Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Matt Groenig gets a star finally and gets the top spot in the photos.
Angelina Jolie debuts her film in Bosnia.
Christian Bale and his family in Berlin.
Evan Rachel Wood looking lovely.
Hilary Duff must be getting close by now right?
Jim Carrey takes his student girlfriend out last night.
Ditto for Josh Duhamel and Fergie.
Jake Gyllenhaal presents the best actress award t Meryl Streep in Berlin.
Jon Hamm always in these hats.


  1. I wouldn't mind seeing Jon Hamm in nothing but the hat.

  2. So I assume everyone went to see the Jolie movie, maybe two or three times? And now I can't make fun of her aspirations to be more than an actress? (As if stomping around in a tank top in GONE IN SIXTY SECONDS wasn't the greatest artistic accomplishment of the 20th century?)

  3. For some reason, I appreciate that Christian Bale is hold his daughter's hand. I realize she's old enough to where she won't get separated easily. But I find it sweet and protective. They look like a pretty normal family.

  4. Mmmm. Hammmmmmmm....

    Holy SHIT. That shot of Hilary has prompted me to renew my BC prescription.

    I adore Evan's style. She kinda reminds me of a mini Cate Blanchett.

  5. Is it he dress or does Fergie have a gut bump [a la Whitney Houston]? And is she wearing thing 1 & 2 around her neck to distract from said gut bump?

  6. Does Fergie look pregnant to anyone else?

  7. Evan looks good. I like the dress.
    Hilary is adorable.
    For a moment I thought Jon Hamm was Bob Saget.

  8. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I can't stand Evan Rachel Wood, she always looks so smug, but damn that's a gorgeous dress. The shoes were an ok choice but could've been better.

  9. not a jolie fan, but love, love the dress

  10. I am loving The Hamm in The Hat. Fabulous.

    I can't believe that I am two degrees of separation -- or is that two steps and three degrees? -- from him.

  11. Jolie looks quite healthy in this shot!

    Duhamel is really starting to resemble Eric Dane.

  12. Is anyone else skeeved out by pregnant women in miniskirts or am I being weird?

    1. Yesss! We should not be able to see your first contraction.

  13. It seems to me like Hilary Duff has been pregnant for an eternity.

  14. Angie looks great. So does Evan.

    WTF is Fergie wearing?? It looks like Cousin It threw up on her.

  15. Re: Angie looking okay --- I don't know, I kinda think being able to see your breastbone and the bones sticking out of your elbow doesn't really say 'healthy' to me.

  16. Beyonce would have had 3 babies by now, Hilary and Jennifer Garner doing it in real time (9 months)

  17. Hilary could have chosen a more flattering outfit. The skirt doesn't even look like it is comfortable. Not sure how she could sit down in it.

  18. "We should not be able to see your first contraction."

    LOL! It's even worse now after those "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" clips on The Soup. Apparently those babies just slip right out any time you happen to squat down!

  19. I'm probably in the minority when I say that I like those little moccassin booties Hilary is wearing. :-)

  20. Fergie might look pregnant here, but she could also be bloated... I kind of think they both look a little lit in this pic. Maybe just out having some drinks on V Day.... but I kind of think this is why he is starting to look like Eric Dane. I just think if she was pregnant you would have been able to tell in that orange thing she wore to the Grammys like 3 days ago.

    The Jolie's overall body and face does look unusually healthy but check out that elbow and forearm-- that is fricking scary. It almost looks prosthetic.

  21. As soon as I saw Fergie at the Grammys I thought she was knocked up. There was a visible bump there; however, the dress was such a distraction that people were likely fixated on the fact that it would have been made out of that orange netting they use around freeway construction sites.

  22. I like Hilary's mocs too, but I also like ERW's too. The dress is great, not everyone can make a Peplum and a belt look stylish outside of 1987. Accentuates her tiny waist.

    The Jolie, the filmmaker is just as emaciated as The Jolie, the actress and The Jolie, the activist. That arm is freakin me out. Has anyone seen the movie?

    Did Jim Carrey raid KD Lang's closet?

  23. Angelina can look so lovely when she smiles and looks happy. I wish she didn't look so bony skinny.

    Christian and his wife and child make a nice family group, I hope his epic rants are reserved for the movie set.

    Maybe the short skirt on Hillary is so she can just stand over a bucket when her water breaks.

    Josh and Fergie look like they have already had fun for the evening.

  24. If Angie didn't have on her bolt-ons and a designer dress, she'd look like a concentration camp victim.

    Extremes aren't pretty at either end of the scale.

  25. I think Hillary is about as pregnant as I am and I will give birth in 3 weeks.

  26. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Yay Matt Groening! Portland on the Hollyweird map! And dare I say Angie has curves ?

  27. Yea, that star for Groenig is way overdue.

    Love Evan's dress!

    I loved Fergie's Grammy dress (the red) but am also wondering WTF she is wearing in that pic?

  28. Damn, Josh Duhamel looks hot. He's the one I want to hate but I can't stop drooling over him. He is ice cream, caramel, hot fudge and pecans.

  29. I thought the same thing, @RQ. (How are ya doing?)

    Jon Hamm is very good looking but I'll admit I have no idea who he is. I only went back and looked at his photo since it seems like he is pretty popular around here. ;0]

  30. At that stage of pregnancy whatever fits on your feet is good. Those moccasin boots are fun and probably easy on and off, so doubly good.

  31. Well thanks, Dixie! :)



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