Monday, February 27, 2012

Sean Young Is No Lindsay Lohan When It Comes To Crashing Parties

Lindsay Lohan has crashing parties down to a science. She tries to only go to ones at Chateau Marmont. She is fully prepared to say, "Do you know who I am?" a few times but no go overboard and then will wander off alone in search of booze or other party favors if she is not successful. Also going for Lindsay is the fact that despite not actually being in anything relevant or picking up a paycheck for acting she is still well known which can help.

Sean Young was arrested last night trying to crash a party. It went about as well last night as it did in 2006 when she got arrested for pretty much the same thing. Sean Young was charged with battery because she beat a security guard who was trying to keep her out.


  1. I think she is mentally ill.

  2. I really loved her in Dune I thought she was going to be a major major star. Even now when she was inching her way back with roles on Y&R (hey its a gig). She goes and does this.

    TMZ got her coming out of the police station saying the Academey's lawyer issued a citizen's arrest and he should be fired. She didn't mention if she was invited or not to the Ball. But she did photobomb with every celeb she could come across.

  3. Lindsey just sucks the nearest dick to get inside.

  4. OMG she looks TERRIBLE! Like some dowdy old lady, wow. Is she addicted to alcohol, drugs, anything? Or just, as @MsCool says, mentally ill?

  5. Speaking of crazy people. How is this woman still walking around? She reminds me of Norma Desmond, kinda delusional and not sure why everyone doesn't recognize them.

  6. So sad to see her lose it.

  7. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Oh God, that's just so embarrassing.

    I hate myself for knowing I'll watch SNL this week to see if LL can pull it together.

  8. Seems like mental issues to me. She's had some strange televised interviews, too. Poor woman. But dang, don't beat the security guards!

  9. So sad, she was so lovely

  10. She managed to get her picture with Brad and Angelina. Haha.

  11. This is Lilo in the future. No doubt in my mind.

  12. Blohan will OD on sleeping pills on the anniversary of Marilyn Monroe's death next year so she can be part of the 27 Club.

  13. There is a lot of bat shit crazy in that woman.

  14. I know that Sean Young has had addiction problems, but is she bipolar as well? She comes off that way.

  15. "Have another cocktail, honey."

  16. Lindsay HAS to use the "Don't you know who I am?" Nobody can fucking recognize her these days. I was talking with a friend of mine who doesn't really follow gossip and he heard she was doing SNL this week. I told him to prepare himself when he sees her. He's in for the shock of the year.

  17. I never thought Sean Young was attractive, but she really looks awful here. If she does have mental health problems, I hope she gets help, and soon. Very sad.

  18. There are stories that years ago James Woods accused her of sending him photos of mutilated animals after he broke up with her. Real crazy Fatal Attraction stuff. Oh, and how she showed up at some producer's office in a cat costume to try out for the highly coveted Cat Woman role. She bulldozed her way into his office while he was in a meeting and launched into an audition. She has a total lack of self awareness.

  19. She stalked James Woods until he had to get a restraining order and she appeared on a talk show in the Catwoman costume.

  20. @ JBE: Ha! "Get on with it!"
    This definitely ain't Blade Runner Sean Young, either. Yikes! Guess her stint on Celebrity Rehab didn't take.

  21. Damn Dr.Drew, another one down. And in the same week that Shifty dude got arrested, smh.



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