Friday, February 17, 2012

Sarah Michelle Gellar Says Freddie Prinze Jr. Can't Get Work

Sarah Michelle Gellar is always talking about her husband. At the Golden Globes she said he was home watching football. The other day she emasculated him and said he loves being a stay at home husband and dad which means he can't get work. When you are an actor, and are married to another actor, it is not really necessary to be a stay at home anything because even when you do work it is not like you are working 52 weeks a year.

She says they fight about who gets to stay at home, but that he always wins. Huh? I think what she means is that he has not been in anything for a ridiculous amount of time and I am wondering if he just cannot get cast. At the same time, if I were Sarah I would get Freddie out there looking for work because it is not like The Ringer is a huge hit. Do you realize that Univision programming opposite The Ringer gets an audience four times larger? Only Vampire Diaries comes close to actually making any kind of ratings for CW. Any of their other "hit" shows would probably last one week on a regular network with those ratings.

I just sometimes get the feeling that Sarah has Freddie locked up in the house and just lets him out once every two or three weeks for a walking down the street photo so people know she has not killed him.


  1. I watch Ringer. It's dreadful yet addictive. #shameful confession

  2. These people DO realize there are other professions than just "actor"....right?

  3. He was so handsome and beautiful, but his looks don't age well. I sometimes wonder how he will handle the whole fame thing, too. His family history casts a big shadow over him, and didn't Sarah once figure prominently in a variety of drug-related blinds and gossip?

  4. ...and for the zillionth time, I snicker at the people who think you're female.

    He may enjoy being a stay-at-home dad, you know. I don't see why he's the victim of emasculation.

    You're really reaching with this one, Enty.

  5. This was always the strangest couple to me. He seems like such a wimp, and she looks like she kicks his butt daily. I can hear him say, "yes, dear."

  6. I like him, hope he gets something good...

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I couldn't understand how he got all those roles back in the day. He's always been a crappy actor. Maybe he enjoys staying at home anyway. I would love to be a stay-at-home mom expect for, you know, the mom part.

  8. thank you Ida - I was about to say the same damned thing.

    Staying at home with your children and taking care of a home is not as easy as it looks. I don't see a thing wrong with him wanting to stay home. He is probably enjoying being the father to his child that he didn't get himself.

  9. Maybe he realizes his limitations; let's face it, he's not that good of an actor. And he might actually like being at home with his kid. It's not like he's in prison. SMG probably bought a frickin' mansion with the requisite pool/game room/home theatre with her Buffy money.

  10. Yeah, I don't understand how she "emasculated" him either. Personally, I find staying at home with your kids extremely manly. I realize the offers aren't probably rolling in for Freddie at the moment, but some men really DO enjoy hanging out with their children, and many choose to do so for as long as they can. And I wish more would!

  11. Good lord. You would think English wasn't my first language *snicker*.

  12. In Scandinavian countries most fathers take 2 to 3 years off when their child is born and live as stay at home dads and it's considered normal and not emasculating. The state pays for it.

  13. I guess I'm alone in thinking FPJr was really charming. I did, really! I liked his show.

  14. I watch Ringer...Love SMG, but am seriously thinking of jumping ship. Its gotten so bogged down by so MANY twists and turns in the plot its become more work than entertainment.

    Maybe Freddie likes being a stay at home dad. More power to him. Better than a nanny raising the kid!

  15. I'm surprised he never got into voiceover work. There are a lot of jobs to be had, the money is decent, and he could still be at home often.

  16. Why do I get the feeling there is a BI involved in this posting?

  17. He works. He directs and produces WWE. He's apparently a huge wrestling fan.

  18. I love Ringer it is fun tv. It has been off the air since December and just came back last week so it needs to find its audience again.

    I think it will get renewed for a second season. Like Gossip Girl, it generates more buzz then ratings.

  19. @Jennifer: thanks for the info. Didn't realize he was still connected to the WWE. I knew he had done some work with them in the past. He is a big wrestling fan.

  20. I didn't understand the 'emasculated' thing either. Shrugs.

    @Cecilia00 me too!

  21. First of all, if it were reversed and it was SMG staying home with the kid, no one would say that it must be because she can't get any work. Second, if he's half as good with his kid as the "Sandy" character he played on Friends, then that is one lucky kid.

  22. I vote he becomes a semi-regular guest star on Psych. I loved his nerdy character on there. :)

  23. Oh! He also does voice over work for video games. The guy is hardly unemployed. They just work opposite seasons. When she's on hiatus he goes back to work.

