Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Want To Know The World Is Ending?

So, I have come to conclude that if you are a celebrity you can pretty much do anything or beat anyone or even kill someone but if you are on television or in the public eye there will be tons of people who still want you. Yesterday a reader sent me the following link with a warning it would make me upset the rest of the night. It did. It made me want to go up to each of these women and ask them if they really would love to be beaten just because the guy is a celebrity. When Chris Brown performed at the Grammy Awards, these Tweets were captured and saved and posted. Above are one or two. If you can handle the rest, you can click here. Thanks Binky.


  1. Dumb asses. Their parents must be proud.

  2. What stupid, naive little girls.

  3. Women love money and fame/power and allow men that have these things more leeway in how they treat them. Welcome to the real world.

  4. Hey Crazy Butt,

    You are an idiot.

  5. ...Aaaannnddd so it might not be such a stretch to imagine someone like, say, Marston Hefner (I said MIGHT) thinking it's OK to hit women. Hmmm.

    Lord help these dumb little IDIOTS for tweeting such gibberish. Gyahh! I wanna throttle them myself for saying such things.

    While they may have meant it in jest, they are opening up a giant can o' worms there.


  6. Go back to the Norfin factory, Chris.

    These girls need a verbal lashing, that's for sure.

    It's shit like this that makes me an outspoken feminist.

  7. Women never cease to amaze me with their stupidity,
    sometimes I wish there was a 3rd sex I could claim as my own.

  8. Reading the comments on the buzzfeed post, I wanted to give Mary O'Donnell's a standing ovation.

  9. @Bittter Queen -- Really? Ugh, I had NO idea. :-(

  10. ^^ Really? I guess I need to rethink my GC love.

  11. I had forgotten about that Glen Campbell stuff.

    As long as women post crap like these tweets, there will be men willing to take advantage of them. Makes you want to weep for today's youth.

  12. I remembered that about Glenn Cambell and refused to watch his performance as well as refused to watch Chris Brown. Not that it mattered in the scheme of things.

    It really pisses me off that people remember every thing their neighbor or co-worker did and hold it against them for an eternity but somehow the public forgives this? I mean really? Is skipping a co-worker birthday lunch or not mowing your lawn in a timely manner anywhere NEAR as bad as this? Asshats!

    These same girls would probably never forgive Rhianna if she were to cheat on Chris Brown. It would be held against her for the rest of her life. But beating someone up is ok?


  13. Reading the comments made by men on that Buzzfeed post will have me rankled for weeks, probably.

    I'm flabbergasted that it's 2012 and there are dickheads who are still so open about their hatred and misogyny. Jesus fucking Christ.

    This just reminds me for the 9263727366364th time why I will always like animals more than people.

  14. Sick sick sick.

    Would they be saying this crap if he was just a run of the mill hood with no fame or money?

  15. Anonymous7:48 AM

    This site is basically turning into a reposting of everything D-Listed said two days ago. Except for the endless Real Housewives stuff and depressing shit from the news.

  16. ^I've noticed that, too.

  17. After the Grammys, my CBS local news station referred to his performance as his "comeback" after pulling out in 2009. No mention at all of the reasons why. Are they hoping we won't remember?

  18. Here's an interesting article on the timing of Chris Brown's performance.


  19. as I said on Dlisted yesterday, I'D like to beat these girls. Maybe I could beat some sense into their heads.

    I wonder if their parents knew they tweeted this shit?

  20. It's not surprising in the least, seeing as we are now in "get that paper" era. When your whole reason for existence is to "get that paper" we really can't expect these females to expect anything better.
    @Big Mama: you hit my bete noir--neighbors who DON'T cut their grass!!!
    Grrrr is right!

  21. @Megley - you would hate living near me. My husband works wonky hours and my toddlers keep me from being able to work in the yard. I gets cut when we get to it. My husband swears he is going to put down astro-turf someday

  22. This doesn't make me angry. It makes me sad. We have created a society that accommodates and basically condones this sort of behavior. We have raised males who are aggressive in showing their masculinity and females who think this is how we can get and keep our men.

