Monday, February 20, 2012

Today's Blind Items - President's Day

So, today in the US is President's Day where we have basically told everyone that all our past Presidents kind of blend into one common dysfunctional mess; don't want to make anyone upset or make this political; just want a three day weekend so lets just lump them all together and call it President's Day. No, I don't have a Presidential blind item, but how about one about fan club presidents.

Back in the day there used to be fan club presidents. This late 70's A list tweener singer and fan club favorite would change his fan club president every six months to a year. No other celebrity got so involved with his fan club. He would go to meetings and communicate directly with them all the time. The reason? He wanted to sleep with them all. He came from such a goody goody background that the only time he could have any fun or have sex or party was at these fan club "meetings." I wouldn't be surprised if he has a couple of kids out there too because someone had to explain to him what a condom was after he had been doing this for about a year.


  1. Donny Osmond? Say it isn't so. Puppy Love takes on a whole new meaning....

  2. this is my I will narrow it down to Shaun Cassidy or Donnie Osmond.

  3. I'm going to change my guess. Shaun was a flash in the pan -- too much so to go through many 6 month terms. How about Donnie Osmond? He grew up in a conservative Mormon house, and was a long phenom to go through alot of 6 monthers.

  4. Oh this has GOT to be Donny Osmond. "Goody-goody" gave it away for me.

  5. Yeah, Leif Garrett was too much of a slut to qualify as a goody goody. Plus he usually hooked up with the moms of his fans.

    I agree with the Donny guesses.

  6. Michael Jackson. Ha! Ha! I crack myself up!

    Okay, seriously Donny O.

  7. Michael Jackson is my guess.

  8. I first thought Shaun (my first love), but the "goody-goody" does not relate to Shaun as he came from an entertainment family. I think it's Donny. Can't be Andy Gibb either.

  9. First one that came to mind: Donny Osmond. Who can ever forget: And they call it Puppy Looooove..?

  10. I was going to go with Shaun Cassidy, but he's David's brother, so I don't think he was THAT naive.

    Donny Osmond

  11. i don't think it's donny osmond. my mom was in love with him in the late 60's/early 70's. donny turned 20 in 1977. who was a tweener in the late 70s?

  12. Just to put out another name, what about Rex Smith?

  13. Hahahahaha at Michael Jackson....or is it him? Hahahaha.

  14. I have heard David Cassidy talk about his fellow teen heartthrob Donny Osmond.
    He said that while he took advantage of the female attention and would hook up with the fan girls, that Donny really was as good as he was said to be.

    Whether it's true or not, that is what he said.

  15. You are absolutely correct, Guilia--I was a rabid Osmonds fan in the EARLY 70's, and IIRC they were becoming passe by the late 70's which would've made me in like 7th and 8th grades... Hmmm, wondering who was hot then...

    Of course, by then the Donny & Marie show was on, right? Which could've meant he still had a fan club following. And, being a sheltered goody-goody, he really might not have know about condoms by almost age 20!

    Back to the drawing board...

  16. @Giulia, I too have heard that Donny really is what and who he seems to be. I don't think it's him.

    ...but that said, I was a child in the 1970s, and I can't remember any other options besides Donny, Shaun & David Cassidy, and Leif Garrett, as others have already named. So...hmmm...

  17. I think Shaun Cassidy. I could see him wanting to chase the girls like his older brother but them never really talking about condoms or consequences because they are brothers and David being older. I was in school then and there was no discussion about that sort of thing at that time.

  18. All right, Osmond fans: what color socks was Donny famous for wearing in his heyday?

  19. Not Donny. I'm thinking someone less high profile. If Donny had a bunch of extra Osmonds out there we would know about it by now.

    Shaun did have a clean cut image but he probably had access to David's cast offs. Even Danny Bonaduce got a piece of that action.

    I was into David Cassidy and Andy Gibb but there were tons boys in Tiger Beat Magazine.

  20. @ robert-PURPLE. Marie bought him 200 pairs.

