Tuesday, February 21, 2012

*****WARNING****** Extremely Disturbing

8 years ago, Maura Murray was in a car accident. Her car was found but Maura was never found. In the last couple of weeks a man has been posting disturbing videos about the anniversary of Maura's death. In one of the videos the guy is laughing almost the entire time and in another video shows a ski lift pass dated two days after Maura disappeared. My guess is that is where she is buried. Detectives say the videos offer no new clues to her disappearance. Umm, yeah, there might not be any actual clues in the video, but don't you think you would like to talk to the guy? Seriously, think twice before watching the video. There is nothing graphic in the video, just it is very disturbing and the guy is obviously insane.


  1. This is bizarre. It doesn't say anything about the missing girl. I assume other videos do? I'm not going to look for them, this guy is nuts.

  2. Hella creepy.

    Maybe the police are trying to figure out who this waste of humanity is, but they'd rather not give him more publicity. If he really is responsible for her disappearance/death and not some crackpot, then he's capable of preying on others.

  3. His laugh, the music and the ad withe the little girl in pink all combine to make this the creepiest minute of the day.

    They aren't Aruban police, so maybe they actually are doing their job.

  4. No, I do not want to talk to the guy.

    I won't watch the video, but just from your post what I WANT to do is beat the ever livin' snot out of him.

    This is disturbing as all hell.

  5. I had never heard of her or her story previously. Wiki has a lot more info and it's even odder than I originally thought.

  6. He's obviously never heard of Face Recognition Software....this guy will get caught eventually.

  7. That is a totally fake laugh.

  8. They need to get him so they can prevent him from having another victim. Hopefully there are no more. Very disturbing

  9. I don't get it--did he steal her corpse after the accident??

  10. I can't get this out of my mind now. God, I can't imagine what her parents are going through.

    Figgy, she was alive after the wreck. Google her name and read her Wiki...strangest thing ever

  11. ^Wow. I just read it.

    It's my opinion but you can tell this guy is truly sick and not up to games. So scary.

  12. Thought I could handle the video, but stopped at 0:19. Too creepy. And I grew up a stone's throw from where the majority of the Green River Killer's victims were found.

    Face Recognition, indeed. Pronto.

  13. How bizarre. It really seems fake, like a bizarre viral ad or something (which I hope for the sake of solving this case it isn't). I was just randomly poking around Netflix and ended up watching one of those Disappeared (I think that's the name) episodes that covers this case. Worth a look; very sad. Poor girl. And her poor family; her dad has never stopped going back to look for her.

  14. There is a cable TV show called "Disappeared" and Maura was actually featured on one of the episodes. Hope they find her remains!

    Here's a link for it: http://investigation.discovery.com/tv/disappeared/the-missing/maura-murray.html

  15. it seems that they could find the computer through the youtube links.

    he looks like the devil incarnate.

  16. Yes, ^ that's the one I watched.

  17. Yes, ^ that's the one I watched.

  18. Oops, sorry for the double post!

  19. Read the wiki page as well, I had never heard of this woman before. Very, very strange. I can't imagine the stress and grief of the family.

  20. I think this freak has seen "Seven" too many times. Probably some deranged sicko just looking for attention. He put a lot of care into the "look" of this video. Can't YouTube trace the IP address of any videos that are uploaded to their server? Maybe they can't. I'm not a technology expert.

  21. This case is even more bizarre and complicated than what can be read on wikipedia:


    I don't quite know what to make of the guy in the video. Many speculate that he either killed or has information about who did kill Maura; others seem to believe that he is simply a mentally ill person who is far too obsessed witht he case. I urge anyone interest to peruse the link above- it's a very in depth, very perceptable site dedicated to facts and evidence of the case, all compiled and investigated by an actual crime writer.

  22. Go to YouTube and look at the other videos of his. You're looking for videos by Mr112dirtbag. This guy is either a major crackpot or this IS the guy

  23. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Just finished reading about the case on Wiki. Very strange and creepy.

  24. The whole business is making my hair stand on end and I can't really say why. Extremely scary.

  25. Only made it to the 0:27 mark. Disgusting.

  26. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Brenda Love, I feel the same way. The Lauren Spierer case has the same effect on me.

