Taylor Swift Has Really Bad Luck With Guys
Taylor Swift has already said that her next album is just about finished and of course it will be a tribute to the disaster that was her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal. Now comes news that Taylor recently got dumped by Eddie Redmayne. Eddie is not from the US, so probably does not know that you never dump Taylor. If she dumps you then it is all good and you can probably go song free, but if you dump her, then you are in serious trouble and the entire world will know what you did. In this case, it appears that Eddie was willing to have a relationship of convenience. They met during auditions for Les Mis, had some fun and he thought Taylor would be coming to London to film so had her over to his place in London for some more fun and when she did not get the role, dumped her and moved on. This is not to say that he was exclusive with Taylor. She thinks he was, but he was seeing other people and if Taylor had stayed with him longer, she probably would have discovered it. Better to get out fast.