  24. I like Freddie Prince Jr. I like that he and Sarah have lasted a long time. I still think he's a very good looking guy. I think one day he will work again. I think once you have a job as an actor and you're face is well known, it's hard to switch to another career, unless it's politicts. It's also all he's known, since his father was also in the business.

  25. This makes me think of the FRIENDS episode where he played a male nanny to Ross and Rachel's baby.

  26. @ Ida-see?? I knew we could agree on SOMETHING!! LOL!!

    My husband is a stay at home dad. We made that choice a while back. I make a lot more money than him and enjoy my job, so it was the rational thing to do.

    I commend them for obviously putting their child first. Good for them!

    And trust me-being a stay-at-home parent is tough work-I did it for several years too and going to work is far easier! Being stay at home means you are the cook, the maid, the cheaffeur, the wrestling referee, doctor, diaper cleaner, bed maker, laundry doer, grocery shopper, financial planner and MORE!!

    I thought these were modern times and we were past the feeling that stay at home parents sit around watching soaps and eating bon bons all day.

  27. @ Christy-oh I love Psych! I agree about making him semi-regular.

  28. He is a terrible actor, so he won't get work.

    If he stays home with the baby, good for them. Better than having a full time Nanny raise them, while the kid gets ignored.

  29. No feelings about Freddie one way or another, though I truly cannot stand SMG, BUT just wanted to chime into say that being a stay-at-home mom or dad is NOT necessarily what is always best for a child.

    My kids stay with their dad during the day and if it were up to me they would be in daycare or some sort of other structured setting. Staying home with dad means playing Wii all day and generally not learning anything. Alas, the ex and I are separated and the courts tell me that I can't request support for child care since "it's always better for the child to be home with a parent who is available." Ummm, not really...

  30. Come on, Enty. you may be right in hollywood speak, but being a stay at home or work from home parent is better than any paying job if you can do it.

    I stayed home 14 years with my daughter then my husband stayed home. we homeschooled too and he is better at teaching the adolescent mind (hormonal mom-girl thing i think). She is 19 now and just moved out and thriving at university.

    His dad was an addict, perhaps he wants better for his children.

  31. I adore Freddie Prinze Jr and SMG. I also LOVE the Ringer, I think its a fun show. I hope they last as a coupe I think they are so cute together.

  32. Count me among those who don't see how raising your child is "emasculating". This is 2012, not 1912. There is no shame in a man staying home to care for his child while his wife earns the money. Give me a break.

  33. You have a good point @MacVixen.

  34. I think he should do a cooking show. Do one like Chopped. He supposedly LOVED to cook and would do so for their friends. Open a freaking restaurant.

  35. Aww...I loved him in the 90's. Sigh.

    I like Ringer. And I would assume SMG have enough $ from Buffy, though right? Maybe he doesn't need to/ have to work.

  36. Every see "Boys and Girls" with him and Clair Forlani? It was terrible, but I loved it! Why isn't it available on Netflix?!!

  37. It sounds like he has plenty of behind the scenes work that still lets him be there for the kids. Sounds like the best of both worlds.

    I think it's good for kids to see a dad being hands on and involved. Our son is a stay at home dad, his wife makes big bucks, and it's made him a better person.

  38. I love "Ringer." It's a twisty, soapy show with several very good looking guys, so...

    I don't have anything against Prinze, but I never really thought he was a very good actor.

  39. I'm too caught up with "Ringer" to not watch. I got hooked by accident! Never cared for SMG, nor her hubby. I think it's great that a parent (vs. nanny) is home with the kids. And in my experience, every time a dad becomes a stay-at-home, it's been a mom's idea.

  40. Very strange couple. No chemistry, just some sort of mutual contract of intimacy avoidance.

    FPJ went as far as he possibly could on his daddy's name. He's not much of an actor. He works a little so he's hardly housebound.

    Ent's suggestion of emasculation is more a comment on this marriage...which is a weird one. It's almost like they both held out till they found another like-minded Republican to marry, and married on that basis alone. That, and I don't think that anyone involved with SMG would want to marry her eventually. She isn't exactly forgiving when her byzantine standards aren't met.

    Still, she is supposedly a great mom at this point. Both she and Freddie love that kid.

  41. Wasn't there a recent blind about a couple that stayed together but were not intimate? I don't recall the exact wording.



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