Monday, February 20, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Gwen Stefani and Zuma get ready for the big race against the bully from next door.
Jessica Alba at the airport yet again.
Jennifer Lopez tries out a playground swing as a sex swing with her boyfriend.

"But wait, I was pretty good right? So, can I have $20 so I don't have to take the bus home? My mom can't come pick me up"
Jennifer Love Hewitt on a Saturday morning coffee run.
Kelly Osbourne got her own milk commercial.
Miley Cyrus showed off some new tattoo about love not dying. It can break up like a rock band though. Bet Miley didn't know she was being all symbolic and s**t.
Rebecca Gayheart tosses her daughter in the air.
Richard Gere now does Orangina commercials in Europe for money.


  1. Gwen has some big ass feet - Love her though

    Jello has really ugly big feet - don't love her, not even a little bit

    Rebecca - actually smiled, OMG!

  2. Miley looks like trailer trash there.

    Waiting for the count down when JLo either marries the baby-bum or kicks him to the curb lol.

  3. Is that Miley comment a reveal?

  4. Does Jlo ever spend time with her kids anymore?

  5. Richard Gere has turned into Woody Allen.

    I can hear Casper now: "Push me mean old lady I'm sleeping with. Wheeeeeee."

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I know I sound uptight when I say this but I can't stand anyone going out in public dressed as JLH is in that picture. There's just no excuse to wear that.

    1. Agreed. One doesn't have to primp for an hour on a Saturday morning, but good grief, at least put on some yoga pants and a decent shirt. A hairbrush wouldn't hurt either.

  7. That looks too young to be Miley. Is it really her and not her sister?

    Ugh, I can't stand Kelly Osbourne.

  8. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Is it just me, or does Miley seem to have neglected shaving her underarm in that picture? Could just be a shadow...

  9. Is that an alcohol anklet on Gayheart?

  10. Those staged photos of Jlo are garbage. Bleh

    Adore Gwen!

  11. Why are there no pictures of Jlo and her twins?
    Does she ever see them?

  12. Is Gayheart pregnant again? That can't be good.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Does JLo drive a Flinstone mobile? Cuz Casper looks like he gots some Fred Flinstone feet! Ewwwwwwwww.

  15. Can't anyone in Hollywood work a coffe maker ? Why do they all have to go out in their pjs? Learn to work that coffemaker!! Jlo! God forbid she spends time with her children!! Taking pics of herself on a swing with junior human. She's giving Halle a run for the money picking loser men!!

  16. Pharohs- it is her little girls shoe

  17. Does Jessica Alba sometimes wear her wedding ring and sometimes not? Just curious...

  18. Anita- I actually find JLH's look awesome and very telling about how comfortable she is with herself and her looks.

    While to me Gwen Stefani looks too fucking done up to be hanging with her son in the neighborhood while he learns to ride a bike.
    She seems insecure as shit and FAKE to me- because I always see her "on".

    I'd take a sweatpants coffee run celeb over a faux person like Gwen any day of the week.

  19. Miley's arm is a fucking twig. Nice "muscle". *rolls eyes*.

    Gwen IS totally insecure, and she admits it in interviews.

    Kelly O needs to go the fuck away.

  20. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Is Richard Gere a reveal for the blind with an actor who would soon be appearing in commercials, because he needs the money?

  21. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Jasmine, that's where we differ. Essentially they are wearing the same thing, pants and a shirt. The difference is, Gwen's fit and aren't lazy. Sometimes I feel I'm the only person out on a Saturday who isn't wearing yoga pants and sloppy boots. Still takes the same amount of time to get ready.

    I should add my husband does get annoyed when I put make-up on to go to the grocery store.

  22. Why is Richard Gere making European commercials instead of movies? I would much rather watch him than the crappy actors I have been subjected to watching.

  23. LOL, I'm guessing this wasn't one of the pap shoots J.Love arranged for herself this time, huh?

    Pharohs, you've got the title of your shop in your username - is it really necessary to post the link as well? It's awfully tacky.

  24. I'm betting JBlow will be married to this guy by the end of the year. She doesn't have boyfriends; she has husbands.

  25. I agree about dressing up to go out. You would rarely see me going anywhere without hair done, makeup on, heels, and matching handbag/coat and accessories. It could be because I am newly single though. LOL

  26. I agree with Jasmine. Who gives a shit about being ''presentable''? It's not a dinner with dignitaries. It's a stroll on an L.A. sidewalk.

    I also agree with Mooshki. ;-)

  27. Anonymous9:23 PM

    @Jasmine, I forgot to write something about respectfully disagreeing with you :)

    But it's not about dinner with dignitaries, oversized sweatpants and a sweatshirt... why would she even own that? You have to actively purchase that outfit. How does that happen? I just couldn't let myself go out in public like that. It takes the same amount of time to throw on jeans that fit and a sweater.

    But thank god we're all different, it's what keeps capitalism going :O

  28. *snerk* So unless a celebrity is out whoring her small children to the paps, she must never see them at all? Like in privacy of her own home?

  29. Okay-- Now I'm totally ready for Richard Gere to start shooting "The William S. Burroughs Story"

  30. Funny, that picture of JLH made me like her more. Why would she own that outfit? Cuz it's comfortable. Why wear it out? I don't think it looks bad actually. Who says that oversized clothing isn't a style? I think it's cute in a Saturday-morning-coffee-run kind of way. At least it's in the same color family, doesn't have food stains on it ;-)

  31. Don't think Gayheart is pregnant again, think she has a newborn in addition to the child in the pic. And she has her daughter's shoe around her leg although I imagine any kind of substance-intake monitoring device would be equally useful for her.

    On the JLove sweatpants issue- I have to agree with @anita. I just don't like going out if I'm not dressed-- not dressed to meet the queen, just dressed to be in public. I consider what JLove is wearing to be not dressed for public-- maybe for the gym or your couch. But to each their own, I agree it takes confidence to be seen in something I would only wear in my own home (and would only own because I haven't gone to goodwill lately and so have a really old pair of ill-fitting sweats from college lying around), I'm always running into people out and about town and wouldn't feel comfortable doing so dressed like that. But I get that others can and do and good for them. (and @anita btw my husband also gets irritated about the need to dress and have makeup on so tell yours he's not alone)
