Thursday, February 16, 2012

Taylor Armstrong Having Sex With Married Man With Kids

Some married lawyer Taylor Armstrong hired is working for her pro bono. The fact that he is also boning her puts a whole other spin on pro bono doesn't it? The guy is helping her with her lawsuit with Oh, I know this guy. He is the guy who she got hammered with last month at Craig's. That is a restaurant that is about a block from Sur which is owned by Lisa Vanderpump. Guess we know Taylor would probably never go there. I was wondering how she was managing to pay all her legal bills. Now we know. Everything probably looks great to this guy right now but wait until Taylor needs a sequel to her book.


  1. Good lord, that pic is almost as funny as the rabid seal on Dlisted.

  2. Way to keep it Klassy, Taylor. Did she offer to pro-bone (hey-yo!) you ever?

  3. ^sounded way funnier in my head. Hah.

  4. When I read the headline, it seemed as if the children were having sex with her, too. And I said, "That sounds about right for her." But luckily not.

  5. Go Taylor. Great pic! Maybe all her posts should have this pic. It rivals the KK pic.

  6. "Is that fame, love and acceptance finally coming my way?"

    Dream on, psycho.

  7. My husband nearly gags when he sees that face (mouth, specifically).

    But it takes all kinds in this world, right?

  8. His hourly fee is what, $200? He is getting a bum deal

  9. If he's sucked in (pardon the pun) because he believes she's a celebrity and hopes some of the glitter and glam will rub off onto him then he deserves whatever he gets from this harpy.

    That pic should accompany all Taylor posts, rather like that certain photo should accompany any posts about She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-In-February. And this photo:

    should accompany posts about Paris Hilton in the event she ever again does anything relevant.

  10. @Vicki, the rabid seal kills me!

    I'm too lazy/tired to type a hundred HAs for the Taylor pic.

  11. Here's my confusion. The other housewives do have influence and are in decision making positions to actually help Taylor make a difference in her life.
    Adrienne has her fingers in a media empire, for example. Do you think there's not a 200K or 300k job for her there?
    What about Lisa? I have the same idea there.
    So, here's the big q. Why would she not pursue those avenues?

    As I have said before, Adrienne and the Maloofs are incredibly generous especially with their time and influence.
    Big George is a little thorny, but the rest are so, so gracious. You'll hear her speak of Lebanese hospitality. If I still lived in LA, she'd be one of the first people I'd ask for advice. So what gives?


  12. I'm confused by this, b/c one article said he and the wife/kids didn't live together anymore. The wife denied the story to one sit, saying she and Taylor were very good friends. Then the next statement she released said they needed to take it up with her husband. He seems to be involved with her other companies/charities as well.

    This is the guy she was spotted out with in the Random Photos!

  13. Why doesn't anyone hire Taylor? Because she's a grifter who helped Russell swindle people out of millions of dollars?

    Despite all the public pity she receives from the other housewives (especially Kyle), deep down they know that she can't be trusted.

  14. @ Casual Observer - I completely agree. The fact that none of Taylor's rich friends are helping her is very telling. But then again, part of it might be that $200-300k/year isn't enough for Taylor. She will always want more, and that's why she's in the position she's in.

  15. Here she saw one of her good friends Camille go thru HE11 with a man cheating on her and her children. Then she befriended Brandi (kinda) who she and her children were cheated on. Taylor saw the pain these girls went thru, and I even remember her questioning whether or not Russell was cheating on her and if he were, she would be devastated. Well...then Taylor goes and becomes a selfish homewrecker with a married man with children.

    Taylor is a horrible horrible, selfish human being. I can't stand her and her ugly puss face. Digusted, two faced, hypocritical, @-hole.

  16. OMG @ her face LOLOL

    Too ridiculous LOLOL

  17. Vurry funny. I hadn't put my ego into the question. Forgive my indulgence here,but I am hardworking, generally speaking 'good egg'. And I am a loyal friend.
    Taylor, however, seems to be none of those things. I have never met her though. I am going to infer from your comments that she is not trusted enough.
    It's truly her loss. And her losses seem to be adding up rather quickly.

  18. She has Julia Roberts mouth.

  19. LOL@JBE

    I can't stand HorseMouth (Julia R) LOL

  20. wow, what an ethical attorney.

  21. This photo reminds me of what every parent says at some point to his or her child: if you keep making that face, your face is going to freeze that way.

  22. Two hundred an hour? In LA? Maybe 20 years ago. Try two or three times that.

    And Bandy, probably no ethical problem having sex with a client if the representation does not involve domestic issues. Giving free services to someone you are dating is not unheard of, either. No ethical problem there, again, as long as the representation does not involve personal relationships.

  23. hey,
    julia roberts look-alike-wannabe,
    gravity is not your friend,



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