Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today's Blind Items

This former A list mostly movie actor who now plays an almost supporting role to the fame of his B list actress mostly television wife is trying to give up booze. He has had a lot of issues in the past when he has tried including some horrific violence towards people close to him. Right now he has trouble working because he is going through such withdrawals that he shakes and sweats and looks like death most of the time. His wife is sticking by him though as she always has, despite her frequent injuries.


  1. Kevin Bacon? Tv wife,he looks "death"
    but he always looked "death"

    OT:Enty,i believed his wife and him were divorcing(a old blind item revealed 1 year ago)

  2. i deleted my guess about Kevin Bacon because i never saw an injured Kyra Sedgwick

  3. They recently purchased a small home (2bdrm). I thought they might announce a separation.

  4. I hope if it is them, that they get through this. I like them as a couple and as actors.

  5. Noooooooo! Not them! Can't we come up with someone else?

  6. @captivagirl: their new LA house has 3 bedrooms

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  8. Well, if it isn't Kevin Bacon, then we know whoever it is, they're only SIX DEGREES away! :-)

  9. Kevin and Keira no doubt. I've heard he's been physically abusive with her before. Not enough where she gets put in the hospital or you can see the abuse, but just enough. Also have heard he has had a drinking problem in the past.

  10. @ Jennifer H. LOL!!!

  11. Damn. Hope it's not Bacon. . .he never came across as a violent person. I saw him on Ellen a few months ago singing with his brother, and he looked okay.

  12. Gosh, I really hope it isn't them.

  13. Kevin Bacon. One of the few I've gotten before reading the comments. Very sad.

  14. William Macy? Although I hope it's not him.

  15. I hope it's not Kevin Bacon. That's just sad.

  16. I'm on the Bacon train.

  17. I hope its not kevin and Kyra. I really like her. if it is them, i hope he is able to sober up and be a better partner. Although, William macy is an interesting thought. him and felicity always look so happy though!

  18. It does sound like them! Although i do like it kevin and keira most celebrites dont show that abusive side to the public! So seeing him on tv could be the complete opposite of how he really is!

  19. I know Macy and Felicity have been guessed before and I really don't want it to be them. Didn't he just get a new series?

    What has Kevin done lately?

  20. He just got singed to do TV (like 11 episodes or something. He has a movie in post production he has two gigs with his bank cooing up second week of march. Do we really think this is him? He seems busy enough....

  21. don't think it's william macy - he currently has 2 tv shows- shameless and curious george. also was on er for many years.

  22. Whomever it is, this has to be a tough call for the wife, especially if the husband is trying hard to quit.

  23. Josh Brolin/Diane Lane

  24. Bacon and Macy are both good guesses but I simply don't believe that Macy was ever A list. Macy gained public attention with Fargo but he has always worked in support except in a few low budget art movies. I would rate Macy an almost permanent B lister. Bacon has played enough leads to be a former A lister.

  25. Whoever this guy is, he should be revealed so we can give him the Chris Brown treatment. Nice or not in public, an abuser is an abuser. Frustrates the heck out of me that we don't call more of these guys out because they're "trying." Trust me, if it happens more than once, its just his way of dealing. I saw my mother get abused by my father. I also saw her get hit by her 2nd husband. He never did it again and is still in counseling. Some people do change but this douche. . .not so much.

  26. What about Freddie Prinze and Sarah Michelle Gellar? He hasn't done much of anything in years...

  27. Will and Jada Smith..or Matthew Broderick and SJP????

  28. I just don't see this being Kevin and Kyra - just don't get that vibe from them. If anything, I think of them completely opposite.

  29. My first thought was Wm. H and Felicity, but I don't think Wm. H was e'er anywhere near A-list status (as much as I think he deserves it).
    I think the Matthew Broderick/SJP guess is spot-on, and I much prefer it to KB/KS. MB HAS had drinking issues in the past (Ireland) and I've ne'er heard ANY bad thing about KB in ALL my years of reading gossip! I'm with that hamburger dude on TV... I want to marry Bacon!

  30. I would say Freddie Prince Junior and SMG, especially as Enty posted that horribly gaunt picture of FPJ the other day, but luckily I don't think he's ever been an A list movie star... I think they make such a sweet couple.

  31. I hope it's not Kevin Bacon. He hasn't been on screen much but The Bacon Brothers have been playing a lot, especially here in Philly.

  32. Daveb, wasn't Macy nominated for The Cooler or was that just Alec?

  33. Matthew Broderick is as gay as the day is long. It's not him.

    I think this is Bacon. My only issue is...isn't Sedgewick A-list for tv?

  34. before to call someone an abuser, i want some evidences and not just some unverifiable rumors

  35. What about Harrison Ford/Calista Flockhart?

  36. I wouldn't say that Kevin plays a supporting role to Kyra these days--granted, she's the one who had a TV show until recently, but he still works & is well-known enough on his own; I'd say they're both B+ at this point, him for movies and her for TV. They may have problems (although I hope not; I like them both), but I don't think he's an abusive drunk.

    Here's hoping whoever it is cleans up, gets sober, and starts making serious amends for their bad drunken behavior--even an abuser can change if they really do want to and are genuinely remorseful. (Most abusers don't change because they really truly believe that they haven't done anything wrong, and consequently have no motivation to do anything about it.)

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  38. Was Kevin Bacon ever considered A list?
    I always figured him more of a B+/B.

  39. Re Harrison Ford -- Have never heard anything about excessive drinking on his part, but i've heard many times that he's an epic pot smoker. Doesn't that usually 'chill' you out rather than lead to rage/anger?

  40. I would think that David (Courtney Cox ex) would have been the first choice on this one.

    Wasn't he a former A-lister and she is B-list TV

  41. I'll go out on a limb....Abe Vigoda!
