Thursday, February 23, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Lindsay Lohan on her way into court and
later changes into her homemade overalls and chain smokes.
For someone who has as many tattoos as Miley Cyrus does, they are in places where they are really difficult to see. You would never know she has what? 10?
Look at how happy Martha Stewart is. We need more Martha Stewart on the site.
Oh, and Glenn Close. We need her too. The dogs can come too. They are some really cute dogs.
Paul Rudd is waving hi to you. He is. Just like the woman on Romper Room who would look into the mirror and read off names and you would think she was actually talking about you.
Reese Witherspoon in South Korea and also possibly pregnant. She keeps saying she wants more kids in every interview. Maybe that is her way of hinting. Or she could have too much kimchee.
Taylor Kitsch is all set to be the big bad movie star when John Carter is released. Hopefully he will not end up like
Frankie Muniz with his shady mustache and penchant for abusive behavior towards women.


  1. I'm amazed with all the photo's of Lindsay being drunk as a skunk the judge gave her a glowing review...

  2. Wait! What? Where did I miss that Malcom is abusive? *sheesh

    Lindsey, yuck

    Enty is softening towards Miley. hmmmmmm

  3. Is anyone else as over the plaid suit trend as I am? I just do not like it. Even on Paul Rudd...

    Lindsay has to be the backpage girl. She certainly isn't altering her looks in a manner that that would get more acting roles.

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    LL must be doing something to afford the purses and shoes.

  5. Now I'm thinking Muniz has got to be the answer to some blind out there.

  6. Their was a post on here about that, but I can't remember when, sorry.
    IIRC she called the cops because they got into it and he roughed her up? Maybe?

  7. Paul Rudd is adorable.

    Reese is so painfully boring.

    Kimchi is deeeelicious.

    Lindsay is a complete mess. What has she done to her face?!

  8. Wait: Miss Joan *wasn't* talking directly to me?

  9. Lindsey looks awful in that mint green dress and her hair looks worse than usual, she really needs to lay off the peroxide and dye her hair back to its natural red.

  10. Okay, who paid for Lindsay's purse, shoes and whatever is in the bag?

    Reese has been making the same hands-on-hips pose in every photo shoot lately.

  11. I think that's actually the least creepy photo of Frankie Muniz I've ever seen.

  12. Glenn Close for the Oscar alcoholic blind?

  13. Somebody should grab Lindsey and cut off that crappy hair, wear gloves!

    Martha looks great and she has the most wonderful laugh. It's just melodic.

    Cute dogs , nice to see Glenn walks her own dogs.

    Paul is adorable in plaid or out.

    Frankie was on a CSI or Criminal Minds or something where he was a
    guy who wrote graphic novels then had a psychotic break, he was extremely believable. He is not an attractive man, and this IS the best picture I've ever seen of him.

  14. That romper room bitch NEVER saw me....ever.

  15. me either Donna.

  16. When Lohan finishes her current gig she owes some restitution to the Fashion Police. Her hair and face are breaking some serious codes!

  17. How does Reese Witherspoon look pregnant?

  18. me three, canadachick & jax, lol!

  19. I didn't recognize Tim Riggins without a can of beer in his hand. Shouldn't he have a big ol' beer gut by now?

  20. I HATE the way Reese dresses. It doesn't matter whether she's jogging, shopping at the farmer's market, or going to a premiere. I am guaranteed to hate her outfit. It's a shallow concern, but whatever.

    God, I love Paul Rudd. I watched Our Idiot Brother the other night, and I am now convinced that he is hot and charming in EVERYTHING.

  21. Since we're having a Kartrashian free February, can we have a Lindsay free March? Maybe if we stop paying attention to her it will force her to get some help.

    I feel bad for Miley - sure I find her annoying as hell, but living your life with all that scrutiny must be hard. She got into the business so young she probably didn't understand what she was getting herself into.

    LOVE Martha. She's a bitch - she knows it and owns it. Plus she has great craft and decorating ideas.

    Paul Rudd is one of my biggest crushes. He seems so funny, sweet and down to earth. I'd probably turn into a blubbering idiot if I ever met him though.

  22. Taylor Kitsch in this section and Connie Britton in part 3. FNL FTW!

  23. How I recall it is, The story first went that Frankie had gotten physical in a fight. When they reconciled, the story was that both had been drinking and both had become physical in an argument. If the second version is true, it is possible to come back from that, but only if both quit the alcohol and maintain control over themselves sober.

  24. At least Miley seems to be getting most of her ink in places she can cover up--I know I'm hopelessly old-fashioned, but I just can't help but think that way too much obvious ink, esp. on women, can look trashy really fast. (Not to mention that most of them are going to regret getting whatever they got tattooed on their arms/legs/face/neck/hands...I believe the Brian Setzer tattoo rule of thumb is that one should never get ink anywhere that you can't cover up w/a long-sleeved dress shirt, because someday you might have to go to court, and odds are that the judge won't be as hip as you are. ;-)

  25. Paul Rudd is definitely waving at me. I just know it.

  26. I'm glad Reese has gone back to the "cute" look instead of trying for sexy. This works much better on her.

    Honestly, I'm looking forward to Battleship more than John Carter as far as Tim Riggins goes. John Carter just looks a little too hokey from the previews. Not that I won't be going on opening weekend, lol.

  27. Lindsay Lohan is going to become the next Angelyne. She's pretty close already. All she does really, is "being spotted".

  28. Great, you had to mention 'kimchee'. Freaking LOVE that stuff & am hunkered down from the snow & no way am I heading to the asian market today.

    Mmmmmm...kimchee & green onion pancakes!



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