Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Today's Blind Items - The Real Housewives Couple Who May See Their Story Fall Apart

One of the Real Housewives couples is in panic mode right now because their world might come crashing down because of one side remark made by another Real Housewife that struck way closer to home than intended. Apparently this couple is barely hanging on but does not want the world to see it and were really upset when a cast member who does not even know what is going on said the couple is barely hanging on. The publicists for the couple are in damage control mode, but that is not their biggest worry. Leaks are beginning to emerge in their carefully constructed cover which was never intended for full media attention. Specifically, friends of the couple have been hinting that the couple have an open marriage and that the husband complains he has not had sex in years and that the couple, who do have children might not have actually had natural conception, especially considering the wife's age and the age of the kids.


  1. Adrienne, Paul, and the comment made by Brandi last week at the reunion.

    Bam. Done.

  2. This is just one big, giant who cares.

  3. I really do like them as a couple, but also when in Hawaii, Paul wanted some 'couple time' and Adrienne blew him off about missing the kids and being in work-mode.

  4. Here's my guess.
    Adrienne Malloof and Paul Nassif.
    Brandi mentioned something in the reunion show, briefly about them not being married. Adrienne got all sorts of akward about it.
    She has three young children under 10. I think three boys. AND she's 50!

  5. I could feel the disapointment wash over me when I saw the daily blind was about Real Housewives. *Sadface*

  6. Well, this blind probably only interests about 20% of us -- and regardless, it's EASY.

    Let's try to guess this one, then:

    "She’s pregnant. It’s still early but she’ll start to show soon. And she’s happy, they’re both happy, but also really, really freaking out. Because around the time of conception, they were both using rather frequently. It’s just what they do together. Besides, she thought she was past the point of another child. So it was a surprise, to say the least. A pleasant one, yes, but she’s not sure if it’s one she wants to keep. She is convinced the child will not be right. She is convinced, in her mind, in her words, that she’ll “be paying for it” for the rest of her life, in the form of care and stress, and that this will be her punishment for such recklessness - to be attached to a kid that will need her, in ways she’s afraid to imagine, forever. She’s also super paranoid that if she does have their baby and the baby has health problems, he’ll turn and blame her, and be disgusted by her, and leave her. Without all his access, it’s a totally different life. And ultimately she still wants to be desired, she prioritises being desired. It’s a decision she is agonising over but she’s running out of time.

    The good news? The drugs have stopped completely."


    Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart? Again?

  7. Damn! I was hoping it was self righteous, mean girl, Kyle Richards, but Paul & Adrienne make sense. She's the coldest fish I've ever seen & she's very dismissive with Paul.

  8. @Ida - thanks for posting that blind. Who could this be?

  9. If the couple has an open marriage why is the husband complaining about not having sex in years? Seems as though he could get it any time he wants...

    Weren't their rumors previously about Adrienne liking the ladies?

  10. @Ida was that a Lainey blind? Sounds like her writing.
    Anyway, hmmm, past the point of another child? Nicole and Keith?

  11. Wasn't there an earlier blind about new a middle aged couple that conceived and people would be shocked due to their age. I think the popular guess then was Denise Richards and whoever she is with now, I forgot. But they could fit for this one.

  12. This one meaning Lainey's blind that was posted in this thread.

  13. No idea for either, heh.

  14. @ Ida I think it might be angelina...I just a pic of her the other day and immediately said she's pregnant...maybe she thought the same about Viv and Knox and now that she knows their ok she suspects that the she might not be so lucky this time around

  15. Immediately thought of Brandi's comment to AM during the reunion.

  16. Just to throw some variety in:

    Simon and Alex
    Jill "Must Say Everything That Comes Into My Gossipy Head" Zarin

  17. Paul can go to Charlie's house anytime. If it is them, sounds like the open marriage thing is rather one-sided.

    As for the other blind, I doubt it's Angelina because of the sentence, "Without all his access, it’s a totally different life." She has plenty of access to everything. Whomever this is, she's married/with someone higher up in celebrity status than she is.

  18. On Angie the twins were IVF, so if she's pregnant now it's the old fashion way.
    I don't think The Twins are O.K., they are what 3 - 3 1/2 years old...I live in a building with at least 15 to 20 kids the same age...and the twins just don't seem right to me...

  19. Adrienne and Paul !

    Though I too am confused that though they have an open marriage he complains he hasnt had sex in years...I guess he's referring to not having sex with HER in years?

    And yeah, though I think Kyle is a horrible mean bitch, I like the idea of her and Mauricio sustaining a loving partnership for over 15 yrs in HOllywood. Guess Im just a sucka for long lasting happy couples, cause nowadays spotting on of those is like spotting a unicorn.

