Friday, February 17, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Cate Blanchett pulling her own bag at LAX.
Courtney Stodden has put Marilyn Monroe in stripper heels. Nice.
Jennifer Aniston is actually in a movie that I want to see. If you count Horrible Bosses, I think she is 2 for 2 in her last two efforts.
Jennifer did not pose with her boyfriend, Justin Theroux, who she met on the movie.
Malin Akerman is probably my biggest actress crush right now, but whatever is on those arms has to go.
I have also decided that I will see anything in which Paul Rudd is involved. He could stage a 3 day Titanic viewing marathon and I would probably go.
By the way Katie Holmes wears her bag you can tell she has been in New York a lot.
Keanu Reeves sees daylight. Proves he is not a vampire.
Hello Miranda Kerr.


  1. There is Katie and her stake legs again...

    Who the fuck is taking pics of Courtney Stodden besides her husband?


  2. With that dress, it's like Jen A. is ASKING for pregnancy rumors... I don't think it would be flattering on anyone.

  3. Justin Theroux is hot- there, I said it.

    DON'T get Aniston's dress at all- it looks like something an executive would wear to a fancy lunch meeting.

    Paul Rudd can 'rudd' all over me all he wants!
    uhhhhhh, pretend this makes sense.

    Katie Holmes has as much sex appeal as a soccer mom on xanax- weird analogy I know but for some reason that's always what she's channeling to me.

    Miranda Kerr is gorgeous, obvious ED, but beautiful nonetheless. THough her taste in men is questionable- do NOT get how Orlando Bloom is hot.

  4. Malin Akerman is stunning, but she wears the fugliest clothes.

  5. I love Malin too, but that dress is just all kinds of "no". I will watch "Wanderlust" though - I saw the trailer the other night and it looks kinda funny. And, well, Jasmine - he's gonna have to rudd on both of us. But I don't mind sharing with you, fabulous! :)

  6. Courtney's legs are sooo skinny!

    Miranda is usually gorgeous, she looks off in this pic.

    Agree about Jen's dress.

  7. I disagree, @Cathy. I love that dress! Nice update on a classic cut. But that's just me :-)

  8. Jennifer Aniston's dress looks like upholstery she stole off a chair

  9. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I really like Jen A's dress. It's a lot like the Evan Rachel Wood dress from the other day. I would have preferred red shoes and purse but that's just me.

    How freaked is Lindsay at Courtney posing as Marilyn?

  10. I like Jen's dress, wish I liked the douche she's dating...

  11. JA's dress! SWOON! Absolutely love it.

  12. Keanu looks like shit, what the hell happened to him?
    Courtney looks nothing like Marilyn in that picture, the clothes mean nothing.

  13. Dress is too tight on Aniston.

  14. Paul Rudd can get it. That is all.

    No, wait, actually, I'm starting to like Courtney Stodden. Those VDay pics were HILARITY

    1. I totally missed the Courtney V Day pictures. Can't wait to see those.

  15. What is that fur capey thing Cate is wearing? I want it. It looks so snuggly for a plane.

  16. love Miranda Kerr's shoes and pants! Think she looks great here, do not get the obvious ED.

    @anita I agree w u like Aniston's dress but she should have done color for shoes/bag/potentially both.

    Want her dbag boyfriend to go away now.

    Want Paul Rudd to switch places w Mr. Lzahart for a minute or ten :)

  17. LiLo is gonna get so pissed when she finds out Courtney is treading on her MM turf. She probably thought she was the only mental defective who could pose as Marilyn.

  18. Miranda Kerr looks like a Koala and has the personality of a stick. I don't get it.

  19. I like Jennifer's dress a lot too. But I love anything black & white ... the herringbone pattern is just fantastic.

    I think her boyfriend (Justin?) looks just like that grey-haired guy on Mad Men except with dark hair. You know that politician boyfriend guy who wanted Carrie to pee on him in SATC? Not sure of his name ....

  20. Miranda looks HORRIBLE in that picture!! My God!

    I like Jen in that dress.

    UGH. I hate Malin's ensemble. If my eyes could vomit, they totally would. That looks like a Home Ec project gone awry.

    And guys, can we all agree that Stodden does a better Monroe than Lohan?

  21. Cancan- it's a louis vuitton capelet. Nene, from RHOA, wore it in South Africa on a safari. Very pretty though!

  22. i love Keanu too much to ignore the fact that he looks really poorly. He’s never put himself first when it comes to his health.

  23. ED always means Erectile Dysfunction to me first, then I remember it also means Eating Disorder. So every time someone says someone has an "obvious ED" my brain always has a Whaa? moment. Especially when it is said of a woman.

  24. LOL


    That's a whole other image ;-P

  25. I used to love Miranda, but not she is just like every other bland, same looking, too thin model. 5 years ago she was too thin, she needs to thicken up before she starts to LOOK old. Although her son is suuuuuuper adorable and def my favorite celeb baby

  26. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Dear ENTY, please do America a favor and stop encouraging talentless bimbos like Courtney Stodden by writing about them. You're doing a good deed by not featuring She with the Big Fat Ass who Shall Not Be Named for the entire month of February. How about the rest of 2012 without Courtney. Let's teach these girls a lesson that you have to do more than suck E list dick to be famous in this country.

  27. Agree with others who think that dress is doing JA no favors.

  28. When you dress Courtney Stodden up as Marilyn, you really see how opposite-of-fresh-faced she is. I saw the rest of the pix, that's the best one. Yikes.

    Don't like JA's dress. Want to see this movie, and Horrible Bosses, really bad!

    Justin Theroux is hot, and I've had it bad for him since Charlie's Angels. Was so happy when he showed up on Parks. Hot, hot, hot.

    Malin's dress reminds me of a magician doing a handkerchief trick. Or rather, the handkerchiefs themselves.

    Paul Rudd produced Party Down! I've now seen every episode and wish there were more. I didn't think I could like him more, but I DO!

  29. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Keanu may look tired here, but I wouldn't kick him out...he's looking good for 47 imho, but then I'm 42. ;)

    JA on the other hand, not so much. That dress really doesn't make sense (why the pouch?) and her choice of companion reeks of desperation. That guy will be gone soon.

    Yes! Katie Holmes is a soccer mom. Is she closeted too like her hubby?

    Miranda: stick thin with chubby face -- it appears to be bulimia, folks -- from a former ED sufferer.

  30. Boring. If I see one more MM imitation photo shoot, it will be 10 too many.

  31. I met a chick who slept with Keanu about five years ago. She confirmed what I already suspected, he is a bad lay! He just lays there like a limp fish. She was so excited to sleep with him, but was very disappointed.

  32. When I grow up I want to be Miranda Kerr....

    GAAAA!!!! When will this happen?? I am already 35!!

  33. I'm from New York and I've never carried my bag like that...



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