Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston - Overdose And Drowning

Bobby Brown is supposedly devastated with grief over the death of his ex-wife Whitney Houston. Considering I blame him for her death he should be devastated. I think Whitney did some partying in her day, but it was Bobby who got her on crack and really sent her life in a downward spiral. After meeting Bobby she could never quite pull it together again. All kinds of rumors out there today about Whitney. Most prevalent is that whoever pulled her out of the bathtub before paramedics got there probably also hid anything that was illegal. The only drugs found in the room at the Beverly Hilton were prescription drugs. No booze was found either. Jennifer Hudson will sing a tribute tonight to Whitney at the Grammy Awards.


  1. I also think Bobby Brown was responsible for sending her on the downward path. He should feel horrible about it, and should feel that way for the rest of his life. I wish he'd felt that way for the last 20 years or so as well.

    I just listened to Whitney's rendition of the national anthem from some event in the early '90s; she sang it better than any pop singer I can think of from recent memory. Her restraint was what really made her performance a standout; too many people try and add unnecessary flourishes and thereby wreck the song. She let it stand on its own and therefore made it spectacular.

    What a senseless death. Very sad for her family.

  2. Whitney seems like the type who would do what she wanted, when she wanted. I simply cannot blame him- she did the stupid reality show with him, she picked up that pipe and she also put it down...while he was right next to her- only she can answer for her behavior. She just doesn't strike me as a pushover, a victim or a easy target- she was a steamroller.

    A Mother lost a daughter, and a daughter lost a Mother.

  3. And yet Lindsay Lohan is still alive...

  4. Bobby was absolutely a catalyst for her drug use. But Whitney had demons inside of her that allowed her to continue the drug use for decades. Yeah, I can meet a guy and think he's wicked cool. But if I find out he's on drugs like that, peace out for me. She stayed willingly. I loved her, but I've been prepared for this for a very long time. She needed help that she never received, or was not remotely open to. Rehab is great if the person really wants it. She did not, and nobody could convince her otherwise. Again, RIP Whitney.

  5. They haven't been together in years.

  6. Ditto Strawberry girl. That chick seriously has more lives than a cat. I'm convinced, that these deaths should provide her with a warning that she refuses to heed.

  7. even TMZ isn't saying for sure it was an OD, enty

  8. I can't get behind blaming her demise solely on Bobby Bronwn; yeah he was a violent asshole but Whitney had issues before she hooked up with Bobby and they continued on after they were done.
    They were a toxic couple and brought out the worst in each other but it was still her choice to do drugs.

    I'm heartbroken too but I just can't lay all the blame on him.

  9. Blaming this on Bobby Brown really serves no purpose, IMO. First of all, anyone knows that two addicts in a relationship enable each other. Fuck. You even see that in couples in which both having a cigarette habit and one "wants" to quit, but can't because the partner still smokes. Etc., etc. So, imagine what it's like when harder stuff is involved.

    I don't understand why Bobby Brown is being blamed for her current trials and tribulations. They haven't been together for ages. She's the person who decided to mess up her recent comeback. I feel bad that she was so obviously such an addict. But, she made these choices in her life. No one else.

    I just feel badly for the daughter, especially with those pics showing her using in the past year.

    Sorry. Only Whitney can be blamed for Whitney's problems.

  10. I agrees GSD and Christine, Whitney had a lot of her own demons, you can't blame Bobby. Whitney was using before she got with Bobby and the two of them together did not help. But to place sole blame on her ex husband is ridiculous. It's a sad situation, but like GSD said, I cant blame It all on Bobby.

  11. Whitney and Bobby were drugged out in their own individual worlds...when they got together it was light lighting a fuse next to gunpowder.

    I ultimately feel bad for the both of them. They were thrust into the limelight so young, and they both came from the hood, and this WAS the 80s when everyone used coke/coke variations like it was a ciggarrette...

    eitther way, RIP.

  12. Bobby Brown was the worst thing that happened to her.
    I have never understood what that beautiful woman saw in him. This is so sad...I hope their daughter does not go to live with Bobby...she has her grandmother and aunt...
    I also hope there's a bit of money left for her....

  13. @BluntzMcGee. Did Whitney really come from the hood? I mean Aretha Franklin is her godmother. Her whole family was in the business. She was performing with her mom in NYC at age 11. Sounds like she had a charmed life in terms of getting in the door. It's a shame that she squandered such talent and opportunity, if you ask me.