    It's not about women being dumb. It's about women being conditioned. Men, too.

    And wishing you could beat sense into these women doesn't help the cause. We should try to educate each other whenever we can. And don't stand by when we see behavior like this happen.

  23. Layna Day, YES!!!! I agree with everything you say.

    I am a music teacher, and I teach piano to children of all ages. And so many girls have NO SELF ESTEEM at all. We need to help girls believe in themselves and realize that they are better than the Chris Browns or Pauly Ds or other machismo men who are glorified in our world. A few of my students really opened my own eyes. They adore the losers shown on Jersey Shore. I explained to two of my girls, "You are better than those boys. Do not act like the girls on that show. Please. For the love of GOD!!!" And I stopped watching it myself. I will not support this behavior. I am a hypocrite that I did watch.

    These tweets are sad. I'm not going to call the women names. But, it's just really sad to me that a person would feel this way. That they would want a man who makes money and has swagger and would beat them instead of a man who would treat them like a goddess.

    I know I'm always a prude on this site, but seriously, we need to instill values in our children. Value yourself!!!!

  24. Complete idiots. Women like this infuriate me. Morons.

  25. Thank you Layna Day and Susan.

    Self esteem comes, first, from parents. If you are a parent, please, please, please look directly into your child's eyes and give them the words of strength and encouragment to value themselves (not empty praise lacking reality). Recognize when you see a child or teen acting out to mask their own self hatred (like that poor angry girl on Dr Phil a few weeks ago). I see so much of this behavior around me, it makes me sad (male and female). All this bravado hiding how very lost they feel deep down inside.

  26. So here's the thing - industry people know that BOTH Chris and Rhianna were/are total cokeheads who faught a lot as a coupled.

    And I'm pretty confident that was not the first time he smacked her around and I'm sure they probably both went at each other from time to time.

    Not saying this is okay (!!) but saying people in the know probably witnessed it frequently.

    I think it is possible Chris Brown may not be a "woman beater" but perhaps they were in a very toxic relationship compounded by drug use and fame.

    Just saying it is a possibility.

  27. Tweets like these are why I take the time to spend time with my friend's children, both boys and girls. I like to instigate and expand on conversations we have. I try to install in the boys respect for women and themselves and for the girls to respect men and themselves. I think it has to be a two way street, as I hear a lot of women bagging men in general, not for specific things such as beating them up, which for me is something to get riled about, but putting them down in general. If it is not right for men to put down women in general, it is not right for women to do re: men. Having written that, one of my friends is being her own worst enemy when it comes to her two boys. She is so tired at the end of her work day that she pretty much just lets them run riot and do whatever they want. It explains why they try and badger me when I take them out, it works on their mother - doesn't work on me or another friend who has them. We have now taken to discussing them so we are consistent in how we handle them. Sad situation and I do wonder how they will treat women when they grow up.

  28. All I can do is pray that many of these tweets were not intended to be serious.

    A man who will strike a woman is not a real man. I have a zero tolerance policy for it.

    It's why I gave up on Glen Campbell. It's why I gave up on Sean Connery. Both men have more talent in their soiled laundry than Chris Brown has in his whole body. But I can't support any of them.

  29. I would like to know the name of the power player in Chris Brown's team that has orchestrated his career 'comeback' cause I cannot work out how this C list singer has artists wanting to work with him by the bucket loads and The Grammy association at his beck and call. It is so strange because his profile does not dictate this wave of forgiveness that I see for him. It proves to me that as long as you are male, you can pretty much do any number of despicable things and still be on top.

  30. When a popular Twitter account blasts Chris Brown for what he did it is so sad what his fans come back with. Some of these girls are probably from a home where 'the woman deserves it' and they think it's okay. It's really screwed up that he was used as an example of what kind of man you should stay away from and that it is never okay for anyone to hit you.

  31. Just so sick and sad at the same time.

  32. (Just shakes head.)