    Oh yeah, as for Ida's Blind she posted- also dont think it's Angie, because of that access statement. Neither is it Nicole for same reason. If anything, id argue SHE's the more famous one than Keith Urban's odd aussie country ass.

  20. *spotting ONE of those

  21. About the Lainey BI - Celebitchy is suggesting it's Camilla Alves.

  22. The Maloofs are some of the richest people on the planet.
    I would guess this is from Orange county. Or maybe Alex and Simon. ugh.

  23. I love Brandi. It's so soon as I read the part about "a cast member who doesn't even know what's going on, said the couple is barely hanging on"...totally a Brandi move. That chick doesn't care about the details and the candy coating. She just calls it what it is and doesn't care what the details are. Straight shooter.

  24. Audrey- THAT'S who it is, for sure! It allll makes sense and fits.

  25. @audrey -- I no longer read celebitchy on principle. But as much as I LOATHE Kaiser, I have to admit that Camilla fits that blind...

    ...other than the "past the point of conception" part. She's nowhere near menopause, and she's not anorexic like Angie.

    As for that part about how the woman in question doesn't want to lose "access": sure, Angelina is hugely famous on her own, but she and Brad are pretty much *THE* most famous couple on the planet. They're Brangelina, after all: a perfect combo of genes, and an unbreakable unit. She's remodeled her image from vial-wearing, knife-throwing, mentally unstable superfreak into a serene earthmother who jeeber jabbers about serving her man french toast in bed or whatever. She's still perceived by so many as a man-stealing slutbag. What would happen to her rep if she were to become single all over again? Now that she has 4390384509345 kids, those impromtu sex dates with random dudes in hotels probably won't go over as well.

    And I think goodwill for Brad in Hollywood is stronger -- he's buddy-buddy with Clooney and other power players who might totally shun or roll their eyes at Angelina otherwise. That's how I read that "access" part of the blind.

    Besides, read the Angelina post Lainey wrote today. She basically hints that Angelina IS pregnant.

  26. Ugh I'm sorry but my least favorite part of this blog is the amount of space devoted to the Real Housewifes of wherever. I couldn't name one if you paid me.

  27. Oh I should also mention that my FAVORITE part of this blog is usually the blind item. Hence my disappointment.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @ Char - I totally agree. Let's have an ALL Housewives Free March! Or for that matter, all reality tv free March...

  30. Thank you, Char. I come here to gossip about and snark on celebrity dumbasses and real dumbasses. I couldn't care less about reality tv dumbasses.

  31. @ Ida - just re-read Lainey's post on AJ and now I see the hint. Thanks for pointing it out! I assumed "baby" had something to do with a song title because of the radio reference. Has AJ been on the radio a lot lately?

  32. Ida. Nail meet head. Angelina makes sense if you think of it that way - can you imagine what would happen to her image if she left Brad (or he left her)? She was perceived so differently pre-Brad. That would kill her image. So yes, she is rich and has access, but without Brad I think she loses a TON of humanity and it tremendously diminishes her "stock" - and, more importantly to Angie, her ability to control / spin the media. I think Angelina is a good guess.

    As for the CDAN bland, ya'll are too fast and I am too busy at work. Even as I read the first sentence I was thinking of Branci's comment about Adrian at the reunion, although I am not quite sure why it would be such a panic for them to split. I think if it is Paul / Adrian, there are other things happening behind the scenes...

  33. Oops, I meant Brandi, not Branci!!

  34. Blind #1: Adrienne and Paul.

    Blind #2: Angie and Brad. But they are my first thought for almost any blind anymore. Honorable mention: Nicole and Keith.

    Love the Housewives! I'd rather read about them any day of the week than read about pregnant teens or bachelors/bachelorettes.

  35. def matt and camilla. wasnt there a blind about them pawning their kids off on nannys now that they were using? so sad. i watched how to lose a guy in 10 days last night, and could not stop thinking about how hottttttt matt is, or was

  36. I can't really summon up much interest in this blind -- and yet I'm one of the biggest Housewives fan around, including every franchise (except Miami). I can't think of a couple whose marriage is falling apart but pretending to stay together, unless I turn my attention to the peroxided psycho Ramona or the gaunt ghastly ghoul with red hair and a gay husband who accompanies her?

  37. It's not Angie, even if she IS knocked up. The blind says 'past the point of another child'--that strongly implies someone 40 or over.
    It really sounds like Camilla (b/c she and Matt are on SOMETHING to look that bad that fast), BUT she's still young too.

    Lainey's probably trying to confuse people by implying Ang is preggo on the same day as the blind. Hell, I was so struck by Angie's sudden 'glow' and her tearing up the other day, I immediately thought she is knocked up, too. Lainey 'blurting' that would not be unusual.
    I don't care how many nannies they have, Brad & Angie are NOT lying around, strung out every day. GMAB. Every blind is not about them.