  14. There isn't any money. Whitney's Father tried his hardest to protect the $$, and he died doing so.

    I really hope Bobbi Kristina is away from the people who took photos of her smoking pot and god knows what else- we all have that rebellious streak in us......lets all pray she has some damn good friends & family there to support her through this.

    I will say I hope Bobby Brown keeps it together for his daughter- so many of the family photos and video being shown now, show Bobby, Bobbi Kristina and Whitney together as a cute family- laughing, joking and basically looking like a typical family...lets hope there was alot of that between the bad days.

  15. From TMZ:

    Whitney Houston was found in the bathtub of a Beverly Hills hotel yesterday ... with her face underwater ... people close to Whitney tell TMZ.

    According to our sources, her stylist, hairdresser and two bodyguards were among the people in the room at the time. We're told they became worried about Whitney because she had been in the bathroom for over an hour and it was time to start getting ready for the Clive Davis party.

    Our sources say they began to knock on the door and there was no answer. We're told the hairdresser, who is female, went in to check on Whitney. She immediately screamed and, according to our sources, one of the bodyguards came running in and pulled her out of the tub.

    We're told Whitney's face was below the water and her legs were up ... like she had slid down the back of the tub.

    According to our sources, her body was very cold and the bodyguard attempted CPR. That's when hotel security was called.

    Paramedics arrived shortly thereafter, but Whitney was pronounced dead at 3:55 PM.

  16. ^Lord, so, so sad. I grew up on her music in the 80's. I just adored her.

  17. Bitter Queen hit the nail on the head. We have absolutely no knowledge of what was behind the front that was put together by Clive Davis. Yes, she came from a family of singers and back-up singers, but her public personality consisted of what Davis had thought interesting to tell.
    Bobby Brown is certainly no saint but, as others have said, he has managed to clean his act and to stay clear of drugs after the divorce.

    The blame should be put on money. When she had a huge pile of it thanks to The Bodyguard and her hit records, she indulged in drugs and nobody in her entourage was really interested in helping her as they preferred to get a part of the cash cow. She didn't lose all her money to drugs, she lost it to dealers, enablers, assistants and sycophants.

  18. Yeah. I find it so interesting that so many people are quick to blame Bobby Brown when it's obvious that The Powers that Be (Clive Davis and co.) had to have known Whitney was a major addict. The whole comeback a couple of years ago was a travesty.

  19. I think the blame should be put on the disease of addiction and alcoholism. It's hard to make good choices when you're a practicing addict/alcoholic.

  20. Blaming Bobby is ridiculous.

    Today's news sounds like she was taking meds and drinking heavily and just slipped under the water while she was bathing.

    Just a stupid accident.

  21. Unfair to blame Bobby. The same way I make a conscious decision to abstain from drugs, she made to use. Blame the demons she faces that made her weak to temptation.
    Or as my boyfriend said - "don't blame Bobby, he ain't be humping around. " terrible but I laughed.

  22. Bitter Queen I agree with your sentiments!! Especially your last sentence. I could not have said it better myself.

  23. When she first got famous everyone thought she was this sweet innocent girl. Then later she did a Rolling Stone interview and I couldn't believe how "street" she was. This was back in the day before I got jaded by the internet, lol!

  24. Im disappointed J-Hud is doing the trib. Couldnt Mariah Carey or Celine bust out a song? Theyre annoying as hell as human beings but theyre the only ones who come close to Miss Houston

  25. Someone posted a link to a site that's talking about this being the illuminati (sp?) and that they sacrificed her so that Jennifer Hudson could be the next big thing. Clive Davis had had enough.... unbelievable what people will come up with, but the timing does seem horribly coincidental with the Grammy's and now Jennifer Hudson doing the tribute. RIP Whitney, not sure whether to believe you were always a druggie from the hood and had the image makeover, or you were a wonderful churchgoing model, with the voice of an angel, who was dragged down by Bobby Brown and could never recover. I prefer to think the latter is true, but must admit to wavering now.... so sad either way. What a waste.

  26. "...female disempowerment at the hands of men and a ridiculous cultural understandings of African American masculinity..."


    Personal responsibility. No blame, no shame. It's all mine, I own it. Every good bad and indifferent thing in my life.

  27. Nobody " gets" someone on anything, including and especially drugs. Free will. They were each responsible for themselves. Hindsight is 20/20 and assigning blame does nothing to change the past.

  28. Nobody " gets" someone on anything, including and especially drugs. Free will. They were each responsible for themselves. Hindsight is 20/20 and assigning blame does nothing to change the past.

