Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sacha Baron Cohen Is Going To Tick Of The Academy Awards

Sacha Baron Cohen is risking the wrath of the old white guys who run the Academy Awards because the rumor is he will appear on the red carpet as The Dictator from his new movie. I think it is a good idea and will probably shake things up. HOWEVER, I also think it could set a really bad example and turn the Academy Awards into a place where people just show up to promote their movies and use the audience for that and not for what it really is. A place where actors and actresses can rub their success in the failures of other actors and actresses.


  1. Since they aren't even letting the nominated songs perform, one of which I was really looking forward to, I think it is awesome he is doing it. Yet apparently they have enough time to let Cirque de Soleil perform???

  2. I never got sasha baron cohen, so I will try to ignore his antics.

  3. I'm torn. I'd like for the Oscars to be less stuffy, but SBC's act is getting pretty tired.

  4. I loved the year Trey & Matt from South Park showed up dressed as Goop Paltrow & Jennifer Lopez in the pink & green dresses. When Blame Canada was nom'd as best song. Back when they actually sang the songs.

    Good for Sacha the whole thing is a joke and one big jack off for actors that the world gets to watch.

    He will be the only thing people remember.

  5. Ugh, red carpet stunt costuming is sooo '90's (said in my best Valley Girl voice).

  6. Eh, whatever. His shtick is old. Why can't he rent a tux and take his wife out for a nice evening instead of dressing up for a pap stunt?

  7. the only thing this guy has ever done that I kinda liked was the voice in the Madagascar movies, where he sings "I like to move it move it" of course, that song comes on KidsPlace Live about a million times a day so maybe I have been brain washed....

  8. I love Sacha. Maybe I'd actually watch the awards if he was in costume.

  9. I think it's awesome, but I don't watch the Oscars. They're too long and boring. I'll wait until Monday and watch highlights online.

  10. Isn't there a blind about an actor who remains in character, and his wife is tired of it and thinking about leaving and taking the kids???

  11. I think the Dictator should come out during Billy's song and dance routine at the beginning of the show. Now that would be cool.

  12. Same character, different costume. SBC, please say hello to Will Ferrel and Ben Stiller.

  13. If SBC isn't funny to you, you need another drink.

  14. The only thing his characters have in common is the fact that he is able to be completely consumed by them from the looks of things. You know he'll be yelling shit like "who is Sacha" and other crazy shit. He's a characature of whoever/whatever he is playing. Everything is big and over the top and ridiculous, and hilarious.

    Although Bruno didn't fare so well in my books, I still credit him for the way he can take on a character do this crazy shit and not crack (cough Jimmy Fallon cough)

  15. I love SBC so this will be a treat for me.

  16. I like SBC but I can't watch his movies. I get too embarrassed.

  17. That sounds cool. After last year's horrific show (I'm looking at you, James Franco), I'm all for anything that will make things more interesting. Maybe this will start a trend: DanRad can come dressed as Harry Potter, RDJ as Ironman, Johnny Depp as Captain Jack; the possibilities are endless.

  18. Anonymous12:28 PM

    He's Sascha Baron Cohen, of course he is going in costume, I imagine he will be in full character too. I love him, think he is a fabulous character actor brilliant comedic actor. The stuff he did as Ali G and Borat were amazing. I would love to interview him.

  19. I had no idea that Sasha was the voice of King Julien. Thanks, BigMama!

  20. Anything that takes itself that seriously, needs to be poked at. I like the idea.

  21. Is He paying Megan Fox to be his "date"?

  22. It's just been announced on Deadline Hollywood Daily that SBC's Oscar tickets have been pulled and he's banned from the event, even though Hugo has 11 nominations.

  23. I like the idea just because he doesn't break character. It fits with how he promotes these sort of movies.

    It's a shame he can't go. (I wonder if they'll reverse this decision.)

  24. The Oscars are so boring that I can't stomach them. SBC was in Hugo? I liked Borat, but that was it. SBC worked my last nerve.

  25. We all knew the Academy has no sense of humor, and this proves it--he would have pulled in a lot more viewers for the red carpet who might well have stuck around to watch the actual awards. *blows raspberry at AMPAS*

    I think Sasha & Isla are an adorable couple, and he's actually quite handsome when he's not in character. There was a rumor going around a couple of years ago that he was going to play Freddie Mercury in a movie, and I think he might be the one actor who could really pull it off.

  26. And here I thought the big part of the honor of presenting was to promote your upcoming movie alongside your costar of said movie?

  27. The Academy banned him as of yesterday...
