Thursday, February 16, 2012

Today's Blind Items

What reality judge on a very hit show was so hammered when she came to a taping of her show that there was literal panic about whether or not they could sober her up enough to participate in the taping or going to have her be "sick."


  1. See this right here annoys the F out of me, you are given a chance that millions would kill for and you crap on it by boozing it up, taking drugs, etc. What a waste.

  2. The least blind item of the week. Maybe of the year

  3. ^Yep yep yep to you all

  4. Interesting. I was hoping the death of Whitney Houston would somehow impact Christina. Get your shit together, girl.

  5. Does anyone watch it? Was she being strange recently? Wonder if this episode has aired yet.

  6. I watch the show. I didn't notice slurring or anything, but she does seem to take the "friendly" trash-talking with the other judges a little to far at times. In one of the episodes, she even got out of her chair and apoligized and hugged/kissed Adam after she hurt his feelings. So she may just be one of those drunks that doesn't slur but takes teasing and stuff too far.

  7. I feel like this would mention something about the person being a singer if it was Christina. Plus, The Voice hadn't taped in 4 months. Maybe Paula?

  8. Oh how I wish this were JLo. But yeah, Christina.

  9. Paula or Christina...interchangeable stars, interchangeable shows. Doesn't matter which one.

  10. Wasn't Paula just fired from X Factor? She wouldn't be filming then, right?

    Christina FTW.

  11. I knew Christina had to be drunk when she was being nice.

    I have watched this show since the first episode and have read lots of comments about Christina being a bitch and sometimes she can be, but Adam can be bitchy too. Same with Blake. They all throw jabs, yet when Christina says something the crowd reacts with a big "ooooooo". It's funny when the guys do it, but bitchy when a woman responds?

    She pisses me off by hogging the spotlight in the group songs, but honestly, she's perfect with that group of guys.

    Just my opinion...

  12. Drinktina! It's not even afternoon yet today and I'll bet she's already drunk.

  13. It's Xtina. I was under the impression she skipped the Grammy's to go back into rehab. At least, there is a blind out there to that effect and she was the most popular answer.

  14. Is the Voice a very hit show yet? I don't think it is. It's not at American Idol standards yet. I don't think its Xtina. I'm going to have to go with JLo. Just cause you never hear about her drinking, doesn't mean she can't get bombed once in a while. I'm not a heavy drinker at all, but I can tell you...I've had a night or two where I've had WAYYYY too much to drink and have gotten sick.

  15. On top of the ridiculously high ratings for it's post-SB season debut, this Moday's show had 16.3 million viewers - nothing else even came close. So for those questioning whether it is "very hit", I think it is clear that it is.

  16. If it was Jlo, Enty would not be hiding it in a blind. Gotta be Xtina.

  17. Hell, on the commercial for "The Voice", the one where you see Xtina pointing and saying "I want you on my team," you can tell by looking at her eyes that she's so loaded she can't even focus them! I know those 'double vision' eyes; my parents were alcoholics.

  18. Also, getting drunk before a work commitment is signs of an alcoholic, not a casual drinker. So, this would be more likely be Xtina, a known drinker, rather than JHo

  19. @Interplanet Janet You gave me the laugh of the day.

  20. Agree, bridget. That was the one episode of the Voice I've seen and she annoyed the shit out of me. Shut up and let other people talk already.

  21. Voice was done with taping in November. Enty just made up a *blind* so you can bash another woman and feel food about yourselves.

  22. Anonymous12:57 AM

    oops, a wild card...



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