f'ing hideous. Inappropriate was an after thought. Gross. The shoes are cute though.

  30. Aargh, that green purse that the 10 YEAR-OLD is carrying is a Balenciaga! My dream purse. It retails at around $2800. How appropriate for a 10 year old....

  31. I realize England is different, but here I wouldn't let my 16 year old wear what appears to be shrunken PJ's, no underwear, and a crap hair and makeup job.
    On her own my daughter would have wanted to look fun and cute but not sleazy or easy.

  32. I just can't wait till that 16 year old gets pregnant so that Mick will be a GREAT-grandfather, ha! Now that is a chilling thought. (He'll still be hot tho')

  33. Trust, this isn't normal in England, although there are a lot of misguided underage sluts trolling the streets carrying matching longchamp backpacks and talking about their meaningful relationships of three weeks on the bus home from school

  34. I dont think anyone should wear it; its hideous!

  35. England is not different--it's just as ridiculous there for a 16 year old to dress like a slut. Jade has always been accused of being a lousy mom and for more or less pimping out her daughters.

  36. Hell no! Ugly outfit and just not appropriate for her age. And definitely not the other outfit. I have to agree with the person who said about the reason for all the sick perverts.

    But love the purple shoes, which I have a pair just like them.

  37. Wow .. no. And she would not be living with her boyfriend either.

    Damn .. what is with these people and their "eh .. whatever" parenting??

  38. Forget my kid,I wouldn't wear that shi ! I seldom comment on parents methods of raising their kids,WOW and DAMN! That's all ican muster.

  39. Ice Angel said...And people wonder why there are perverts in this world!!!

    A kid or her mother's atrocious taste in clothes is not why. Perverts are not created because teenagers dress like shit. That's akin to saying that women are blame for rape if they wear a short skirt.

  40. No cuz its an ugly outfit that looks like shrunken pajamas. Enty, you of all people know that the rich and famous grow up faster than the rest of us.

  41. Oops didnt realize shrunken pjs had already been mentioned.

  42. Just sad...tragic...

    It's amazing how people allow pedophilia to be normalized.
    It's so sad that women allow themselves to be objectified when there are still women in other parts of the world being married off at 8 and younger, killed for not bearing sons...


  43. Anonymous11:20 PM

    I played with my mom's old purses when I was little but there's a different between 6 and 10. I just can't believe that's a 10 year old in that picture.

    @MLE, that is tragic (the dream purse).

    My purses will be left in my will for my nieces but they would get them once they are old enough to appreciate them. If I die tomorrow, my 9 year-old niece will not be receiving a Louis Vuitton bag (actually, I may just have it buried with me).

  44. It goes to show you money can't buy class or good taste.

    She's so young she doesn't understand that sexy is a state of mind and an attitude. She thinks because she's showing more cleavage then a mamogram test that she's hip and hot. Sadly she's just young and pathetically stupid.

  45. @Dixie... couldn't stop myself. I tried. It got in my head. The only way to get it out was to force it on someone else :)

  46. My daughter would not wear this at 16, nope.

    I would criticize her if she were to try to wear it at 18, 21 or 30 as well primarily because it is TACK-AY!

  47. Dressing like that is cry for attention. Living with your boyfriend at 16 is just wrong. I wonder how old the boyfriend is.she doesn't seem like the type to be dating another 16 year old. She may be living with someone almost as old as Grandpa Mick.

  48. I agree, the hair is hideous and the outfit trashy regardless of her age.

    I am not sure, as a parent what the "right" thing is. I would not let my daughter wear the 10 year old outfit at 10 or the 16 year old outfit at 16. However, I grew up with a girl, in europe, whose parents allowed her to dress very sexy when she was under 16 and have her boyfriends spend the night and order alcohol while in the US at 16 (she is/was stunning and has always looked like a supermodel). She is now in her 30s and happily married.

    Do i think her parents were wrong? I disagree with their decisions and she did grow up too fast and had some bad experiences. On the other hand, i had some bad experiences myself and my parents were strict about boys especially and the trashiest I dressed was wearing over the knee tights when they were in fashion for about 20 minutes in the mid 90s. As for alcohol, i was allowed wine with dinner most of my life and never got into booze until college.

    I am in my iPad and cannot go back to spell check/ re read my first paragraph. So, I apologize if it is a disaster.

    I am coming looking at this as the mother of a daughter and what parenting decisions are best. Ultimately, regardless of the fact my friend turned out fine, I still will not allow my 10 year old to show cleavage or my 16 year old to wear trashy outfits in public.

    As a previous poster stated, class and fashion sense are innate and not about sex appeal. I hope my daughter understands that, even somewhat, at 10 and/or 16.

    I find that what you cannot see is much sexier and alluring than showing off all your assets. I love a high slit on a long dress with long sleeves and a high neck or a beautiful silhouette (not too tight) that highlights what you are NOT seeing. Make sense?

  49. Sounds to me ole Mick will become a great grandfather anytime soon.

  50. I love when attractive females wear satin clothing so sure!