  38. @libby -- I know not *every* blind is about them. And I get tired of people guessing them, too.

    But "past the point of another child" could mean the physical state of the mother -- not just the *age* of the mother.

    And I don't see why it's unimaginable that Brad and Angie might be drug-users. They've got the money, access, space to partake, and people who can look after their kids while they do it. Plenty of prolific entertainers have been hooked on the bad stuff.

    Every candidate I've seen for this blind -- Alves, Beckinsale, Kidman, and Hill, in addition to Jolie -- is still technically young enough to have a kid. Personally, I think Lainey may have been hinting that there are other factors affecting the ease of conception.

  39. @ Libby - I haven't seen photos of Matt and Camilla lately. Please send a link if possible!

  40. @Barton

    He is gay, isn't he? I knew it. And it's not even the being into fashion part that makes him appear to be gay, like he thinks.

    I knew he was an old queen. You can almost smell it.

  41. Ida.......If no secret that Brad likes his Grass, I don't think that's Angie's drug of choice but I can see them "relaxing" together, also Angie likes her wine.
    But I think your right it's in the interpretation, physical
    health and not age can very well be a factor. Angie's body can barely sustain her let alone a baby...and the first trimester is critical....
    In fact they would probably be better off using a surrogate if they want more children.

  42. I like the Real Housewives blinds very, very much!

    I had no idea that Adrienne was older than me! For some reason that makes me happy.

  43. I can't imagine Paul would have any trouble finding tail - he is adorable. It's been rumored for a while that their marriage is basically over, and he's just staying with her for the money. Which is not flowing like it used to. Adrienne probably can't afford any kind of a scandal right now, since the family business is in major trouble. It's obvious watching the two of them on the show that they have not had sex in a looooong time.

  44. Definitely the Aloof

  45. Obviously Adrienne and Paul.

    Enty, I was wondering if this was the blind about the housewife couple where he had cameras in the house watching her because he was jealous--Remember Paul being jealous of Adrienne in the first season posing with a male model and following her to the photo shoot?
    But now after the reunion after hearing Taylor say Russell was recording her I wonder if it was them.

  46. Yeah right, Rickatoo. That wasn't the autocorrect, that was a good old fashioned Freudian slip! ;)

    Car54, I don't believe a single word that came out of her mouth at the reunion. That blind probably was about them, but it's probably a story she's spun before, trying to get sympathy.

  47. Re Lainey's blind - "I get so emotional, baby" is a line from a Whitney Houston song, as are the final words of that post, "Ain't it shocking what love can do."

    It's an odd post. And it made me wonder whether Angie was pregnant. But like others have posted, she does seem very thin, and the blinds can't always be about them.

    Because they're all about Affleck.

  48. I read Lainey's blind and thought it was someone older than AngieJo. Just to be different, what about Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas. They aren't druggies, but they are pretty old.

  49. <3 the housewives of BH & I too think the Adrienne/Paul sitch bc of Brandi's comment at the reunion which totally seemed out of left field & Adrienne's panicked response. Altho playing Devils Advocate here, what about The OC train wreck that is Alexis & her shady hubby Jim with Tamra as the one making the comments about Jim lying to Alexis about dating Peggy?

    Thanks Enty for the inside scoop on The Houswives, even tho it seems like some people don't care for the shows on here, the ratings don't lie.

    For every post on the site there's at least 1 person saying I don't care about this/these people....who?'s nice to see u don't cater to the few haters on each post who call for a ban on a diff celeb every day.

    Which btw would make the site incredible boring. Bans should be reserved for the few instances of over saturation ie Spencer/Heidi, Parisite Hilton, She who is not being named this month etc...

  50. Henriette, you could have just hit it....CZJ was no show in Canada because she was too trashed according to a just maybe.

  51. Amen to Serena Skye..My thoughts exactly

  52. I read this and immediately thought about CZJ...remember her "bipolar" incident last year, when she was in fact admitted into the detox wing:

    Michael Douglas has also admitted to substance abuse in the past and people have recently been speculating that CZJ is preggo due to a baby bump.

    She is looking very thin these days too...not nearly as bodacious as ten years ago.

  53. What did Brandi say about Adrienne & Paul? I watched, but I can't remember...'cause I'm as old as Aloof Maloof!

  54. @Lex -- I can totally see that blind being about CZJ, but I kinda hope not, seeing as how her stepson has had all those substance abuse issues lately. :-(

  55. @Misch
    That's what made me think of CZJ because Lainey is Canadian! I think the whole bi-polar thing was for rehab too.

    If CZJ is perscription drugs instead of street ones (Cameron's are street), then I'm sure CZJ and Michael Douglas can console themselves AND CZJ's rehab at the same time as Cameron's imprisonment would make a lot of sense.



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