Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why Do They Even Buy Rings For The Bachelor

Wetpaint has a photo of the ring that Ben gives Courtney on the season finale of The Bachelor. You know what? There are going to be a whole lot of stupid looking people, myself included if Courtney is not the one asked. We all have gone out on this limb and it would be really funny if we were all wrong. Anyway, the ring is pictured above, and looks gorgeous and is custom designed and all that, but to me it is just a waste of money. You ask the person and then give them the ring and then two weeks later they break up, sell the ring and divide the cash. I guess if you look at it that way it is fine, but maybe the producers should look into those candy rings. You know, the ones that look like a diamond but are purple and ginormous and taste really good. Oh, or they could get one out of a box of cereal or get the one Jessica Simpson's boyfriend bought her. I don't get the point of spending $100K on a ring when you know with 99% certainty that the couple is going to split.


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