  21. Shaun was my first little girl crush in '79, so he was my first thought. Donny was off my radar because I was born in '71, so I don't think him.

  22. I like the Rex Smith guess, I also like the Shaun Cassidy guess. Parker Stevens and Shaun had that whole Hardy Boys thing going and I remember my older sisters where crazy over them. They lasted longer than people may thing, plus he had a hit with that Da doo run run song. And his big brother was probably a huge influence on him wanting to be a star. Didn't David sleep with anything that moved?

  23. David did some interview or Behind the Music, something, where he said yes, he slept with anything that moved but it's not like he had to try. The girls were chasing him to the point where he was almost hiding so they made it easy.

  24. I would like to say Donny Osmond but from all reports he is actually a really nice law-abiding Mormon kinda guy.

    Shaun Cassidy. Or Leif Garrett.

  25. There was also Bobby Sherman in the earlier 70's, y'all remember? I had his poster up or a while. But I don't recall ever hearing that his family being sheltered him, or being a goody-two-shoes or anything...

  26. Andy Gibb? I was a tween in the late 70s but I was in love with Pete Townshend and Jim Morrison, not the teenyboppers.

    Rex Smith was also big.

  27. I always thought Shaun Cassidy was gay.

  28. I vote for Shaun Cassidy

    Donny O was early to mid70s and waaaaay too LDS to be "naughty"

    Shaun probably heard stories from step brother David about how easy it was to bed a fan

  29. My first thought was my first crush - Donny Osmond. But the timing doesn't work. Donny & Marie were big in 1976'ish and he married in about '78. (I remember my 5th grade teacher asking if I was heartbroken - but I had moved on to Peter Frampton by then.) Other big crush I had in the late 70's/early 80's was Scott Baio - not a singer (although, didn't he release an album?). Still thinking...

  30. Definitely Donny Osmond, I think. He was extremely accessible. I remember my babysitter was in his fan club and when he was just passing through town, she actually got to meet him, as in not with a gaggle of other fans at anything official, but just her,the fan club president and a couple of other girls. He took the time to talk to them all and had his picture taken with each individually. He was very nice and when I heard about this, even I thought it was kind of weird that he was so easy to get close to like that. And I was only about 9 or 10. This was in the late 70's. Reading this blind kind of makes it all make more sense. We have a picture of my 5 year old sister with Donny Osmond that day, simply because she was home when my babysitter found out she was going to meet Donny that day. Luckily, for me, I wasn't a big Donny fan, or I'm sure I'd have been heartbroken. I was a Shaun Cassidy girl! LOL

  31. I'm looking at "tweener" as preteen reference. Does it cover another age range I'm not aware of, or was this a rather poorly written blind? I found a 70's teen idol list and no one was preteen in late 70's. There were a few late teens tho (all mentioned above)

  32. I was around in the late 70's and no one was using condoms unless the girl hadn't gotten on the Pill yet. No AIDS yet...not that we knew about, anyway.

  33. Donny Osmond.

    Shaun Cassidy didn't come from a goody-goody background. He attended a boarding school in Pennsylvania that my sister attended, and he was just this greasy-faced rich kid with famous parents. Other boys would throw him into the pond at least once a week. (This is a story I was told in 1976.)

  34. Bobby Sherman was a good guess, but I'd bet it was a Cowsill. A girl-group rocker I once dated (for about 5 mins) married a Cowsill, and knowing her? I assure you there has to be more than one kink in that chain.

    Speaking of Osmonds...

    I had the unique pleasure of running into Marie Osmond one night at a semi-private industry event at a hotel many lifetimes ago. Maybe she wasn't in the best part of her life, and rebelling, because she was plowed out of her goard (then again, so was I).

    We made out for about 15 minutes beside a rooftop pool and I dared her to go skinnydipping. I looked (and acted) like Clark W. Griswold when she jumped in and dared me to do the same. Within a minute there must have been 50 people laughing and hooting at us, until my manager/buddy mercifully extracted me from the water with a large robe. I promptly passed out and never had a chance to repeat my shamefully perverted childish dreams of an Osmond conquest. Damn she had gorgeous...teeth.

