Sunday, February 12, 2012

Selena Gomez Had A Band?

Did you know Selena Gomez was not just Selena Gomez, but Selena Gomez And The Scene? To me that sounds like the kind of band you would see at a Holiday Inn on the side of a highway. The band consists of a bunch of people who all have dreams of making it big in the music world, but have to make a living with a day job so playing at the Holiday Inn is the best gig they can get.

Selena announced yesterday that she and her band were breaking up. What that means is that she probably was paying them more than studio musician rates so wanted to get a new band together that she could pay less. Selena has also said that this year will be all about the acting and less about the music. I am hoping that includes acting lessons. Although not as bad as Justin Bieber they could both use some serious help.


  1. Can't help but think this is Justin's influence. "Yeah baby, you don't need those losers. You're an actor like me. We're going to get Oscars and Emmys. If you want to make a record, just hire some new losers and pay them a few bucks. They'll be honored to work with you."

    I hope that she hasn't been with these guys for long. Or worse yet, I hope that they didn't consider her a friend. If that's the case, nice job, Selena.

  2. Yeah, I knew that from her song Love You Like A Love Song that they play on the radio all the time. Catchy, but vanilla.

  3. Embarrassing confession: I thought they collaborated together; I didn't know The Scene was her official band. Oh the trivia I learn from working at a tweener magazine.

  4. Selena has a better chance at a singing career than an acting career. Same with The Biebs. Until he starts looking a little less like a Cabbage Patch Kid, his chance of gaining cred as a dramatic actor are slim.

  5. I think I said this yesterday, but she's really not bad on the Wizards of Waverly Place show. I never think of her as "Selena the singer" when I watch it, I think of her as her character. As far as those Disney shows go, it's not so bad.

    And yes, I knew that she was in a band. I'll blame it on my tween.

  6. @Nola, they have been together since she was dating Nick Jonas... she made the point back then that she was all about being in a band and not into the whole solo singer deal.

  7. It is only a "band" if somebody other than the lead singer is known. They can call it what they want but Selena is the reason people pay money for records/concerts. Also I think she has a bigger future in acting if Hollywood ever lets her out of the Latina Stereo type they like to put these women in. I wish her luck either way.

  8. I want unibrow's Bowie shirt dammit.

  9. Embarrassing disclosure: "Love you like a love song" and "Naturally" are two of my favorite pop songs of the past few years. When she combines her kittenish (and anorexic?) image with playful sultry lyrics, she's awesome. I am, embarrassingly, a huge Gomez fan. On the other hand, the output of material is very slight and there isn't really much to listen to, just two or three songs, so, huge music career? I think not.

  10. She is so cute, pretty, beautiful. I hope she is a nice person behind the hype.

    That being said.....

    This photo looks like the cast of the touring show for The Big Bang Theory.

  11. I'm sorry but she is not a bad actress, she has good comedic timing and is certainly more talented than most of the kids coming out of the Disney Machine. Her music, mehhhhh. Not terrible though.

  12. Her acting is right up Disney's alley, but she might have to spend a few years in acting classes and obscurity if she wants to be known as a serious actress. The clownish antics and snarky one-liners may work well on that network, but they don't translate much farther than that.

    She has always had The Scene as her band. I don't remember how long it's been since her first song hit Disney commercial breaks, but it seems like it's been ages. Maybe they're tired of it, too.

  13. Anonymous8:56 AM

    She had a fucking band to come up with that retarded drivel "Love Song" that sounds like it was written by a kindergartener? Sounds like she did these guys a HUGE favor. Congratulations.

  14. Anonymous10:51 PM

    They didnt break up. She is taking a break to focus on acting but she said that she wanted them to be able to work with whoever they wanted while that happened. If anything I think it was a nice thing to do versus having them wait around like No Doubt.

    I enjoy her on her show, she might need a bit of lessons but I think at her age and where she came from she is pretty good. Mind you she has a few movies going into production this year so I am sure we [the parents of kids] will be seeing her as more than one character. Blame my kids for knowing all this.



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