Friday, February 24, 2012

Selena Gomez Got Her First Tattoo

Selena Gomez started off small. All that nonstop talking by Justin Bieber about how great tattoos are and that he can't wait to look like Travis Barker have finally got to Selena Gomez who took the plunge and got a tattoo. Thankfully she did not get the words Justin or a picture of a little girl on her body, but instead got a heart for the inside of her wrist. It looks like a mole. It probably took five minutes, but now she has a story about how she got inked up by a guy who has his face tattooed and thought it would look good, but it doesn't and what can you do about it after you have a face tattoo. You just keep pretending it looks good and wishing that you had not a) got drunk or b) lost that bet.


  1. When oh when will the tattoo craze be over?

    I do know some people with beautiful tattoos. But there are more people who get started and don't know when to stop. And many who get tacky or just badly done tats.

    Often I'll see a good-looking person in a swimsuit and think "what a shame that he/she scarred up his/her beautiful body with that ugly mess."

  2. Yup, figgy. I can't agree more. Most of these tats are just plain hideous. I keep saying I'm going to open a chain of tattoo removal places and make a fortune. Anyone want to join me in this business venture?

  3. agree with figgy. i do the same when i see beautiful people in swimsuits with tacky tattoos.

    nothing drives me more crazy than ugly visible tattoos on women in wedding dresses. actually maybe ones visible at the workplace. i work in an office, and i hate when people have visible ones on their shoulders, wrists, chest, neck, and can be plainly seen. so unprofessional.

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Agreed. I know there are those who love the ink, and that's their right, but to me it just says "cheap" when I see someone, especially a woman, who is tattooed visibly. I know that's old fashioned, but I'm old.

    I would never get one because how do you know you're going to like that particular picture in a few years? Also the aging and sagging thing.

    I have to admit this is one thing I like about Miley Cyrus. I saw a picture of her just the other day, and the caption pointed out that she has about 10 tattoos, but none are visible when she's fully dressed. That's smart.

  5. I'm with you posters above. Words you never hear associated with tattoos: tasteful and classy. For me, while some tattoos are impressive to look at, for me, it's distracting to look at someone. Also, for me, it ruins enjoying an outfit on someone. It's like taking an outfit of stripes, dots, floral, et al and trying to wear it all together. It makes my eyes hurt, I don't know where to look.

  6. I like and appreciate them. If they're really bad then I don't even need to get to know someone to know they're either an idiot or a complete douche. Problem solved! It's really a time saver - and time is the one thing we have that we can never get back.

  7. as long as they are over 18, get tatted up all you want. Then spends thousands getting them lasered off when you are 30 and mortified for having them.

  8. I like tattoos - not all of them look good, but some are real pieces of art, done by really talented people. I don't mind someone being completely covered in them either, if it suits their style!

  9. And I have to say, I know a lot of people with a lot of tattoos, and not a single one of them wants to get anything removed, even though they are well into their 30's and 40's. For some, it's part of a lifestyle.

  10. co-sign with figgy et al.

  11. I was squinting to see her tatoo. Not sure if I see it still. lol

    I agree with most of you guys. I have 3 small tatoos in places I can easily cover. I'm 40 and very happy with them. I didn't get my first until I was 28 either.
    My husband always says (he's tatoo free) if he would've have gotten what he wanted at 18 or 20 his arms would be covered in IRON MAIDEN or METALLICA so let that be a warning kids! LOL

  12. ^*tattoo
    And also, no offense to anyone with Iron Maiden or Metallica or band tattoos. My husband would not want them now as opposed to when he was a teen was my point.

  13. I think tattoos are horrible. I can't understand why someone would treat something as magnificent as the human body like it's an abandoned building or an unattended freight train car and deface it. My biggest problem with people who are covered in tats is how mad they get if you look at them. Why did they cover themselves in tats if they didn't want people to look at them? You'd think while they were getting inked, they could have asked someone to pull the stick out of their butt.

  14. That's odd, RJ - everyone I know with tattoos loves to show them off. Maybe it's the way they're being looked at that sets them off?

  15. I like tattoos, and especially bad tattoos. I don't judge anyone based on their tattoos, I judge on their actions and ethics!

    Honestly, it's the person's body, and they can do what they will with it. It's no one else's body or life, so what the fuck is it to you what they chose to do with it. It's not yours.

    I hate the self-righteousness of non-tattooed people, as if they are so much classier and godlier. Gimme a break!

  16. how is what a person does to THEIR body any business of anyone else? and if a person later regrets it, so what? it's their problem. not yours. live and let live. people are bothered by such small things.

  17. I recently joined a gym and can't believe how many out of shape middle aged women there are with huge ugly tattoos. I have nothing against tattoos
    but combined with saggy flesh is a no-no.

  18. yes, it's totally someone's right to do what they want with their body. I certainly don't 'judge' someone based on their style. it is however an extremly ugly fashuion statment & as other's have said, really tacky on women. I still love my friends/fam that have tats, but like a bad 'Kate/possum'hairdo, I think "whattha eff were you thinking?"

  19. I'm with _-_=_ & Maja. I also don't regret a single one of my 27 (some visible, some not!) tattoos & can't wait to get more.

  20. Her tattoo is like when Phoebe on Friends got her (tiny) tattoo.

    This is the first & last time I will ever reference "Friends" as I always hated that show.

  21. It doesn't bother me in the slightest & some look amazing. I def agree that some people make terrible decisions on their ink. Tweety Bird on an untoned/oldish arm...not so hot. ;) I live in the south, so there are always a plethora of bad ink examples. But I guess if it makes them happy?