  29. Bravo to BITTER QUEEN

    You said everything I wanted to say .. Whitney is from NEWARK NJ I live not too far from Newark as we speak Newark is not the suburbs Whitney was exposed to and doing drugs way before bobby came into the picture (didn't she admit that in her tell all interview with Oprah) .. I also think Whitney had alot of demons she was battling (look up Robin Crawford) she was never allowed to make peace with who she was she always stated she never wanted the stardom and the fame but Clive wasn't having it she was his cash cow.. I wish nothing but health and peace to her daughter and family this is a tragic end to a beautiful story..

  30. Oh God, please stop with the Illuminati stuff. ;) They're picking the wrong girl to replace her, if so, b/c J-Hud has no where close to the same voice that Whitney once had.

    I wasn't planning on watching the Grammy's but I'm interesting to see what they do as a tribute.

  31. TMZ is reporting that her daughter was just rushed to the hospital.....
    I hope she didn't try to kill herself.

  32. Blogger strawberrygirl said...

    And yet Lindsay Lohan is still alive...

    I say this every time a celebrity dies.

  33. Yes, Robin Crawford. Wasn't that her supposed girlfriend? Where is she nowadays?

  34. What was going to be the Adele Show tonight (for me) is now turning out to be the "Crack is Whack" tribute show. URGH.

    Whiney Houston died 20 years ago. People and the press haven't thought of this woman for years and now it's "Oh, she was the best singer of our generation and this is so tragic."

    A bit gobsmacked last night when I heard this but soooooooooo not surprised. As someone posted above, seriously, it wasn't Lindsey Lohan? Soon it will be...

  35. i really hope the best for her daughter (they looked so close) and someone said me Whitney started cocaine after Bobbi Kristina's birth to lose weight (Whitney had taken many weight during her pregnancy)

  36. I wonder who will be the first bitch of the night to make Whitney's death all about them?

    I'm betting on Kanye.

  37. Maybe Whitney liked Bobby Brown because he enabled her. It's cruel to pin this on Brown alone, Whitney was an addict, that's not Brown's fault.

  38. I hope that the Grammys keep it tasteful tonight. I'll definitely watch for the tributes.

    That being said, if Chris Brown shows up and shout out Whitney, I may become violent myself. Just my two cents there.

  39. Yes, I am wondering who will be the first to act a fool tonight..please of of respect for this woman and her family let it be no one at all!

  40. For those mentioning Robyn Crawford, look at this tweet by Sandra Bernhard:

    Sandra Bernhard
    @JimBessman jim you know they tried to break #whitney back in the 80's it's a deep story & a cautionary tale for so many. it's different now
    19 hours ago via web

  41. It's a waste of time to point fingers now or say who was doing what, first. She's gone & regardless - she was an independent and fully aware person at one point. Nobody but Whitney could 'make' Whitney do anything.

    If you want to call him an enabler, go ahead but I disagree with faulting him completely.

    Anyhow, thanks to everyone that brought up her singing the National Anthem. I vaguely remember it as a kid but looked it up just now - her voice was unbelievable. I hope she may now rest in peace.

  42. I too just watched the video of her singing the Nationsl Anthem. It was nothig short of amazing. Wow her voice. And yeah, it's not Bobby's fault. Who knows? Maybe the break up was get clean or I'm outta here. We may never know. She had demons and they finally got her. She's singing with the angels now (AND WHAT A HELLUVA AN ADDITION TO THE CHOIR!)

  43. I too just watched the video of her singing the Nationsl Anthem. It was nothig short of amazing. Wow her voice. And yeah, it's not Bobby's fault. Who knows? Maybe the break up was get clean or I'm outta here. We may never know. She had demons and they finally got her. She's singing with the angels now (AND WHAT A HELLUVA AN ADDITION TO THE CHOIR!)

  44. Her singing that National Anthem...that was her crowning moment. Unforgettable.

  45. Anonymous3:39 PM

    There are those who suggest that it was Whitney got Bobby involved with the hard drugs. Bobby had the reputation of a heavy drinker and weed smoker, but crack/cocaine didn't appear to be his thing.

    Whitney, OTOH, seemed to have gotten involved with the nose candy during her modeling career, just before Clive Davis introduced as a singer and long before Bobby entered the picture.

    I think it's worth noting that Bobby has in some measure owned up to his substance problems. Whitney didn't.

