Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why Do They Even Buy Rings For The Bachelor

Wetpaint has a photo of the ring that Ben gives Courtney on the season finale of The Bachelor. You know what? There are going to be a whole lot of stupid looking people, myself included if Courtney is not the one asked. We all have gone out on this limb and it would be really funny if we were all wrong. Anyway, the ring is pictured above, and looks gorgeous and is custom designed and all that, but to me it is just a waste of money. You ask the person and then give them the ring and then two weeks later they break up, sell the ring and divide the cash. I guess if you look at it that way it is fine, but maybe the producers should look into those candy rings. You know, the ones that look like a diamond but are purple and ginormous and taste really good. Oh, or they could get one out of a box of cereal or get the one Jessica Simpson's boyfriend bought her. I don't get the point of spending $100K on a ring when you know with 99% certainty that the couple is going to split.


  1. I don't see the point of spending 100,000 on an engagement ring in general.

  2. Are you saying Jessica Simpson's ring is fake or that they are going to break up? Or both?

  3. You think they pay for that ring? I doubt it. I would imagine they get a jeweler to comp the ring in exchange for the publicity.

  4. Enty, Do you think ABC/Mike Fleiss would let them keep the ring and sell it if they break up?

    The only way to keep the ring is if they go through with the marriage. If they break up beforehand they are contractually obligated to return it. Only one Bachelor in the early seasons bought a ring himself and the girl sold it but donated it to charity with his blessing.

    So far only Molly & Trista have kept the rings.

  5. It's great advertisement for Neil Lane, but he's hooked up with a jewelry store chain now so maybe he doesn't need it anymore.

    I have totally skipped this round of the Bachelor/ette. Ben just didn't do it for me.

  6. They should just give the ladies a ring pop. When they break up, they can just eat the ring.

  7. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Or people could just stop watching that ridiculous shit.

  8. Beautiful ring, but yeah - no way can any of the Bachelors afford to buy it themselves. It's supplied by the show, and they get it in exchange for publicity. That photo is pretty professional looking - I bet the photo was given to Wetpaint by the producers.

    I skipped this season too. Ben is dull. They should have chosen Constantine -- who, though
    Ben's doppelganger, seemed more interesting. Or gone with someone else entirely.

  9. Ben is just so blaaah. And kind of...meek? Just not my thing. I HAVE watched though. Courtney is TV gold. She's such an idiot but I can't stop watching. *shame*

  10. You can get a nice ring for a cheaper price. $100,000 is a ridiculous amount to pay for a ring. You can use that money on more important things.

  11. Exactly Anita!

    Money wouldn't be spent on this ridiculous whore fest if idiots didn't watch and ask these ridiculous questions. And yes, I am juding since that seems to be the theme today.

  12. Jessica bought her own ring...
    No this is a waste of fact the whole show is a waste.

  13. I keep thinking they will do the ole switcheroo and he will ask Kasey instead. Like they did when everyone thought Brad was going to ask whatser instead of Emily.

    BTW, JT and Ashley are kinda adorable and still together. *My shame*

  14. Agreed w/ Jolene jolene above on Courtney. She may be one of the craziest self-absorbed particpants on reality tv I've ever seen. But if I were a soap producer, I'd have my casting agents calling her pronto.

  15. the only reason why i'm watching it is because of Courtney. she's so awful and annoying that I can't stop. And I'm hoping that there's a shake-up at the end and Kacie gets it but he is so mesmerized by Courtney. I can't imagine that it wouldn't be her. She's literally been throwing herself at him.

    ah - damn the producers for making me believe this shit is real!!!!

  16. Too much money for a ring. And THAT ring is gaudy. I think many women would prefer to pick their own or get something they would like to wear rather than be presented a gaudy montrosity like that.

  17. I'm laughing--custom-designed--ha--I picked that exact setting in 2009 and it's probably as big or bigger than what Courtney got and didn't cost anywhere near $100K. The magnified photo makes it look gaudy and in fact if it's really huge, it would be. I hope i have better luck than Ben & Courtney--because that ship's gonna sink whether it's sooner or later. He really is a perfect example of the word "imbecile" and gives men a bad name. No woman of quality would go near him.

  18. Is it me, or does Ben have no personality? He sounds the same when he's excited or upset. He seems to have only one emotion...boring.

    And Courtney. The things that come out of her mouth. She's so wierd. I can't stand the spacey, freaky, psycho look in her eyes...and she's always pursing her thin lips. She's so bizarre looking to me and has become extremely unattractive. Her sanity seens to be hanging on by a thread and any small thing that doesn't go her way will cause her to snap.

  19. I need a purple ring-pop now.

  20. You only get the keep the ring if you actually get married.

  21. This is the first season I've ever seen this show. I think Courtney seriously has narcissistic personality disorder. Ben has to be rather dim if he is still in the dark about this woman. I don't find her to be very attractive, and her behavior would be immature by the standards of the average 17 year old. I doubt she's going to be up for splitting the sale price of this ring with Dim Ben; she's going to expect to keep it all for herself.

    I find the ring rather ugly.

  22. @Reno - where did you see that JT and Ashley are still together? I liked them together, and think they will make it. He seems very into her, and not into the fame.

    Yes, I still watch this show. But only during seasons where the people are interesting and (somewhat) authentic. It took me one episode to realize that Ben was a horndog idiot, Bob round 2.

  23. @Seachica
    Ummm, are you really going to make me admit I follow them on Twitter? Christ, I'm mortified! And I promise I don't follow any other reality star! LMAO They are just too cute and I'm rooting for them.

  24. Because the people who watch this show actually care about the ring, is my guess.

  25. @Reno - I hang my head in shame with you. I just followed them on twitter, and they now have a website.

    Don't worry, Enty. Courtney will 100% be the person asked. I'm betting that this one is over already, but she will pretend it's still on until the reunion airs. Maybe she'll end it publicly for maximum attention.

  26. nobody really gives a shit if these people ever get married or not. All they care about is the romantic journey and the proposal (product placement ring) payoff.

  27. This is the first season of Bachelor I have ever seen and Im loving it so far! Courtney was my favourite from the start but she seems to be very unpopular with other females. I think they are just jealous. Ben is kind of a boring dork and not much of a looker. Wont be fighting for him but I think those girls are brainwashed anyways. Haha!

  28. The tackiest part of this show (as if you could just pick one part), is when they flash the box and Neil Lane logo. My DVR hasn't recorded the last few episodes of this season but reading Reality Steve kind of cemented my thoughts on Courtney.

    @Reno - I'm kind of pulling for them too. He seems like such a normal dude.

  29. Apparently, my predictive powers are strong:



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