    Thankfully, this was in the days before cell phones, camera phones, TMZ, or the web. Sometimes I miss the 80s...or well, what I can recall of them anyway. :-)

  35. Welcome back Himmmm.

    It did occur to me to put Barry Williams down at one point. Only because I know he is a bit of a dog himself. Trust me. However, I don't believe he would be considered a singer and The Brady Bunch was more of a mid 70's thing, wasn't it?

  36. BigMama: Thanks, and you're probably spot on with the Brady's being mid 70s and not really singers (but it does remind me of the film version - "Johnny BRAVO!". lol).

    Just out of curiosity, was the Marcia Brady porn film ever leaked online? In about 1988 I seem to recall seeing some bizarre 8mm home movie porn film that Maureen McCormick did in the late 70s-early 80s, sort of a drug-stupor attempt at stripping and then degrading herself from there. I think both Joel Silver and Don Simpson owned a copy of it. But since that doesn't really float my boat anymore, I couldn't recall if that one was ever released? Anyone know?

  37. I heard a rumour about that. I know it was believed that Cindy was a porn star. Seems like some stills got leaked but that was it.

    I can't resist picking on Barry. I have a great story about him that I am dying to share but a relative would kill me if I did. *sigh*

  38. OK, I'm not ashamed to know this: The official Osmond fan club was run by the family so it ain't Donny. I was an official fan club member, so that's how I know (I still have the button somewhere...) I have met Donny and he really IS as nice as he seems PLUS there was no way he'd "consort" with a non-Mormon at the time. Besides, as was pointed out, his "tweener" days were far behind him in the late '70s.

    Having said that, my teenybopper days were behind ME at that point, too, so I'm not too sure who the real culprit might be.

  39. God I love Himmmmm's posts :)

  40. Himmmm: I used to know Peter Holsapple from the dBs back when I was the Betty Crocker of the alt-music scene in the '80s & '90s, and he was married to Susan Cowsill for a few years; if memory serves, they had a daughter together before they split up. How many degrees of separation is that? :-)

    (I discovered early on in my fangirl days that two really good ways to meet musicians were (a) becoming an amateur photographer, and (b) bringing freshly-baked goodies to shows or soundchecks--I won't start naming names, but some of them were/are household names now. Got 2 pictures on CDs (1 w/an actual photo credit, one not) and a whole lot of other amusing photos and stories--the TMP in my screen name stands for The Mad Photographer, because you have to be crazy to do live concert shots the way I did! And no, I didn't get lucky w/any of them, but that's probably just as well. I've been considering starting a blog to tell my tales of the scene, since now we're all in our 40s & 50s--would anyone here be interested in it if I did?)

  41. What about Davy Jones? He's always been very inovlved with his fan clubs, if I recall correctly.

  42. @ Robin um, yeah!

  43. I was in my late teens in the late 70s, so I asked my little sisters what huge (A list) teen idol came to mind from back then, and they both said "Andy Gibb" without hesitation. Plus, he had a reputation as a nice, sweet guy back then, even though he had actually been (briefly) married before he hit it big.

    If you think about it, the late 70s was the disco era, so the teen idol scene wasn't as strong during those few years as it had been before and after the disco craze.

  44. @Robin: I bet we know a lot of the same people. Very fam with the NC music scene from those days and am 51 now. And while I knew about Mitch Easters Drive in studio I had no idea Peter was married to a Cowsill. Hells ya I'd read yer blog!

  45. Andy Gibb is the only one I can think of for this. Donny Osmond didn't hook up with his fans, and none of the others really come from a 'goody, goody' family.