    Whitney was no shrinking violet. She gave as good as she got. She liked Bobby because he was a bad boy, a total contradiction to the persona Clive Davis had built for her. But make no mistake: Whitney wasn't Little Miss Innocent. She wasn't surprised by Bobby's behavior. Heck, she probably encouraged him to be even worse.

    Bobby may have enabled Whitney to some measure, but she did the same with him. They were two street-wise, messed up people who became a toxic powder keg when they hooked up. Bobby was able to pull himself out of the spiral. Whitney wasn't.

  46. Tribute wise, they should just show her singing her own song(s). I see no need for anyone else to do it, they couldn't do her justice anyway.

  47. As my husband said, "I'm not going to cry for a drug addict who had plenty of money and connections to get help. There are too many powerless other people in the world who are starving to death, or being slaughtered that deserve my attention and tears."
    And blaming Bobby Brown is too easy, and lets Houston off the hook.

  48. There had been rumors of Whitney's drug use that go back to her dating Eddie Murphy. I believe she introduced the hard drugs into the relationship. Were the two toxic together? Yes. But apart from Whitney, Bobby seems to have pulled it together. I saw him in concert Friday Night and he was AWESOME!!!!! Whitney, however, just completed a stint at rehab and rumors of erratic behavior have dogged her since. I'm sorry she's gone but I can not blame BB. I think they loved each other regardless Of their effect on each other.

  49. ITA w/ ecua's husband. Also, I want to say that I hope someone is helping Whitney's daughter to cope with this via methods other than drugs.

  50. Blaming Bobby is reckless and irresponsible. Like it or not he is Bobbi's only living parent and you need to respect that. Since you are such an expert who is responsible for Judy Garland, Elvis, Amy,& MJ?

  51. Ecu,
    What a heartless comment, you could have easily avoided posting if you didn't have anything nice or constructive to add, here's an FYI: having money doesn't mean a thing when your battling an addiction, it's a disease that is not easily cured, people from all walks of life can be affected.

  52. people take drugs because it's fun at first and then they forget to stop. it's no one's fault except their own. stop victimising her.

  53. The only person responsible for a drug addict is the drug addict. Bobby Brown no more made Witney an addict than he could have made her stop. Enty, if you are in the entertainment business, you should full-well know that Witney's early public image was no where NEAR the reality of her true person, which is part of why she was so miserable. She was NOT the sweet innocent goodie-goodie Clive Davis marketed her as. She was street, she used coke to stay thin to be a model, and she came from a family, while talented, that long had substance abuse issues. But they sang in choirs! And, we all know people who go to church - at least to sing - never do drugs, sleep around or speak crassly and uneducatedly, right? Right. And, they certainly can't be gay, either, right? Right. Rebrand the beautiful but crass, uneducated but talented, drug-addled but healthy-looking young lesbian as a princess looking for prince charming from a entertainment family, successful but seriously stunted by rampant but not well-known addiction = Whitney. Bobby Brown was honest about who he was, street and struggling, but it's probably his honesty that allowed him to recover and not Whitney. I don't blame him AT ALL, other than having exposed his own daughter to such a destructive life-style. But, kudos to him for getting out and cleaning up. I wish Whitney had done the same, and I wish her "Entourage" had been better people. They even gave Bobbi Kristina alcohol and a sedative the night her mother died of the very same cocktail! IDIOTS! But, they were Whitney's choice for herself - and her kid. Whitney is responsible for this, and it is a tragedy she couldn't and didn't do it better, especially for Bobbie Kristina. Enty, it is cruel, irresponsible and misinformed to place that blame on someone else, especially someone who struggled, got out of a relationship with an addict and got clean. The only reason you are choosing Whitney over Bobby is because Whitney had a better image created. If Bobby had her marketing, if the tables were turned / the shoes reversed, the story would not be that the addict finally succumbs and thank God the good guy got out in time ... ugh. RIP Whitney, and thank you for sharing your phenomenal gift for as long as you did. Wathc over your daughter.

  54. @PS
    Wow. Incredibly well said.

  55. She died doing what she loved. That's what they say when a mountain climber dies...

    She clearly loved drugs.

    Its really sad for her daughter :(

  56. The real victim here is her daughter. Bobbi had to act the caretaker to Whitney for YEARS. Whitney was rumored to not be a saint long before Mr My Preogative.

    Years ago, when Whitney was suppose to be squeaky clean and wanting to dance with somebody, rumor had it that she liked her coke.

    My sadness will be reserved for her daughter. My disdain for the woman herself.



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