Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Random Photos Part Two

Julianne Moore looking lovely in New York City.
Joaquin Phoenix shooting his latest movie and then
taking a cigarette break.
Ke$ha without makeup. She looks great and totally different.
Laura Dern and Ben Harper back together.
Miley Cyrus gets worst outfit of the day with
Heidi Klum coming in second.
Mean Suvari gets yet another tattoo.


  1. Damn Miley, could you get any trashier? She tries so hard to be sexy, and looks like a tool.

    Julianne Moore on the other hand, is sexy as hell, and is completely covered.

  2. Ke$ha IS wearing makeup. However, it is tasteful and nicely done. Unlike her usual overkill and glitter.

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Julianne looks great.

    Kesha is pretty attractive. A good luck for her.

  4. Mean Suvari, Enty? What are you trying to say?

    Miley needs a stylist. Like, yesterday.

  5. Oh Miley, all your roots are showing.

    I don't care for Ke$ha, but she should look this way more often.

  6. Kesha looks great. I like her. Even though her persona can be annoying, she does not get papped and in trouble like others like her.

  7. I thought Ke$ha was Heidi Klum at first glance!

    Her "music" is pretty annoying, but her interviews are hilarious. She has a great sense of humor.

  8. Ida - I thought she looked like Heidi too, but I couldn't bring myself to type it!

  9. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Yikes, I mean a good LOOK! This coffee isn't helping me at all today, LOL!

    Ke$ha's music isn't for everyone, but I like it. "Blah Blah Blah" is one of the catchiest songs in recent years. "Take It Off", too.

  10. I applauded Miley for maturing and staying out of the spotlight for the last year. I take it back.

  11. Ke$ha looks like Sienna Miller there. Pretty good look. You know things are messed up when Ke$ha looks cleaner than Miley.

    I'll admit it. I'm crushing on Mena these days.

  12. Kesha may not be wearing makeup but she is definitely photoshopped. I do agree, that's the best she's ever looked.

  13. Kesha doesnt look like anybody other than who she really is- John Travolta.

    This is a younger, whiter, better wigged version of him. period.

    Ever since this was pointed out to me I cant see a pic of Kesha without wincing. Girl is a hot mess

  14. Kesha needs to stop dying her hair and take 1992 out of her nose...then I think she would look nice.

  15. I thought Kesha was Ashley Tisdale for a second. She looks great here!

  16. I know most of her music is crap, but I really like Ke$ha. She's funny, and smart. Work it, girl!

  17. I hope it wasn't Seal dressing Heidi all of these years. She looks like a bag lady.

  18. I love Joaquin. that's all.

  19. It looks like Ben and Laura are fighting in that picture and here's another take on Kesha. She also looks a little like Jessica Simpson.

    And somewhat off topic but how come Jess and that Duff girl are STILL pregnant but BeyBey had her babay after only 3 months?

  20. wow...kesha is lovely w/o the sctick! still no talent, but at least she's a looker. #impressed

  21. I think Kesha looks lovely. Strange girl but she doesn't try to hide that fact. I like her.

  22. I can't believe that little troll-doll fucked both hemsworth brothers.

  23. Julianne Moore IS lovely. I wish she'd wear lipstick once in a while, though.

  24. LOL@kerri

    I can't believe she is still news-worthy.

    I really can't stand buck-tooth she is so trashy.

  25. lol @ "without makeup"