  46. Tony DeFranco. The Defranco family was big in the mid to late 70's. They were wholesome, and he fits age-wise.

  47. Thanks, 'Nette.

    Robin? Don't I seem to recall something about you and Mr. Reznor? Did you tell me that - or did he? I'm sure your blog would be vastly entertaining. And weren't your herbally-infused medicinal baked goods a legend from Athens to Snellville, Raleigh to Buffalo, NOLA to Seattle? ;-)

    (That AND the legend of your love child by Mike Mills of REM. (OOPS! Did I let that secret out? Sorry ;-) j/k

  48. Hey, now, Himmmm, that wasn't MY love child, although I did know his mom both in Boston in the mid-'80s and down south in the '90s, although we lost touch after I came back to Boston. (Julian's got to be, what, 22 now? Damn, do I feel old...)

    My baked goods weren't particularly medicinal, at least not in the sense of having "special" ingredients (I was too naive to know where to buy weed, and too broke to afford it anyway, plus I'd never dose anyone w/out their express consent), but considering that the brownie recipe calls for both chocolate chips & instant espresso, it's plenty potent all by its ownself; many, many musicians have played very energetic sets after downing a few. :-) The chocolate-chip oatmeal cookies and the blueberry muffins have their fans, too...there's a certain very political English singer/songwriter who could tell you about the blueberry muffins that brought down the Berlin Wall. ;-) The brownies are the most legendary pastry item, though, and while I've never been west of Dallas, plenty of folks from the West Coast got their share of them over the years.

    As for Mr. Reznor: we've met on several occasions, at least a couple of them due to amusing fan t-shirt designs I came up with (the Reznor Heater shirt saga is a hoot, and "The Bureau of Morality declared me a dangerous subversive and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" shirt got my rack on Trent's iPhone on the last tour). Don't know if he ever actually got any of the baked goods over the years, but the rest of the band & entourage certainly did, and enjoyed them immensely, I'm told. (You haven't lived until you've seen a big tough bodyguard's facial expression turn to utter desolation amidst a plaintive wail of "Brownies? There were brownies?) I really don't know him personally, but he's always been very sweet to me in person, and quite a witty fellow, which is something I'd say the two of you have in common... ;-).

    If y'all really need a good laugh, check out the website I set up in 2006 and basically let collect dust ever since: --there are a fair number of photos up there, including way too many from various Boston bands; I should probably try to contact my website host to see about changing the name & tweaking things. Have fun!... ;-)

  49. @Sherry -- you're FIFTY-ONE? Judging from your profile pic, I thought you were maaaaaaaaybe 35.

    Keep drinkin' that virgin blood, girl. Something is really working for you.

  50. Donny Osmond, Bobby Sherman, DeFranco are early 70's.

    Davy Jones is late 60's.

    Rex Smith I'm guessing was too old.

    I think we're looking for someone of the Leif Garrett, Shaun Cassiday, Jimmy McNichol era.

    Jimmy McNichol?

  51. I am sticking with Tony DeFranco: The group had a number of hits between 1973 and 1977, including "Abra-Ca-Dabra" and their biggest hit, "Heartbeat (It's a Love Beat)." Either Tony DeFranco or the entire family appeared in almost every issue of a number of the teen magazines of this period, such as Tiger Beat and Flip.

  52. OK, this woould be more for my sisters gen then mine. I was just a baby when he was a Tiger Beat favorite. Bobby Sherman.

  53. It's not Donnie- his family has always run his fan club (reference- my older sister).

    I like the Andy Gibb guess.

  54. OMG! Ida are you playin' with me? That was about 2 years ago. I don't think I look particularly young but thanks for the compliment. Maybe it's Maybelline. Maybe it's the beer.

  55. Just echoing I also don't see this being Donny. Marie...well, she's the black sheep in that family. Source:just another Mormon with too many connections to them.

  56. Just echoing I also don't see this being Donny. Marie...well, she's the black sheep in that family. Source:just another Mormon with too many connections to them.

  57. This is extremely belated (just skimming the archives instead of working...the usual procrastination), but Himmmm, it sounds like you dated a Bangle ;)