  27. I'm always just a smarty-pants on here, I don't usually get too torn up over stuff like this because I know there's nothing I can do but this story gripped me hard for some reason. I will read about Lauren Spierer this evening.

  28. I work in Bloomington a few blocks from where Lauren disappeared. I'm glad to see Lauren Spierer hasn't been forgotten.


  29. I hadn't heard anything about this case before but went and read the articles you guys recommended. This is a creepy case, so many strange circumstances surrounding her disappearance...and this guy. This guy *shudder*.

  30. Ok, I pressed play, but could only hear the deranged laughter (only had a black screen). Creepiest fucking sound ever....

  31. I ended up watching the whole thing on YouTube, the worst part is at the end he suddenly stops laughing, looks in the mirror & winks. Absolutely chilling & evil.

  32. In the camera (not mirror).... I feel ill.

  33. I hate to say this but I hope Maura had already passed before that sicko got to her. Absolutely chilling.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Whoa,I live in the area she came from....and I've never heard of this case. Very creepy stuff.

  36. Very disturbing. Lots more info on the woman and this story if you google.
    His behavior brings out the worst in me. It makes me hope he is tied naked to a tree in the winter and someone stands there laughing while he freezes to death.

  37. Maura is from my hometown and was very good friends with my cousin. It's a very sad case and is still followed by many. I cannot bring myself to watch these videos.

  38. Never heard of this case before but I'm totally going to read the articles mentioned, I can't bring myself to watch the video. The description and the reaction in the comments makes me fear I wouldn't be able to shake it... I hope he gets whatever he might deserve, wether that be brutal punishment or mental help I hope he gets it.

  39. @Ghost, that website is amazing. Wow. I like the tone of the writer very much. Yes, Maura was troubled. Yes, she probably made some big mistakes. But so what -- we all are, we all do. That doesn't make her any more deserving of her fate. It just makes the mystery a little deeper and more heartbreaking.

  40. PS Also makes me seriously reassess my earlier statement about her father. (Though of course despite what may have gone on, it is possible he has sincere remorse and wishes he had the chance to make things right; who knows.)

  41. I'm still trying to establish some connection between the weirdo in these videos and the Maura Murray disappearance; I'm also trying to establish what image on his computer screen is being reflected in his glasses. What is the link between the two?

  42. Maura actually disappeared just a few miles away from my childhood home; my parents own a police scanner and were listening to the whole business go down that night. It's possible that she wandered off and froze to death or drowned in the nearby river, but I tend to think if that had happened that someone would have found her remains or at least some sign of her by now--plenty of local people would be more than happy to be able to put the family's minds to rest. (Apparently her dad did manage to piss off a lot of locals due to insinuating that the local cops were incompetents, but the cops can only work w/the clues they have, and if someone vanishes into thin air, well...but people still want to know what happened & to help out the family.) I'm not sure what the local consensus is on what they think happened, but I can say that no one wants to think that someone from the area could have done something to her. Perhaps she really did take off w/a new boyfriend and start a whole new life in Canada--I hope that's the case rather than that she's dead somewhere...

  43. I've been reading the blog site by the reporter, and it looks like she planned her disappearance. She had a lot of problems, a bad boyfriend, her father had issues, and she had mentioned wanting to "disappear." It has happened before.

  44. Uuummm, I had to turn that off because it scared the crap out of me :'(

  45. @Brendalove - Holy shit. I hope this guy can't trace my IP - hahah...I think??

  46. Watched the video (wish I hand't.) But at first glance it seems pretty spooky, but then again look at John Mark Karr-the guy who said he killed JonBenet. Believe it or not, there are people in this world who get off on pretending to be a devil as much as actually doing the deeds themselves. I am thinking this guy is likely that kind of guy. Just a creepy guy getting off on freaking people out.

    Real killers wouldn't bother posting youtube videos-too risky, IMO.

  47. Wow someone's been reading SA

  48. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Chasingheaven - I follow the Lauren Spierer case and still hope she returns. The fact that a person can vanish into thin air is scary as h.... The thought of someone knowing what happened to Lauren and Maura and keeping it to themselves is even scarier.

  49. So enty's a goon?
