Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Welshley Arms Not The Fenwick Arms

Obviously I have been watching way too many reruns of Kitchen Nightmares episodes. Yesterday I made a reference to the glorious Fenwick Arms and it should have been the glorious Welshley Arms.


  1. Thank you, Enty! That was hella funny! I love it when the actors start cracking up.

    That place would be too classy for Linds to take her tricks to. Lindsay's speed is more back alleys, truck stop glory holes, squatter digs and the like.

  2. Was feeling out of it, did NOT get your previous reference. If you'd said Welshley Arms I would have got that one! These sketches kill me. Another case of Fallon breaking, which makes me laugh even more.

    OT - I'm baking cupcakes right now and Hulu-ing last night's SNL. The Nick Cage bit made me laugh so hard. Can't believe he kept a straight face! It was awesome!

  3. Love Jimmy Fallon.
    Lilo won't be a *classy* hotel whore.
    She'll be standing on a corner telling guys "I used to be ..." Or she will simply disappear in the Mid East somewhere.

  4. No wonder I couldn't find a search term combo that returned anything remotely related.

  5. I'd forgotten about this sketch until I caught it on The Best of Will Farrell a few weekends ago.

    I love that Jimmy Fallon cannot keep a straight face. Ever.

  6. Oh man, I love this sketch!

    And I must confess that I, too, have been watching WAY to many Kitchen Nightmare reruns. *hangs head in shame*

  7. Dude, they have to all be completely baked. There wasn't one line that they got through without breaking.

  8. This is a reminder of how good SNL could be. Love how Will Ferrel touches Jimmy's ass on the way out. Just too funny. I think them cracking up reminds me of the old Carol Burnett Show and how Tim Conway would contsantly break up Harvey Korman. Now THAT was one funny ass show!

  9. Ah, poor Rachel Dratch. So talented and really quite the sex bomb back in the day.



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