Monday, February 06, 2012

Ryan Gosling Is A Genre

You know you have come a long way in movies when a cable company says you qualify for your own genre. This month there are so many Ryan Gosling movies airing that Time Warner Cable has decided to just combine them all and a few more and make Ryan his own genre on the pay per view option. I don't know if I have ever seen that with any other actor or actress. Usually the only genres are holidays and the yule log. Yes, a yule log, not porn. That has several of its own different genres and perhaps one of those also has a yule log category.


  1. Ya, they do that on Comcast on Demand sometimes with other actors. I love me some RG though.

  2. I finally saw Lars and the Real Girl...OMG I love him, and Patricia Clarkson was fantastic as his shrink.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    My cable company does it, usually when new movies are out. Right now there's a Brad Pitt heading. I don't mind them as the search function is horrendous.

  4. i'm tired of Ryan Gosling!
    he's a great actor and good looking (nice nose job) but he's overexposed and a try-hard (his publicist must pay Lainey and Ted Casablanca to write so many times about him)

  5. He just looks like a big goober to me.

  6. I have been in lust with him for a while now. I need me some Gosling. And some blind items revealed about him. I have been requesting dirt on him for a bit. lol

  7. I love, love, love Ryan Gosling. Good thing I don't have Time Warner, I might go broke.

  8. Anonymous10:02 AM

    If you have not seen the movie "Drive" please do so, it is very good! There was not much publicity for it where I am, but it stayed at the $2 theater a very long time.

  9. I just watched Drive again over the weekend, and let me tell you that boy makes me swoon. Hottie Hottie Hottie!

  10. Not one of the many who thinks he's good looking. The opposite. I know. I know. It is what it is. I started watching Drive and gave up out of boredom. That's the only movie of his I've seen. Or half seen.

  11. I was on the fence about him until I saw Crazy Stupid Love. He is hot in that one.

  12. I wish they would do that with more actors. I do that with movies I have at home.

    And directors too.

  13. Wow I am surprised Rita didn't pipe up on this one. She Loves Ryan. Where oh where can our Rita be? Anyone hear from her lately? Rita speak up we miss you.

  14. Saw Drive this weekend that movie is fantastic...Ryan knows how to pick good movies.

  15. Saw "The Believer"... omg he was amazing in that!

  16. He should always keep his head shaved.... His level of hotness goes way up for me with that look
    Early mornings suck. Need coffee.

  17. good for him~!!! I do enjoy him....

  18. i have loved him since his Breaker High days..

    The Believer is one of my faves, and I really liked him in Half Nelson.

  19. RocketQueen is also a big Ryan Gosling fan. If that baby comes out looking like RG, she'll have some 'splainin' to do!

  20. @Misch -- I LOVE Lars and the Real Girl. He's so heartbreaking in that, and Patricia Clarkson was perfectly cast. I also loved Emily Mortimer as his sis-in-law. I can't think of any other actor of his generation who could have played Lars as well as he did.

  21. My kind of genre *swoon*

  22. I think we need to turn him into a verb. Gosling would make a great word if used correctly.

  23. Has anyone ever seen those "Hey girl" (ex. "F Yea, Ryan Gosling) websites w/ pics of him? I'd say he's a fan favorite for sure.
